
101. 我们以张晓光, 一名来自辽宁的宇航员而自豪。

We _____________ Zhang Xiaoguang, an astronaut from Liaoning.


      Harry Potter is ___________________ all the kids like it.

103. 我们应该好好照顾妇女和儿童。

Women and children should ________________ by us.

104. 丹东的街道比以前干净多了。

The streets in Dandong are ________________ than before.

105. 当地震发生时他们正在上课。

       When the earthquake happened, ________________.

106. 你曾经读过冰心写的书吗?

     __________________ the books written by Bing Xin?

107. 晚饭后为什么不去散步呢?

108. 我想去放松的地方。

109. 我的妹妹过去害怕游泳。

110. 你擅长数学吗?

111. 她希望有朝一日去丹东。

101. are proud of / take pride in

102. so interesting / fun that / such an interesting / a fun movie that

103. be taken good care of /be looked after well / be cared for well

104. much / a lot / even / far cleaner

105. they were having / taking a class / a lesson / classes / lessons.

106. Have you (ever) read/Did you ever read

107.Why not /Why don’t you/we/walk/ take(have) a walk/go for a walk/go for walks/after(eating) dinner/supper? What/How about going/taking/having…?

108. I want /would like to go somewhere relaxing / to a relaxing place /relaxing places.

109. My sister used to be afraid / terrified of swimming. / be afraid to swim.

110. Are you good at math(s)? / Do you do well in math(s)?

111. She hopes / wishes to go to Dandong some day / one day / someday. / She hopes (that) she can (will) go to Dandong some day / one day / someday.


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