

(     )1.A.Yes, I want to be a teacher.
             B.No, she isn't.
             C.Yes, she does.
(     )2.A.I help doctors and patients.
             B.I don't know.
             C.Yes, I can help doctors and patients.
(     )3.A.Yes, they do.
             B.No, they aren't.
             C.Yes, they are.
(     )4.A.I can play the piano.
             B.I like acting and role-playing.
             C.Actors are cool.
(     ) 5.A.Yes, it's interesting.
              B.Because he can meet lots of stars.
              C.He works at a TV station.










6AShe is clever. BNo, you don't have to. CHold on, please

7AYou're welcome. BIt doesn't matter. CGo ahead

8AThat sounds interesting. BWell done! CIt's very kind of you

9ANice to meet you. BHow are you? CThank you

10AGood idea. BEnjoy yourselves! CBy bike

11AThank you all the same. BSorry, I am new here. CHere you are

12AJust a little. BOne kilo. CFifty yuan

13AIt's a knife. BIt's made of paper. CIt's round


第一节 听第1419段对话,回答第1419小题。

14How was the film according to the man?

ABoring. BInteresting. CExciting

15What does the man's mother do?

AA teacher. BA worker. CA nurse

16How long has Michael been in Zhangzhou?

AFor Five days. BFor three days. CFor two days

17Where did the dialog probably happen?

AIn a shop. BIn a school. CIn a restaurant

18What did Peter do last night?

AHe watched the soccer game

BHe did his homework

CHe went shopping

19What will the weather be like tomorrow?

ASunny. BSnowy. CRainy

第二节 听下面两段对话,每段对话后各有三个问题,选择最佳选项回答问题。


20When does MrLi drink tea?

AIn the evening. BIn the daytime. CAt any time

21Why can't we grow tea in the north?

AIt's too cold. BIt's too windy. CIt's too wet

22What does the woman like to drink?

ACoffee. BWater. CTea


23Where is Jane from?

AAmerica. BAustralia. CCanada

24What are Jane's family going to do in the summer holidays?

ATo visit Dalian

BTo see Jane's grandparents

CTo visit some cities in the north

25Who will travel with Li Ming?

AHis father

BHis parents

CHis grandparents
