Nothing could stop this man after his leg were badly burnt at the age eight .Cunningham was given up by doctors who believed he would be a hopeless disabled man to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. "He will never be able to walk again "they said, "no chance.

The doctors checked his legs, but they had no way of looking into Glenns heart. He didn’t listen to the doctors and expected to walk again. Lying in bed, his thin, red legs covered with scar tissue, Glenn promised, "I’m going to get out of bed next week. I'm going to walk. "And he did just that.

His mother told how she used to look out of the windows to watch Glenn reach up and take old of an old plow(犁)in the yard, With a hand on each handle(把手). he began to make his hurt legs move. And with every step of pain, he came closer to walking. Soon he began to run slower before long he was running. When he started to run he became even more determined( 坚决的 ).

I always believed that I could walk, and I did. Now I,m going to run faster than ever. "And so he did. He became a great runner who set the world record of 406"in one-mile race in 1934. He was honored as the excellent athlete of the century at Madison Square Garden.

1.What happened to Glenn when he was eight?

A.He had bad heart disease. B.A car accident happened to him

C.His legs were badly burnt. D.He met a serious medical accident.

2.What made Glenn walk again?

A.Good medicine B.His hard work.

C.Doctors ' treatment. D.His mother's trust

3.Paragraph 3 mainly tells us .

A.How Glenn made his legs move Glenn played with the plow Glenn ran faster than ever Glenn made himself walk again

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