
—Could I speak to Tom, please?        
—Sorry, he isn’t here at the moment. He _______Hangzhou on business .        
[     ]
A. went to  
B. has gone to  
C. goes to  
D. has been to

One summer vacation in my college, my roommate Ted asked to me to work on his father’s farm in Argentina. The idea was exciting. Then I had second thoughts. I had never been far from New England, and I had been homesick my first few weeks at college. What about the language? The more I thought about it, the more the idea worried me.
Finally, I turned down the invitation. Then I realized I had turned down something I wanted to do because I was scared and felt depressed(沮丧). That experience taught me a valuable lesson and I developed a rule for myself: do what makes you anxious(焦虑); don’t do what makes you depressed.
In my senior year, I wanted to be a writer. But my professor wanted me to teach. I hesitated. The idea of writing was much scarier than spending a summer in Argentina. Back and forth I went, making my decision, unmaking it. Suddenly I realized that every time I gave up the idea of writing, that downhearted feeling went through me.
Giving up writing really depressed me. Then I learned another lesson. To avoid the depression meant having to bear much worry and concern.
When I first began writing articles, I often interviewed big names. Before each interview I would get butterflies in the stomach. One of them was the great composer Duke Ellington. On the stage and on television, he seemed very confident. Then I learned Ellington still got stage fright(害怕). If Ellington still had anxiety attacks, how could I avoid them? I went on doing those frightening interviews. Little by little, I was even looking forward to the interviews. Where were those butterflies?
In truth, they were still there, but fewer of them. I had learned from a process psychologists(心理学家) call “extinction”. If you put an individual in an anxious situation often, finally there isn’t anything to be worried about, which brings me to a conclusion: you’ll never get rid of anxiety by avoiding the things that caused it.
The point is that the new, the different, is definitely scary. But each time you try something, you learn, and as the learning piles up, the world opens to you.
【小题1】We can infer from the passage that the author________. 

A.finds it difficult to make decision
B.has found out what causes anxiety
C.was encouraged by Duke Ellington’s stage fright
D.no longer feels anxious about new experiences
【小题2】What does the word “extinction” in Paragraph 6 means?
A.a person’s loss of confidence little by little
B.the natural development of a child’s abilities
C.the inborn ability to avoid anxious situations
D.the process of losing fear by keeping facing anxiety
【小题3】Which of the following opinions does the writer probably accept?
A.Anxiety can be a positive drive
B.Hesitation leads to depression.
C.Avoiding anxiety reduces depression.
D.Depression is a signal that one is growing up.
【小题4】What's the best title for the passage?
A.Confidence: Key to Success
B.Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name
C.Depression: A Psychological Appearance
D.Success: A Trip Through Anxiety and Depression

The weather is something no one can control. Maybe that is   16   there are so many expressions about the weather, especially about   17  .

    Sometimes, when you need rain, you do not get any. Other times, you get rain when you don’t need it.   18   a baseball game for example, a sudden rainstorm can stop an exciting game. If the game cannot continue, people who bought the tickets are given “rain checks”. These are   19   tickets that will let them see a   20   game for free.

   “Rain Check” now means a second chance at something. Shops may offer “rain checks” when they sell out all of a product(产品) — a television set, for example, at a special low price.   21   all the TV sets have been sold out, the shop gives rain checks to those who wanted to buy   22  . The rain check allows a person to buy the TV set later at the same low price after the shop receives some   23   TV sets from the factory.

    “Rain Check” is also used in social situations. It’s a way of   24   an invitation, but for a later time.

    You may ask for a “Rain Check” if you are invited to a friend’s house for dinner, but can’t be there right now. You say, “I would love to go, but I’m busy. Could I have a rain check?”   25   you are asking if you could have dinner with your friend at another time. It seems that your friend will probably ask you to dinner very soon next time.

1.A. what               B. where            C. why              D. when

2.A. weather            B. cloud            C. sky              D. rain

3.A. Bring              B. Take             C. Give             D. Carry

4.A. beautiful          B. special         C. expensive        D. cheap

5.A. better             B. larger          C. later            D. earlier

6.A. But                B. Before           C. Where            D. After

7.A. it                 B. one              C. this             D. that

8.A. much               B. better           C. more             D. less

9.A. refusing           B. printing        C. sending          D. accepting

10.A. In fact           B. Of course        C. By the way       D. At least



Jim: Hello! 6785238.

Wu: Hello! Could I s  1   to Jim ,please ?                            1              

Jim: This is Jim .

Wu: Hi, Jim . Summer holidays will begin next week. W  2   will you spend your holidays this year ?                                                           2              

Jim: I’m going to Nanjing .

Wu: Oh, Nanjing is a p   3    of interest . Have you ever been there before?  3               

Jim: N  4    . I’ve never been there.                                     4            

Someone says it’s very hot there i    5 summer.                            5_________

Wu:Yes.How will you go there?                                                                     

Jim: B  6  train.                                                    6            

Wu: I hope you will e  7    yourself in Nanjing.                          7  _________

Jim: Thank you . And what about you ?                               

Wu: Maybe my father will t__8___me to some cities in the south.              8              

Jim: That’ll b   9    very interesting.  Have a good time!                  9               

Wu: Thanks, g   10                                                   10           


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