Pass the Salt

“Pass the salt,please!” Maybe you hear that at meals. That's because people like salt. Also,people need salt. Salt isn't a food. It's a mineral(矿物质). It doesn't grow like a plant. It is found in rocks.

Here is why we need salt. Our bodies contain much water. Salt is in the water. We lose salt when we sweat. We also lose it if we bleed. That’s why we need more salt every day. True,it may make our food taste better,but it is more important than that. People who don't get enough salt may die!

Salt is found in many places. It is in the oceans and underground. Much of our salt comes from salt mines. People work in the mines. They dig out big chunks(大块)of salt. The salt chunks are brought to the surface. There they are crushed. Some of the salt becomes small chunks. These chunks are used to make many things,such as foods and chemicals. Some crushed salt becomes tiny grains. This is the salt that ends up on your table.

Salt has long been important to people. In ancient times,people were even paid with salt! In fact,our word “salary" comes from the Roman word for salt. People long ago used salt to keep meat fresh. The meat was packed in salt. This kept it from spoiling. People also used salt as a medicine. That's why the word “salt” sometimes means “good”. “You're the salt of the Earth,” people say. That's their way of saying. “You're OK with me!”

1.Where is salt from?

A.Plants. B.Rocks. C.Meals. D.Minerals.

2.If we don’t have enough salt,what may happen?

A.We sweat more. B.We bleed a lot. C.We may die.

D.We make the food better.

3.In ancient times,people didn't use salt for_____________.

A.paying for things B.keeping meat fresh C.making money D.working as a medicine

4.What's the main idea of the passage?

A.Salt is necessary for all people.

B.How do people find salt.

C.How to break salt into small pieces.

D.People take salt out of the Earth.

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