
(A) 听下面一段长对话,回答第1-2两小题。
1. How much is the jacket?
[     ]
A. 24 dollars
B. 76 dollars
C. 100 dollars
2. What colour jacket did the man buy?
[     ]
A. A blue jacket
B. A brown jacket
C. A black jacket
(B) 听下面一段长对话,回答第3-5三小题。
3. Why did Jim pack his sports shoes?
[     ]
A. Because he is going to run in the street.
B. Because he is going to play basketball.
C. Because he is going to play football.
4. What did Jack pack?
[     ]
A. His bag, Chinese book and umbrella
B. His sports shoes, bag and sunglasses
C. Some Beijing duck, a box of chocolate and sports shoes
5. Why did Jack's mother think Jim needs an umbrella?
[     ]
A. Because London is very hot and the sun is always shining brightly.
B. Because London often rains.
C. Because London often snows.



1.How often does Lucy go shopping?

A.Once a week

B.Twice a week

C.five times a week

2.What's the matter with David?

A.He has a toothache

B.He has a stomachache

C.He has a cold

3.What is Mary doing for vacation?

A.He is visiting his grandmother.

B.He is relaxing at home.

C.He is going to the beach.

4.What should Linda do?

A.She should see a dentist.

B.She should go to bed early.

C.She should listen to some music.

5.Where is Jeff going?

A.San Francisco





听下面一段对话,回答第6到第8三个小题。 现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三题。

6.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Frank's math

B.Frank's science

C.Frank's English

7.How is Frank doing in science?

A.He is doing well.

B.He is doing badly.

C.He isn't working hard at science.

8.What's the relationship(关系)between the two speakers?


B.Husband and wife

C.A parent and a teacher


9.How is Mary going to Xi'an?

A.By air

B.By train

C.By bus

10.What is she going there for?

A.To spend her holiday

B.To see her parents

C.To meet her parents.

11.How long will she stay in Xi'an?

A.Five days

B.Fifteen hours

C.Fifty hours



12.What is the speaker?

A.A teacher

B.A parent

C.A student

13.What is the second activity in the survey?


B.Do homework

C.Surf the Internet

14.How many students exercise every day?

A.Some students

B.Most students.

C.All students

15.As for “surf the Internet ”, which of the following is TRUE?

A.No students surf the Internet every day

B.51﹪students surf the Internet once or twice a week.

C.13﹪students surf the Internet three or four times a week.

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