


1.We can’t understand the Japanese girl because her English p________ is poor.

2.It’s possible for all the students to make m__________ in English grammar.

3.Miss Brown has many good traveling e________  because she travels a lot.

4.Although Jim and Ben are twins,they usually deal with things d________

5.Don’t b______ me.I’m listening to tapes to practice my spoken English now.

6.Mr. Wen Jiabao always cares about people’s__________(日常的)life in Wen Chuan.

7.A dictionary is very,_________ (有帮助的)when you are learning English.

8.I’d like to stay healthy, but to be___________ (诚实的),I only eat delicious food.

9.Doctors tell US that eating burnt food Can__________ (增加)the risk of cancer.

10.Our teacher has________ (教)us to pronounce these new words three times.

1. pronunciation   2.mistakes  3.experiences  4.differently  5.bother

6.daily / everyday  7.helpful  8.honest       9.increase  10.taught
