


1. 我的梦想家园在一个森林附近,这里空气新鲜。

2. 屋后有一个湖,周末我可以和朋友一起在湖里划船。

3. 我最喜欢书房,干净、舒适;

4. 邻居们都有一技之长,我们常常互相帮助。

5. 从这里乘地铁去市中心只要一小时。

6. 我认为……(发挥1-2句)

My Dream Home


One possible version

My Dream Home

My dream home is near a forest. The air is fresh. There is a lake behind the house. At the weekend my friends and I row a boat on it. My favorite room is the study, it is clean and comfortable. My neighbors have different skills. We often help each other. It takes only an hour to the center of the city by underground. I think my dream home is beautiful.


试题分析:这是一篇给材料作文,介绍我梦想的家园。结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时态,人称为单数第一,三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:My dream home is…, There is…, It is…, It takes sometime to do sth.以及I think…等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。注意最后要表达自己对梦想家园的喜爱和称赞之情。

写作亮点本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头介绍了我梦想的家园的位置和空气,接下来介绍梦想家园的生活,最后表达喜欢梦想家园。此处at the weekend, row a boat, help each other, by underground等这些词组的运用也让文章增色不少。


【题目】Last week, all the teachers and students of our schooll watched a special performance(表演)by a group of disabled people. The first program was a dance named“The light of life”. To my surprise, all the dancers had to face so many difficulties. However, they showed us an amazing performance.

The two people who came out next shocked us all. The first one was a singer. He was very young. But unluckily,he had lost both of his hands in a big fire. The song he sang for us was “Late Autumn”,and he sang it in such a low and sweet voice. Though it was warm spring, I felt a little cold when I heard the song as if it was really late autumn.“How much love and feeling is hidden in my heart? I wish to hold your hands again.”Hearing this,I couldn’t keep back my tears.

The other one was also a young man. He lost both of his arms when he was six. From then on, his feet became his“hands”. He could do a number of things with his feet. The two words“Flying High”expressed his wishes.

“If your wings are gone, your heart can still fly,”said Zhang Haidi, a disabled writer. In the world, there are many disabled people, yet most of them don’t give up. They have strong wishes and beautiful dreams. Disabililty doesn’t mean failure. Once you try hard, miracles(奇迹)will happen sooner or later.


1The teachers and students last week.

A. saw a film B. held a party

C. watched a performance D. watched a footbal match

2The underline word“shocked”probably means“ ”.

A. excited B. relaxed

C. interested D. surprised

3Why did the writer feel cold when he heard the song“Late Autumn”?

A. Because the writer was moved by the song.

B. Because it was late autumn.

C. Because he had a bad cold.

D. Because it was cold at that moment.

4“Flying High”expressed the wish of .

A. a deaf person B. a person with no arms

C. a blind person D. a person with no legs

5What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Do not do to others what you would not like yourself.

B. Learn the new while reviewing the old.

C. Where there is a will, there is a way.

D. When I walk along with two others, I may be able to learn from them.

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