The Fairy Penguin

Webbed feet

Fairy penguins are the smallest of all the penguins in the world. They live in the south of Australia and in New Zealand.

Fairy penguins weigh (重) about one kilogram. They stand thirty centimeters (厘米) tall. Their back feather (羽毛) are dark blue and their front feathers are white. They have a beak and webbed feet.

Fairy penguins live on the land and in the sea. They are very good swimmers but they cannot fly. They eat small fish.

Fairy penguins breed (繁殖) on land. The mother penguins lay two white eggs in a hole. The mother and father penguins share the job of sitting on the eggs.

When the baby penguins come out, the mother and father penguins bring food from the sea. In eight weeks the baby penguins can have grown feathers. They are soon ready to look for their own food. Fairy penguins are often in danger. Wild animals eat them; people catch them; they have no place to live in. If their numbers become too small, these little penguins might leave our world forever.

1.Are fairy penguins the smallest of all the penguins in the world?


2.What color are fairy penguins’ feathers?


3.What do fairy penguins eat?


4.Who shares the job of sitting on the mother penguin’s eggs?


5.Why are fairy penguins often in danger?


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