Clara Daly was sitting on an Alaska Airlines flight from Boston to Los Angeles when she heard a worried voice over the loudspeaker: "Does anyone on board know American Sign Language?"

Clara, 15 at the time, pressed the call button. An air hostess came by and explained the situation. "We have a passenger on the plane who's blind and deaf," she said. The passenger seemed to want something, but he was traveling alone and the air hostesses couldn't understand what he needed.

Clara had been studying ASL for the past year to help blind and deaf people and she knew she'd be able to finger spell into the man's palm. So she rose from her seat, walked toward the front of the plane, and knelt by the seat of Tim Cook, then 64. Gently taking his hand, she signed, "How are you? Are you OK?" Cook asked for some water.

When it arrived, Clara returned to her seat. She came by again a bit later because he wanted to know the time. On her third visit, she stopped and stayed for a while.

"He didn't need anything. He was lonely and wanted to talk," Clara said.

So for the next hour, she talked about her family and her plans for the future. Cook told Clara how he had become blind over time and shared stories of his days as a traveling salesman. "Even though he couldn't see her, she looked attentively at his face with such kindness," a passenger reported.

"Clara was amazing," an air hostess told Alaska Airlines in an interview. "You could tell Cook was very excited to have someone he could speak to, and she was such an angel."

Cook's reply: "Best trip I've ever had."

1.What was the air hostesses' problem?

A.They had a very difficult passenger. B.They couldn't understand the passenger.

C.They didn't know the passenger's name. D.They didn't have what the passenger wanted.

2.Why did Clara Daly believe she could help?

A.Because she happened to learn some ASL. B.Because she had helped people like Cook.

C.Because she thought she might know Cook. D.Because her grandfather had the same problem.

3.Why did Tim Cook keep asking for service?

A.Because he was hungry and thirsty. B.Because he needed someone to talk to.

C.Because he was afraid of taking planes. D.Because he was interested in Clara's story.

4.Which of the following words best describe Clara Daly?

A.Brave and clever. B.Beautiful and lovely.

C.Patient and caring. D.Outgoing and friendly.

英雄源于平凡,在新冠肺炎疫情发生期间涌现出了很多平凡而伟大的英雄,李华的妈妈就是其中之一,她是一位援鄂医疗队的医生。假如你是李华,请根据以下信息及提示,以“Mum is my hero” 为题完成一篇学校“战疫情”主题征文。


1. 医生,40多岁,工作15年。

2. 瘦高个,长发,微笑。

3. 善良,热心……


1. 面对危险,主动请战,剪短头发。

2. 严谨工作,救治病人,带去希望。

3. 每天工作超过11小时,奋战了一个月。


1. 妈妈微信告诉我……

2. 我为妈妈感到骄傲,……






Mum is my hero

My mum is a doctor_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

After hearing of the outbreak of novel Corona-virus, my mum offered to join the medical team assisting Wuhan.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

During the stay in Wuhan, my mum sometimes chatted with me on WeChat. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A Tomato Fairy

A few years ago, I was working a part-time summer job at a local _______ shop. While handing a hot fudge sundae to an old woman at the drive-thru window, I noticed that she had a box of purple _______.

As I handed her the sundae, I said, “Those tomatoes look so special! What kind are they?"

She grinned(露齿而笑)and replied, “Here, have some!”, Within _______, I had a handful of purple tomatoes.

“Oh, no, you don’t need to give me any!" I said. "They're purple! They must be very _______.

“Here, have more," she _______ and now I had six of the prettiest tomatoes I had ever seen. I weakly tried to _______, "Really you didn't have to give me any but thank you a lot."

The woman smiled again and said, "I hope you enjoy_______. And to answer your question, it’s very 'expensive' because it’s an heirloom(祖传)type that my mom used to _______.

I said thank you again, and she sped off. She was like a tooth fairy: I _______ her ice cream and she gave me tomatoes.

About two weeks later, my boss at the ice cream store sent me a text ________. "I want to let you know that your gardener dropped off a box of vegetables for you.” Baffled (困惑不解),I replied, “ ________?”

That night, my boss showed me the ________. It was full of carrots, beans, potatoes and tomatoes — purple tomatoes. ________ was back!

I never saw her again, but to this day her ________ inspires(激励)me to share what I have with anyone who’ll have it.

All I ask is an ice cream cone ________. Better yet, pay it forward and be someone else's secret gardener.

1.A.vegetable B.fruit cream D.hamburger

2.A.tomatoes B.carrots C.beans D.potatoes

3.A.years B.hours C.minutes D.seconds

4.A.expensive C.sweet D.tasty

5.A.reminded B.ordered C.cried D.insisted

6.A.thank B.accept C.refuse D.explain B.them C.yourself D.myself B.plant C.pick D.sell

9.A.lent B.bought C.made D.gave

10.A.message B.description C.introduction D.instruction

11.A.Who B.When C.Where D.Why B.message

13.A.My boss B.My mom C.My gardener D.My tomato fairy

14.A.happiness B.kindness C.selfness trouble need return use

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