
     Sharon is a    1    girl. Today Mr and Mrs Black are    2    her to the amusement park(游乐场). The amusement park
is    3    far from    4    home. So they are taking the  subway to go there. There are only a few people on the train. They
are all sitting    5    their seats. Sharon is happy. She is looking    6    from the window.  "Come here and    7   , "Mr Black
"I want this train can go    8    faster, then I can play in the park. "    It takes about forty minutes to arrive at the park.
They    9    the tickets and go in. At noon, the Blacks are sitting    10    the table in the park. They're having lunch happily.
(     )1. A. ten year old
(     )2. A. taking      
(     )3. A. quite      
(     )4. A. their      
(     )5. A. at          
(     )6. A. out        
(     )7. A. stands up  
(     )8. A. much        
(     )9. A. find        
(     )10. A. in        
B. ten-year-old
B. carrying    
B. a lot      
B. they        
B. for        
B. in          
B. sit down    
B. more        
B. sell        
B. at          
C. ten-years old
C. having      
C. much        
C. them        
C. on          
C. for          
C. to sit down  
C. most        
C. lose        
C. on          
D. ten-years-old
D. bringing    
D. a few        
D. her          
D. in          
D. outside      
D. standing up  
D. the most    
D. buy          
D. under        
1-5 BAAAC   6-10 DBADB
         Mr Turner lived in a town and worked in a post office. He wanted to travel in the capital but he couldn't.
His mother was often ill in bed and he had to spend a lot of money on her medicine. Luckily he won in a lottery
(彩票) and got a lot of money one day. He bought a car and decided to take his holiday in London with his wife. 
          It was Saturday and there were many cars on the roads. At a crossing a traffic accident happened and
several cars and buses were hit. They had to wait for a long time. When they got to the hospital, they were both
thirsty and hungry. They went to a restaurant and wanted to have something. But there were a lot of people in it.
They had to sit down to queue up. After a while a waiter came out and shouted, "Who's Mr Jenkins?"
          But nobody answered and the waiter had to leave. Mr Turner said to his wife,"I'm sure Mr Jenkins
ordered dinner here but he hasn't come. I'd better take his place by assuming (冒用) his name and will be able
to have dinner earlier."
        "That's a good idea!" said his wife.
         After a while the waiter came out and shouted again, "Who's Mr Jenkins, please?"
         Mr Jenkins came up to him and said, "It's Mr Jenkins here, sir. What's the matter?"
        "Wonderful!" the waiter called out happily. "Your family are waiting for you inside!"
1. Mr Turner u_____ to spend much money on his mother's medicine and couldn't a ____ to travel in capital.
2. Luckily he won in a lottery one day and became r_____. He bought a car and decided to make a t_____ to
    London with his wife.
3. Mr and Mrs. Turner felt thirsty and hungry b____ a traffic accident made them w____ long.
4. When they drove to a restaurant they found it f_____ of people and had to wait in l_____.
5. Mr Turner wanted to have dinner e_____ with his wife by assuming Mr Jenkins' name, but he f_____ to
    make it.
    Once there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered (坏脾气的) and never gave way to    1  .
    One day the father    2   to ask some friends to dinner in his house. He   3   his son to buy some meat
in town. When the son walked towards the town gate, a man was coming from the outside. The gate wasn't   4   enough to let two men in and out at the same time. But neither of   5   would give way to the other.
They stood straight face to face inside the gate hour after hour. But the father was worried. "What shall I
do? My son hasn't   6   yet. I can't wait any more." He wanted to know what was the   7  with his son. So
he left his friends at home,and went to town   8   his son.
    "You may first take the   9   home for my friends. Let me  10  here against him instead." he said to his
son when he knew what had happened.
(     )1. A. one        
(     )2. A. decided    
(     )3. A. hoped      
(     )4. A. long       
(     )5. A. their     
(     )6. A. gone       
(     )7. A. wrong      
(     )8. A. to look for
(     )9. A. meat       
(     )10. A. stood     
B. another     
B. decides     
B. told        
B. wide        
B. they        
B. bought      
B. accident    
B. looked for    
B. dinner     
B. stands     
C. other       
C. decide     
C. let        
C. high        
C. them        
C. returned     
C. thing      
C. to find   
C. bread     
C. stand   
D. others      
D. decision    
D. tells     
D. tall         
D. theirs       
D. been        
D. matter                         
D. found      
D. money        
D. standing   
     Last May I stayed in Paris for a week. That was my ___1__ trip there. One morning I ___2__ out to
visit EuroDisney, but I didn't know ___3___ way to go, so I stopped a stranger and asked, "Excuse me,
does this street lead to EuroDisney?  Yes," he answered. "Go along this street and turn left at the second
turning. You can't ___4__ it. "
     So I ___5__ two blocks and turned to my left, but EuroDisney ___6__ there. Then I asked a second
stranger. He said, "Go along this street and turn left at the second turning." But ___7__ I couldn't find Euro
Disney. I asked a third stranger and he gave the same answer. But this time I found EuroDisney. Just then
___8__ walked up and said, "Excuse me, where is the __9___ bank?" I answered __10__, "Go along this
street and turn left at the second turning!"
(     )1. A. one      
(     )2. A. went    
(     )3. A. how      
(     )4. A. get      
(     )5. A. walked  
(     )6. A. were    
(     )7. A. again    
(     )8. A. no one  
(     )9. A. nearest  
(     )10. A. early  
B. first        
B. stopped      
B. why          
B. miss        
B. made        
B. had          
B. at first    
B. someone      
B. nearer      
B. quietly      
C. two        
C. flied      
C. which      
C. see        
C. turned      
C. wasn't      
C. at last    
C. anyone      
C. near        
C. later      
D. twice      
D. ran        
D. when        
D. arrive      
D. kept        
D. was        
D. nobody      
D. nobody      
D. cheapest    
D. quickly    
     We were going to play a team from a country school. They didn't come
until the game time arrived. They looked     l     than we had thought.  They
were wearing dirty blue jeans antl looked like farm boys.We even thought
that they had never seen a basketball before.
     We all sat down. We felt that we didn't   2   any practice against a team
like that.
     It was already so late that no   3    could be given to them for a warm-up.
     The game began.
     One of our boys     4     the ball and he shot a Iong pass to our forward
(前锋).  From out of no where a boy jn a dirty T-shirt    the pass and with
a beautiful form(姿势)he shot and got two points.
    They  6    us.
    Then they got another  7________of points in a minute.
    Soon it was all over. The country team 8    us.
    We certainly learned that even though a team is good, tbere is usually
another  9________ a little better.But the imnportant lesson learned was
One can't tell a man, or a team, by the10____________.
(     )1.A.stronger
(     )2.A.get      
(     )3.A.basket  
(     )4.A.got      
(     )5.A.caught  
(     )6.A.surprised
(     )7.A.half    
(     )8.A.won      
(     )9.A.just    
(     )10.A.T-shirts
       Mr. Brown are going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, " If anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to
ask him to sit down for a cup of tea."
      "OK, Dad," said his son. But Mr. Brown was afraid his son couldn't remember this, he wrote these
words down on a piece paper and gave it to his son. His son put it to the small pocket, took it out and
looked it every now and then.
      Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that no one came and that piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt(燃烧) it that evening.
      The next evening, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, "Where is your father?" The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He couldn't find it. He suddenly remembered that he had burnt it, so he shouted, "No more."
      The man was surprised. He asked, "No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?"
      "Burnt yesterday evening."
1. Mr Brown told his son that _________.
A. he would be away from home for four days.   
B. he would be back in seven days.
C. he would be back in a month        
D. he liked a cup of tea
2. Mr Brown wrote the words down on _________.    
A. on the wall    
B. the door    
C. a piece of paper  
D. his son's pocket
3. A man came to visit the boy's father on________    
A. the second day    
B. the third day    
C. the fourth day      
D. the fifth day
4. The man was very surprised because_________   
A. he thought the boy's father was dead  
B. the child didn't ask him to sit down
C. the child gave him a cup of tea        
D. he couldn't find that piece of paper
5. What was burnt? ________.       
A. The piece of paper    
B. Mr Brown    
C. The visitor  
D. The boy
       I was one of the seven children and went to the same school as my three elder sisters and brothers.
We all went to the plant sale held in early May every year, just in time for Mother's Day.
       When I was in Grade Three, I wanted to surprise my mother with a gift, but I didn't have any money. My elder sister gave me some. I carefully made my selection(选择)  at the plant sale.  I looked at all the
plants on sale very carefully and finally chose a lovely geranium (天竺葵).  Once I had brought it home, I
hid it on the neighbor's porch (门廊).
       On Mother's Day,  I was bursting (突然打开) with pride when I gave her the plant. I remember how bright her eyes were, and how pleased she was with my gift.
       A few years later, my younger sister wanted to buy a geranium for our mother. As my elder sister did
for me, I gave her some money to buy one at the plant sale. She arrived back from the sale full of nervous excitement. The geranium was hidden in a paper bag under her sweater, "I looked at every plant,"  she
explained,  ' and I know I got the best one ! "
       With a sweet sense of family tradition(惯例) , helped my little sister hide that geranium. I was there
when she gave it to my mother, and I watched them both bursting with happiness. My mother noticed me watching. She gave me a soft, secret smile. I felt a tug(拽) at my heart as I smiled back.  I wondered how my mother could pretend to be surprised at this gift from her sixth child. But as I watched her eyes light up with pleasure at the sight of the most special gift, I knew she was not pretending.
1. Which of the seven children was the writer?
A. The third.          
B. The fourth.
C. The fifth.          
D. The sixth.
2. What did the children go to the plant sale for? 
A. To buy their mother a gift.
B. To sell some flowers.
C. To make money for their mother.
D. To look at all the plants.
3. Why did the writer hide the geranium on the neighbor's porch? 
A. Because she was afraid the other children saw it.
B. Because she was afraid the others stole it.
C. Because she wanted to make it live a long time.
D. Because she wanted to give their mother a surprise.
4. "She gave me a soft, secret smile" shows that
A. the mother was very surprised
B. the mother knew about it
C. the mother was pretending to be happy
D. the mother knew the writer bought the gift
5. What's the best title of the passage?
A. Mother's Day
B. Lovely Mother
C. The Most Special Geranium
D. Mother's Love