

                Keep off the grass

    There are notices(告示牌)with “keep off the grass” in gardens and parks. Don’t walk or lie on the grass. You must protect the environment(环境).

                Keep the change

    You go to buy something in a shop. You give more money to pay for it, the assistant or waiters will pay back some money. You can say “keep the change” to let them keep the money for themselves.

                 Keep goal

   When you watch a football, hockey(曲棍球)or cricket(板球)game, you will hear the words “ keep goal”. Guards(守门员)should stop the opposing(对方的)players from scoring(得分)。

               Earn the keep

    You should earn the keep to make a living. You need money to buy food, clothes and all the other things. If you don’t work hard, you won’t have enough money to eat, wear or live.

               Keep going

If you are in a difficult situation(境况), you must keep going. The life will be better in the future. You should try to live a happy life.

A. keep off the grass     B. keep the change     C. keep goal 

D. earn the keep         E. keep going

1.The poor family       although they now have a bad life.

2.You are old enough. It’s time for you to get a job to        .We will never give you money.

3.Did you see the football game yesterday? The guard       well in the game,

4.The notice says “          .” Sam, get out of the garden.

5.Here are ten dollars. Please        for a tip.(小费)










试题分析:这篇文章讲述了几个关于keep的短语;keep off the grass别践踏草地;keep the change零钱不用找了;Keep goal守球门;earn the keep谋得生计;Keep going继续;维持下去。

1.句意:这个贫困的家庭一直在继续,尽管他们现在的生活很糟糕。结合文章解释,Keep going继续;维持下去。

2.句意:你已经够大了,你应该找份工作维持生计,我们不会再给你钱。结合文章解释,earn the keep谋得生计。

3.句意:你看了昨天的足球比赛吗?守门员的表现很出色。结合文章解释,Keep goal守球门。

4.句意:公告写着:别践踏草地。Sam离开了草地。结合文章解释,keep off the grass别践踏草地。

5.句意:这是10美元,零钱不用找了,做小费。结合文章解释,keep the change零钱不用找了。




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