
“Happy Birthday!” David awoke to the voice of his mother. “It’s time to get up and drive out to 35  grandfather’s farm.”  
“Why do we have to go there? And how long is the drive?” he asked with a sad look in his eyes.
“About two hours…and don’t worry, we’ ll bring your birthday   36  with us.” His mother walked away and left him to get ready. 
In less than an hour, David and his parents were on their way.   37  of what the colorful birthday packages had inside filled his head. He was   38  that one had the baseball glove he wanted, while others would have amazing things that he had dreamed about. Thinking of his grandfather, David   39  what his birthday present from him might be. 
“Since my grandfather has a large farm, he must have a lot of money, and the bigger his present for me will be,” David said to himself.
Finally they   40 . Hugging his grandfather, David excitedly shouted, “I’ve missed you! You know, today’s my birthday. Did you get me a present?”
“I have missed you, too. And I have a very   41  present for you.”
Placing a small box in David’s hand, he quietly said, “This is a very important gift. I hope you will treasure it as   42  as I have.”  
David looked at the small box, thinking money or jewels might be inside…. When he opened the box, David was   43  to see only a stone. It was a very beautiful stone, but was it valuable?
Grandfather spoke more slowly than before, “David, when your grandma and I were first married, we had very little money. She wanted to give me something special for my birthday, so she found this beautiful rock and polished(打磨)it day and night   44  it shined. It was the greatest gift I ever   45  because it came from your grandma’s heart. Now, I want you to have it because it comes from my heart.” 
David held the stone in his hand and   46  the love of his grandfather. “This is a wonderful gift…thank you, Grandfather.” He knew he had received the best gift ever. 

A.my B.your C.her D.his
A.cakes B.cardsC.CDs D.gifts
A.Thoughts B.Opinions C.Facts D.Results
A.certain B.proudC.sorryD.afraid
A.worried B.expected C.wonderedD.considered
A.moved B.arrivedC.stoppedD.finished
A.soon B.hardC.muchD.far
A.excited B.pleased C.satisfied D.surprised
A.until B.although C.since D.unless
A.shared B.madeC.receivedD.brought




Roy wanted to join a sports club. He filled out this application (申请) form. Now please read this form carefully and then answer the questions.

Last name:Williams           First name:Roy
Address:140 Jefferson Drive, Richmond, the USA
Post code:40768
Home phone:983 0284
Sex (性别):Male
Date of birth:11 / 30 / 1997
Marital status:single
Do well in:Football, Swimming, Tennis
Prizes (with dates):
Richmond Wildcat’s Top Football
Player for 2009
Family doctor:Dr, Jeff Smith
Date of last medical examination:12 / 30 / 2010
Signature:Roy Williams
Date:3 / 15 / 2010
Mar. 15, 2010
Mr Woods
Newtown Sports Club
Center Street
Dear Mr. Woods,
I hope to become a member of your club.
I’ll be happy if I am accepted by your club.
Sincerely yours,
Roy Williams
【小题1】Which sports club did Roy want to join?
A.Newtown Sports Club.B.Jefferson Drive Sport Club.
C.Center Street Sports Club.D.Newton Club.
【小题2】Roy was _________ years old when he had his last medical examination.
【小题3】Roy became the top football player _________.
A.in 2009B.in 1997C.in 2010D.both in 2009 and 2010
【小题4】Who did Roy write his letter to?
A.His parents.B.Dr Jeff Smith.C.Mr. Woods.D.His brothers.
【小题5】He hoped that the club could _________.
A.know what prize he had ever won
B.accept him as a new member
C.know he was a sports lover
D.help him become a top football player again

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