
Try this: for a whole day, forget about the clock. Eat when you’re hungry and sleep when you’re tired. What do you think will happen?
You may be surprised to find that your day is much like most other days. You’ll probably get hungry when you normally eat and tired when you normally sleep. Even though you don’t know what time it is, your body does.
Inside our bodies are several clocklike systems that follow a 24- hour cycle. Everyone is unique, which is why you might like to stay up late while your sister always wants to go to bed early.
Regularly staying up late can make kids do worse on tests and quizzes. And working shifts at night leads to higher rates of heart disease.
“There is a growing sense that when we eat and when we sleep are important parts of how healthy we are,” says Steven Shea, Director of the Sleep Disorders Research Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
“During the night, we are prepared to sleep,” Shea says. “During the day, we are prepared to eat and move around, If you reverse ( 颠倒) what you are doing, everything is out of phase. That can have adverse consequences.
【小题1】What does the underlined sentence suggest?

A.We don’t need to care about time.
B.We don’t need the clock.
C.The clock is not useful.
D.The clock is not remembered.
【小题2】What makes some like to stay up late while others go to bed early?
A.our bodiesB.our mindsC.the clockD.our unique system
【小题3】Steven Shea suggests ________.
A.when we eat, we are prepared to eat.
B.when we sleep, we are prepared to sleep
C.when we eat and when we sleep are important parts of how healthy we are
D.we are prepared to follow clocklike system
【小题4】“Everything is out of phase.” means________.
A.everything is out of order
B.everything is bad
C.everything is good
D.everything is not controlled


解析【小题1】根据文章内容Eat when you’re hungry and sleep when you’re tired.可知答案为B
【小题2】根据文章内容Inside our bodies are several clocklike systems that follow a 24- hour cycle. Everyone is unique, which is why you might like to stay up late while your sister always wants to go to bed early.可知答案为D
【小题3】根据文章内容Inside our bodies are several clocklike systems that follow a 24- hour cycle. Everyone is unique, which is why you might like to stay up late while your sister always wants to go to bed early.可知答案为D


Do you sometimes argue about what seems to you to be a simple fact? Do you argue whether it’s cold outdoors or whether the car in front of you is going faster than the speed limit (限速)?
If you get into such arguments, try to think about the story about the six blind men and the elephant. The first blind man who felt the elephant’s trunk (象鼻) said it was like a snake. The second who felt the elephant’s side said it was like a wall, while the third said it was like a spear( 矛 ) as he touched the animal’s tusk. The fourth, who took hold of the elephant’s tail, insisted that it was like a rope. The fifth man said it looked like a tree as he put his arms around one of the elephant’s legs. The last, who was tall and got hold of the elephant’s ears, said it was like a huge fan.
Each man’s idea of the animal came from his own experience. So if someone disagrees with you about a “simple fact”, it’s often because his experience in the matter is different from yours.
To see how hard it is for even one person to make up his mind about a “simple fact”, try this simple experiment. Get three large bowls. Put ice water in one. Put hot water in the second. Put lukewarm water (温水)in the third. Now put your left hand in the hot water. Put your right hand in the lukewarm water. Your right hand will tell you the water is cold. Your left hand will tell you it is hot.
【小题1】There were _______ blind man who were trying to tell what an elephant was like in the story.
【小题2】The man who touched the elephant’s ears must be very_______.
【小题3】The underlined word “it” in the last line of the paragraph refers to ___.
A.your left handB.your right handC.the waterD.the bowl
【小题4】What makes people think about simple facts differently?
A.People’s wrong ideas.
B.People’s different experience.
C.Simple facts are different sometimes.
D.People often disagree with each other.
【小题5】It can be inferred from the passage that we should__________.
A.learn from the blind men
B.not agree about simple facts
C.never think about simple facts
D.never decide anything with one side

I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I walked into the living-room, my 12-year-old son looked up at me and said, “I  31  you.” I did not know  32  to say, and I just stood there, looking  33 at him. My first thought was that he must need help with his homework. Then I asked, “What was that all about ?” “Nothing,” he said, “My teacher said we should tell our parents we love them and see what they say.”
The next day I called his teacher to  34  more about what my son said and how the other parents had reacted﹡. “Most of the fathers had the  35  response﹡ as you did,” the teacher said, ”When I first suggested ﹡that we try this, I asked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some of them thought their parents would be surprised.”
Then the teacher explained , “ I want my students to know that feeling love is an important part of  36  . I’m trying to tell them it’s too bad that we don’t express﹡ our feelings. A boy  37 tell his parents he loves them.” The teacher understands that sometimes it is  38  for some of us to say something .
That evening when my son came to me, I took him in my arms and held on for a while, saying, “Hey, I love you,  39  .” I don’t know if saying that made either of us healthier,   40   I did feel pretty good.

A. dislikeB. loveC. likeD. enjoy
A.howB. whyC.whatD. which
A.talk toB.talk withC.find outD.do with
A. andB.butC.soD.when

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