
Mr. Gao lives in a town. When he was twenty-five, his son was born. He calls him Gao Ling. The little boy is clever. He and his wife love him very much. It’s September 1st today. A new school year begins. Gao Ling is happy and wears his most beautiful clothes. He’s going to school with his new bag. “Let me take you to school, dear.” said Mrs. Gao. “Thank you, Mummy,” said the boy. “The school is not far from here. I can go there myself.”

  At school a teacher met the little boy and asked, “What’s your name, my little friend?” “Gao Ling, sir.” answered the boy. “How old are you?” “Six, sir.” “What’s your father’s name?” “Gao Daling, sir.” “How old is he?” “He is six, too, sir.” “Oh,” the teacher said in surprise. “Is he as old as you?”

  “Yes, sir,” said the boy. “He became a father only on the day when I was born.”


1.Mr. Gao is _____now.

A、six                 B、twenty-five          C、thirty one

2.Mr. and Mrs. Gao love their son because_____.

A、the boy is clever

B、he likes to go to school

C、he can go to school himself

3.Gao Ling didn’t let his mother take him to school because_____.

A.she was too busy

B.his friends could took him

C.the policeman could help him

D.the school is near and he could take care of himself

4.Gao Ling went to school_____.

A、by car                  B、on foot              C、by train

5.Gao Ling thought_____.

A、his father and he were born on the same day

B、his father was younger than him

C、Gao Daling became a father only for six years










1.根据When he was twenty-five, his son was born.及下文answered the boy. “How old are you?” “Six, sir.”,计算可知25+6=31,故选C。C

2.根据The little boy is clever. He and his wife love him very much.描述,可知选A。

3.根据“The school is not far from here. I can go there myself.”描述,可知选D。

4.根据“The school is not far from here. I can go there myself.”推断可知他步行去学校,故选B。

5.根据“He became a father only on the day when I was born.”描述,及他今年六岁,可知选C。




On the night of May 9, 2011, musician Gao Xiaosong ran his car into three other cars in Beijing.
But it wasn’t just a car accident—he was drunk(喝醉的).
Now, Gao has to go to prison (监狱) for six months and pay a 4,000 yuan fine.
Gao is the first star to be punished under China’s new drunk driving law.
From May 1 on, drunk drivers will pay a fine, and be banned from driving for five years or even forever.
Drunk driving has become a serious social problem in China.
According to the Ministry of Public Security (公安部), police caught more than half a million drunk drivers last year, a 68 % increase from 2009.
The new law sees drunk driving as a crime.
In the West, drunk driving is also a crime.
In the US, for example, if the police catch a drunk driver, the driver will pay a fine, lose his or her license (驾照) and even go to prison. If the driver wants to drive again, he or she must do
public service, and take part in educational programs.
You may think: drunk driving is a crime? Isn’t this law too unkind? But experts say: not at all.
“It is to protect people’s rights to life and health,” Li Gang, lawyer in Chengdu, told China Daily. “Drunk driving is very dangerous. No matter what the results are, it should not be allowed.”
【小题1】 Mr. Gao ran his car into three other cars because _________.
A. he went home too late
B. he drank too much wine
C. the road was too crowded
【小题2】 What does the underlined word “fine” in the third paragraph refer to(指)?
A. Health.    B. Weather.    C. Money.
【小题3】When did the new law come into use?
A. May 1, 2010.      B. May 1, 2011.     C. May 9, 2011.
【小题4】What do experts think of the new law?
A. Drunk driving is a crime.
B. The law is not kind to drunk drivers.
C. Driving has become a serious problem.
【小题5】 Which of the following sentence is TRUE?
A. Li Gang from Chengdu doesn’t like the law.  
B. In the US, drunk drivers will only lose their licenses.
C. There were more drunk drivers in 2010 than in 2009.

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