


A.She has a headache.

B.She's wrong.

C.She's better now.


A.From Paris.

B.In Toronto.

C.To London.


A.I often sleep after 9∶00.

B.I usually sleep for 9 hours.

C.I always sleep at 9∶00.


A.It was great.

B.It was cold.

C.It was late.


A.Yes, I do.

B.No, never.

C.Sorry, I can't.



A.He was hard-working.

B.He was smart.

C.He was lazy.


A.He's asking the way.

B.He's sending a letter.

C.He's taking a walk.


A.Twice a month.

B.Once a week.

C.Twice a week.


A.He was doing homework.

B.He was going to a meeting.

C.He was calling his son.


A.It's rainy.

B.It's sunny.

C.It's cloudy.









16.How long will it take the man to walk to the supermarket?

A.5 minutes.

B.15 minutes.

C.50 minutes.

17.Where should the man turn right?

A.At the corner.

B.At the third crossing.

C.At the first crossing.


18.Where will they go to see a film this Saturday?

A.At Renmin Cinema.

B.At a dirty cinema.

C.At Wansheng Cinema.

19.Why doesn't the man like Renmin Cinema?

A.Because the seats are dirty.

B.Because there are too many people.

C.Because it's too far.

20.What will they do before this Saturday?

A.See a film.

B.Play basketball.

C.Dance and swim.


21.Who did the two little kids come to the shop with?

A.Their fathers.

B.Their mothers.

C.The shop assistant.

22.How much money did Ruth have?

A.Five dollars.

B.Less than five dollars.

C.More than five dollars.

23.What did Ruth do at last?

A.She bought a nice Barbie doll for herself.

B.She bought an interesting computer game for herself.

C.She bought a computer game for the boy.

24.Did the boy really win the prize that day?

A.Yes, he did.

B.No, he didn't.

C.Maybe he did.

25.How did Ruth's feel after she helped the little kid?

A.Just so so.

B.She was happy.

C.She was sad.




1AGiraffes. BPandas. CSquirrels

2AMy pleasure. BNever mind. CNo problem

3AJust so-so. BThank you. CI don't think so

4AGood luck to you. BCongratulations. CI'm sorry to hear that


5What does Jane most probably do?

AAn actress. BA director. CA pop singer

6What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

AClassmates. BTeacher and student. CTeacher and parent

7What colour will the robot change into when the man is sad?

AGreen. BBlue. COrange

8How does the woman feel?

ATired. BStressed. CSad

9Who needs help with English?

AJim. BAmy. CSandy

10What time is it now?

A440. B500. C520

11Where is the man's watch?

AOn the bedside table

BOn the desk

CIn the bag

12Why are the speakers in such a hurry?

ABecause they are late for school

BBecause they want to catch the train

CBecause they want to do exercise

13What does the woman advise the man to take?

ASome money. BSomething expensive. CFlowers or sweets

14Where does the dialogue most probably take place?

AAt a bus stop. BAt a theatre. CAt a bank



15Why won't they take a taxi?

ABecause there's no taxi nearby

BBecause it's not very far

CBecause it's expensive to take a taxi

16What are they going to do tomorrow afternoon?

AGo to school

BGo to the museum

CGo to a concert

17How much will the tickets cost them?

A150 yuan. B300 yuan. CNothing


18What's the woman's problem?

AShe feels nervous about the test

BShe doesn' t work hard

CShe has never taken any test

19What does the man think can help solve the woman's problem?

AGood luck. BDeep breathing. CKind advice

20What is the man's suggestion for getting good results in exams?

ATalking with others

BOften taking tests

CAlways working hard


21How many apples did the shopkeeper try to give the boy?

ATwo. BFour. CSix

22The boy's mother had got________her son got in the fruit shop

Aas many apples as

Bfewer apples than

Cmore apples than

23How much did the boy pay for the apples at last?

A2 dollars. B4 dollars. C6 dollars

24What do you think of the boy?

AImpolite. BSelfish. CSmart




1.They do well in _________




2.Ann will go to Shanghai next _________.




3.Bob asked me to look _________ his watch.




4.Listen, the _________ are singing.




5.There are many new kinds of sports _________ in that shop.




6.The Yellow River is _________ kilometers long.





7.(A)Neither of my parents is a worker.

(B)Both of my parents are workers.

(C)My parents are not workers or teachers.

8.(A)I had to stop working last night.

(B)I was so tired but I still worked last night.

(C)I was so tired that I couldn't work last night.

9.(A)Don't make any noise when you are having a class.

(B)Someone is talking in the class.

(C)When you have something to say in class, you can put up your hands.

10.(A)The old granny hasn't a son but a daughter.

(B)The old granny has no sons or daughters.

(C)The old granny has a son and a daughter.

11.(A)Mr White went to the park with his family yesterday.

(B)The Whites went to see a good film yesterday.

(C)The Whites had a good time yesterday.

12.(A)I am the tallest of the three.

(B)Tom is the tallest of the three.

(C)Jack is the tallest of the three.

Ⅱ.看图听句子 根据你所听到的句子,选出一个与其图意相符的选项,将其序号填在图下的括号内。(6分)(每句读两遍)

Ⅲ.听对话 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案。(6分)(每题读两遍)

19.(A)By car.

(B)By bus.

(C)On foot.

20.(A)At home

(B)At Mar

(C)In the cinema.







23.(A)To show her the way

(B)To take out his ticket.

(C)To buy the ticket.




Ⅳ.听短文 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案。(6分)(短文读三遍)

25.The man was eating a sandwich _________.

(A)at home

(B)at the police station

(C)by the roadside

26.The policeman was _________ on the road.


(B)on duty


27.It seemed that the man was _________.




28.The man ran away because _________.

(A)he did something wrong

(B)he was a thief(小偷)

(C)he did just what the doctor told him to do

29."Lose some weight" means _________ in Chinese.




30.Which of the following is true?

(A)The man ran too fast for the policeman to catch.

(B)The policeman was very angry with the man and took him to the police station.

(C)The policeman was very careful in his work.



(  )1、A.He is good at maths

B.He doesn’t like English

C.He likes history best

D.he likes maths better than history.

(  )2、A.Of course.I’d love to

B.It doesn’t matter.

C.Thanks.I’m full now.

D.Let’s play together.

(  )3、A.It happened at school.

B.It happened yesterday afternoon.

C.I saw it yesterday afternoon.

D.It happens every day.

(  )4、A.Yes, you may.


C.No, you may not.

D.What is it?

(  )5、A.Sorry, she is not in.

B.Yes, she is.

C.Who are you?

D.Yes, you may.

(  )6、A.There are many.

B.There are two.

C.Quite a few.

D.Two bottles.

(  )7、A.Last year.

B.In America.

C.Yes, I did.

D.By plane.

(  )8、A.It’s Sunday.

B.It’s May 15th

C.It’s Tom’s birthday.

D.It’s a fine day.

(  )9、A.Once a year.

B.For a long time.

C.It’s Tom’s birthday.

D.Next year.

(  )10、A.That’s right.

B.Not at all.

C.It doesn’t matter.

D.You are welcome.


(  )1、A.A doctor.

B.A policeman.

C.A teacher.

D.A worker.

(  )2、A.Friday.




(  )3、A.Jack




(  )4、A.6∶20




(  )5、A.A parrot

B.A cat

C.A goldfish

D.A tortoise.


(  )1、What could rich gentleman see from the big hotel?

A.A swimming pool.

B.A park.

C.A river.

D.A Skating rink.

(  )2、Where did the poor man sleep?

A.On a bench(长凳).

B.On the grass.

C.In his bedroom.

D.On the sidewalk.

(  )3、Who would make the poor man’s dream come true?

A.His wife.


C.The rich gentleman.

D.Another poor man.

(  )4、Where did the rich gentleman live?

A.In his friend’s house.

B.In a park.

C.In a big hotel.

D.In a small town.

(  )5、How was the gentleman?





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