
Could you be a genius like Einstein? A genius needs to learn and think. Reading is a good idea, but it is not enough. Einstein’s advice is to use your brain more. Here are some tips:
l Ask. When you look at new things, ask why they are new or different. Ask more questions. Ask yourself and others. Keep thinking until you find the answers.
l Draw. Einstein thought in pictures. Sometimes, it helps to draw problems and ideas.
l Read. Try to read new things. Read books from different parts of the library. After you read, think about the ideas you have learned. Are they different from what you thought?
l Relax. Many ideas come when you are relaxed. Take some time to relax yourself in the ways like taking a walk in a park, going to a concert or a museum.
l Write. Keep a diary. Write down your questions and ideas. Write down new ideas after you read.
l Share. Einstein used to talk to his friends and explain his ideas. Sometimes, a friend can help you find the answer to a problem.
l Be brave. Do not let other people say your ideas are silly. Explain yourself. Let other people explain why they think you are wrong. Then decide.
【小题1】What can we do to relax ourselves according to the passage?

A.Keeping a diary.
B.asking questions.
C.Taking a walk.
D.Reading mew things.
【小题2】The author suggested we should    if other people say our ideas are silly.
A.discuss the ideas with others
B.draw problems and ideas
C.go to a museum with others
D.write down your ideas
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.A genius needs to learn and think.
B.We should find the answers all by ourselves.
C.Einstein’s advice is to use our brain more.
D.Einstein liked to talk to his friends and explain his ideas.


解析【小题1】根据文章内容Relax. Many ideas come when you are relaxed. Take some time to relax yourself in the ways like taking a walk in a park, going to a concert or a museum可知答案为C
【小题2】根据文章内容Einstein used to talk to his friends and explain his ideas. Sometimes, a friend can help you find the answer to a problem.可知答案为A


Have you ever heard the saying "If you want a friend, be one"? If you want to make friends with others, you should be friendly to them first.

      Here is how one new teacher made friends with the students in her class on the first day of school. As the bell rang, the teacher smiled (微笑) at each student. Then she said in a quiet voice,"Good morning. How nice it is to have all of you in my class this year. I'd like to know each of you. I am sure we will enjoy working together." Her voice was sweet(甜美的) and her look was friendly, so everyone felt happy.

      She told the students her name and wrote it on the blackboard. Then she told them some of the things she liked to do and she hoped to do with them during the year. Then she said to the boys and girls, "Now you know my name and the things I like and I want to know your names and the things you like."

      Could you make friends by doing the same as this teacher did?

      One way of getting to know girls and boys in your class is to find out more about them. People often make friends with those who are the same as them. You play the same games and go on vacations together. It is a good way to make friends.

1.判断正误。The teacher's voice was sweet. 【  】

2.完成句子。She told the students                          and wrote it on the blackboard.

3.完成句子。One way of getting to know girls and boys in your class is to                           .





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