Last summer, Mark became a middle school student. He took an English test in the first month. Mark was a good student and he worked hard. He finished the questions easily until he read the last one: ¡°Everyone sees our school¡¯s cleaner every day. What¡¯s her first name?¡± Of course, this question is a little special. Mark saw the woman some times. She was tall and her hair was dark. But Mark didn¡¯t talk with her and didn¡¯t know her first name. The test was over. Then one student asked the teacher, ¡°Is the last question very important in this test?¡± ¡°Yes,¡± said the teacher. ¡°In our life, we meet many hard-working people. They are important. You should care about them. You should smile at them or say ¡®hello¡¯ to them.¡± Mark never forgot that question. He also learned that woman¡¯s first name. It was Kathy.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ1¡¿What test did Mark have in his first month in the middle school?

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ2¡¿ What did Mark know about his school¡¯s cleaner?
A£®She was a little special.
B£®She was tall with dark hair.
C£®She often talked with the students.
D£®Mark knew her first name.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ3¡¿What did Mark¡¯s teacher think of the last question?
A£®It was fun.B£®It was interesting.
C£®It was boring.D£®It was important.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ4¡¿What does the sentence ¡°You should smile at them or say ¡®hello¡¯ to them.¡± mean?
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ5¡¿What¡¯s the title£¨±êÌ⣩of the passage?
A£®A Special Question
B£®A Hard-working Cleaner
C£®A Good Teacher
D£®A Clever Student


¡¾Ð¡Ìâ1¡¿¸ù¾ÝHe took an English test in the first month.¿É֪ѡC¡£
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ2¡¿¸ù¾ÝShe was tall and her hair was dark.¿É֪ѡB¡£
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ3¡¿¸ù¾Ý¡°Is the last question very important in this test?¡± ¡°Yes,¡± said the teacher. ¿É֪ѡD¡£

Buying Fish

¡¡¡¡One afternoon last summer, Mr Fred went to buy a fish because a friend of his was coming to have supper with him that evening.

¡¡¡¡It was hot. Most of the fish were not so fresh, but the shopkeeper said, ¡°Sir, the fish is fresh. Please buy one.¡±

¡¡¡¡Mr Fred held on fish up to his nose and smelled it.

¡¡¡¡¡°Why did you smell that fish? Do you think it had gone bad?¡± shouted the shopkeeper.

¡¡¡¡¡°I wasn't smelling that fish. I was only talking to it.¡± answered Fred.

¡¡¡¡¡°Talking to it?¡± said the shopkeeper. ¡°Why? What did you say to it?¡±

¡¡¡¡¡°Well, what did the fish say to you?¡±

¡¡¡¡¡°It said it didn't know the latest (×îеÄ) news because it hadn't been in the river for more than a week.¡±

(1) Mr Fred went to buy a fish because ________.


A£®one of his friends would have supper with him

B£®he liked fish very much

C£®a friend of his liked fish very much

D£®he wanted to have a party

(2) Most of fish weren't fresh because of ________.


A£®cold weather
B£®keeping too long
C£®hot weather
D£®the bad refrigerator

(3) Why did Fred pick up one fish and smelt it?


A£®Because he thought it had gone bad.

B£®Because he wanted to eat a fresh fish.

C£®Because he wanted to talk to it.

D£®Because he wanted to get the latest news from the fish.

(4) How did the shopkeeper understand his words?


A£®He thought Fred was a foolish man.

B£®He didn't believe what Fred said.

C£®He didn't hear Fred clearly.

D£®He didn't know if his fish could speak.

(5) Which sentence is right?


A£®Fred could really talk to a fish.

B£®He was a bad man.

C£®Fred understood fish's words.

D£®He was clever and humorous.

Dear Donald,
Last summer I had a chance to visit the other side of the world. | went to Beijing with my friends. I visited the Great Wall and was deeply impressed by its length. I had never seen such a great wall before!  Walking less than a mile on the wall made me very tired, but I was very excited. I used up three camera films in four hours.
Shopping was another interesting part of the trip. In the Silk Market, I bought a silk shirt for  just a quarter of the price the trader asked for.
I have many memories and experiences to share. I am so lucky to have seen such a culture so different from my own. I will remember my trip to china forever!
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ1¡¿Who visited Beijing last summer?
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ2¡¿How many camera films did Jane use up in four hours on the Great Wall?
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ3¡¿Which was another interesting part of the trip?
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ4¡¿Did Jane buy a silk shirt?
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ5¡¿Why is Jane so lucky?

Once I spoke at a high school. After the speech, the principal asked me to see a special student. An     1   had kept the boy home, but he had expressed an interest in meeting me, and it would mean a great deal to him. I agreed.
He was Matthew.   2  he was born, the doctor told his parents that he would not live to see five, then they were told    3  would not make it to ten. Now he was thirteen. He wanted to meet me because I was a gold-medal weight lifter.
I spent over an hour talking to Matthew. He spoke about   4  and succeeding and seeking£¨×·Ñ°£©his dreams.
When we finished talking, I went to my    5 and pulled out the first gold medal I won and put it around his neck. I told him he was more of a winner and knew more about    6   and overcoming obstacles£¨¿Ë·þÕÏ°­£©than I ever would. He looked at it for a while, then took it off and handed it   7  to me. He said, ¡°You are a champion. You earned that medal. Someday when I get to the Olympics and win my own medal, I will show it to you.¡±
Last summer I got the news that Matthew had   8   and a letter Matthew had written to me a few days before:
Dear Rick,
My mom said I should send you a thank-you letter. The doctors are   9  to tell me that I don't have long to live any more. But I still smile as much as I can.
I told you that in the future I was going to the Olympics and win a gold medal. But I know now I'll      10   . I know I'm a champion, and God knows that too. When I get to Heaven, God will give me my medal and when you get there, I will show it to you.
Thank you for loving me.
Your friend

A£®went awayB£®passed awayC£®stayed awayD£®moved away


I was not a confident girl before. I   36   spoke in fornt of the class because I was afraid of making mistakes. My family went to Mount Tai last summer holiday. Something important  37   there and it changed me greatly.

We  38   there early in the morning and began to climb. Soon all of us felt tired  39  the stairs were really steep(¶¸Ç͵Ä). An hour later, we stopped to have a rest. While we were having a rest, my mother changed her  40  and decided not to climb any more. I couldn¡¯t decide whether to stay there or go on  41  with my father.¡°No matter how hard it is, I am  42  you can get there.¡± Said my father. So again we  43  the hard journey. We were very tired,   44  we kept going on and on. Another hour later, we reached the top. It was really beautiful. My father and I were so excited that we couldn¡¯t help  45  happily. What an interesting trip!

1..A. never             B. always          C. sometimes

2..A. left                  B. continued       C. happened

3..A. arrive                B. arrived         C. arrived at

4.A.because         B. because of      C. so

5..A. place             B. mind                 C. road

6..A. climb             B. to climb             C. climbing

7.A. sorry         B. afraid               C. sure

8..A. ended        B. stopped              C. started

9..A. and          B. but                  C. though

10..A. jumping up           B. jumping into         C. jump up


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