
1. be mad at                                                        
2. 为他举办一个惊喜聚会                                            
3. come to my house to study                                            
4. 首先                                                            
5. no more                                                          
6, 把信息传递给他们                                                
1.对……生气  2.have a surprise party for him  3.来我家学习
4.first of all 5.不再  6. pass on the message to them
     The relationship between student and teacher is less formal (正式的) in the U.S. than in many other
countries, especially at the college level. (1)当老师走进教室时,学生不必起立. Students are generally
encouraged to ask questions during class, to go to the teacher's office for help after class, and to phone
if they can't go to school and need help with their lessons. (2)Most teachers allow students to enter class
late or leave early, if necessary
     (3)However, students are still asked to be____________ to their teacher and classmates and to be
____________ during a test.
When the teacher or a student is speaking to the class, it's rude to talk to
another classmate, even in a low voice. When a test is being given, talking to a classmate is not only rude
but also wrong. In the eyes of most American teachers, students who are talking to each other during a
test are cheating (作弊).
A. 英汉互译。
1. 将(1)句译成英文。
2. 将(2)句译成中文。
B. 根据短文内容,简要回答问题。
3. 在(3)句的空白处分别填入一个适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺。
4. 在文中找出与下面句子意思相近的句子。
    Most teachers think it is dishonest of students to talk about something when they are having an exam. 
5. 在文中找出最能表达该短文主题的句子。


My sister and I have been trying to get people to stop dropping cigarette butts(烟蒂)for seven years.

One day, we were walking in our hometown and saw hundreds of cigarette butts on the ground.1.它们使小镇看上去如此丑陋以致我们决定成立一个阻止人们扔烟蒂的小组。 We called it "No Butts about It".

At first, we drew pictures with "The Earth is Not Your Ashtray(烟缸)"written on them.We put the pictures around our hometown in parks, by beaches, and along roads.We wanted to make people understand that dropping butts hurts the environment.2.Most smokers don't think that dropping butts hurts the EarthBut it does! And so does all rubbish

Later, we wrote to companies and asked them for money to help us.We used the money to buy ashtrays to give to smokers.We wanted smokers to carry the ashtrays with them so that they didn't have to drop butts.

At the moment, we are trying to get cigarette companies to put an ashtray in each pack of cigarettes.Some companies want to do it.Many people have started to join our group since it be- gin.Today there 45 other "No Butts about It" groups in America.And there are even groups in England, Australia and India.

Many newspapers have written about my sister and me over the last seven years.And we have won many prizes for our good work.But we are not interested in prizes.We just want to make the earth a better and cleaner place for animals, plants and people.One day it will be.



They made the town look ________ugly ________we decided to start a group to make people________ ________butts.



3.What did the writer use the money they got from the companies to do? And how long has this group existed?

4.What suggestion did some cigarettes companies accept from the two sisters' group?



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