
Today, I visited Jim for the first time. He is in his 80s and lives with a pet dog. Jim can’t walk easily, so he doesn’t leave the house very often. I made a cup of tea for him. We sat in his lounge (客厅) and talked. Jim enjoys playing chess and watching Western films on TV. He told me about his family.


I took Jim out today. He walked through his front garden and stood at the gate for a little while. The postman said hello to Jim. He was tired. We will go to the shop next time.


Jim wanted to go out again today. We did not get to the shop on the corner, but Jim was getting better at walking. He enjoyed the fresh air.


I bought some food for Jim. I helped him clear the cupboard. He found it hard to reach, so some of the food was there for a long time. I put the new food in the bottom of the cupboard so that he could reach it more easily.


Today we played chess. I have been reading about how to play, but I am not very good. Jim said it didn’t matter. He said he was out of practice too! He still won the game.

1.What does Jim enjoy doing?

A. Making tea. B. Talking with his pet.

C. Walking with his family D. Watching television.

2.When did Jim meet the postman?

A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday. D. On Saturday.

3.The writer did all of the following for Jim EXCEPT _________.

A. buy food for him B. talk with him

C. shop with him D. play chess with him

4.On Thursday, the writer __________.

A. told Jim about his family B. took Jim for a walk

C. helped Jim clean out his cupboard D. cooked some food for Jim

5.Why was some food in the cupboard for a long time?

A. Jim couldn’t reach the food in the bottom.

B. Jim didn’t like eating the food.

C. Jim couldn’t reach the food that was put too high.

D. Jim spent too much time playing chess so he had no time to eat the food.


Many students get ill easily in autumn.1.. What can we do to keep ourselves healthy?Here are some tips(小建议).

Enough healthy food.2.Some students don' t like to eat breakfast.They make a big mistake (错误).Breakfast is the most important meal in a day.If you want to be healthy, you should eat less fast food.Vegetables and fruit are delicious and they are healthy.We'd better drink 500 mL milk every day.

3.Doing exercise is another way to keep you healthy.So, you should do some sports after class.Doing sports can make you strong.You'll have a fine figure(身材)if you do enough exercise.

Enough smiles.Smile is the best way to make you healthy.Try to find the things that can make you laugh and you'll be happy every day.You should try to be optimistic(乐观)abou life.4.Enough time of rest.Don't stay up! Students usually go to bed at 10 o'clock.5.

There's a famous saying, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy(富有的)and wise(智慧的).” It tells us enough time of rest is important.

A.Having some good habits is really important.

B.Enough exercise.

C.Paying basketball is good for your health.

D.They have to go to the hospital and may miss a lot of classes.

E.Remember smile is the best medicine to cure(治疗)your illness.

F.Eating chocolate is healthy.

G.If you want to have a good grade, you must have a good rest.

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