

1£®A£®I'd like a cup of tea£®

B£®I've got a bad cold£®

C£®Thank you very much£®

2£®A£®Three hundred yuan£®

B£®I have nothing to do£®

C£®That's all right£®

3£®A£®Yes£¬I'd love to£®

B£®I prefer red£®

C£®It's very nice£®

4£®A£®Please come this way£®

B£®Yes£¬I'm fine£®

C£®Yes£¬I think so£®


B£®Who are you£¿

C£®Excuse me£¡What's wrong£¿








8£®A£®They are going to do some cooking£®

B£®They are going to eat something£®

C£®They are going to watch TV£®

9£®A£®She'd like to go for a swim£®

B£®She doesn't like swimming on a hot day£®

C£®The weather is very hot£®

10£®A£®It's too cheap£®

B£®It's too dear£®

C£®It's too noisy£®


11£®From the passage£¬we know that the fastest way of travelling is ________£®

A£®by train

B£®by sea

C£®by plane

D£®by car

12£®If we travel by car£¬we can ________£®

A£®make the longest journey enjoyable

B£®travel to a very far place in several minutes

C£®make our own timetable

D£®travel only fifty or one hundred miles a day

13£®Modern trains have comfortable ________£®




D£®seats and dining-cars

14£®When people travel on business£¬they usually take ________£®

A£®a plane or a car

B£®a car or a boat

C£®a boat or a train

D£®a train or a plane

15£®How many ways of travelling are mentioned(Ìáµ½)in the passage£¿






1£®What's the matter with you? (B)

2£®How much did you pay for the sweater? (A)

3£®Which colour do you like? (B)

4£®Can you come to my house this afternoon? (C)

5£®Hello! May I speak to Mary£¬please? (A)

6£®A£ºWhat would you like£¬Lucy?

B£ºI'd like some bread and a cup of tea£®

A£ºSorry£¬we don't have any tea£®Would you like a cup of orange?

B£ºNo£¬I don' t like it£¬could you pass me a cup of milk?

A£ºOK£®Here you are£®

Question£ºWhat did Lucy drink? (B)

7£®A£ºHave you ever been to Guilin£¬Mary?

B£ºNo£®But I'm going there with my parents next year£®

A£ºHow many times has Mary been to Guilin? (C)

8£®A£ºSupper is ready£¬now£®

B£ºCome and sit down£®boys and girls£®

Question£ºWhat are they going to do? (B)

9£®A£ºWould you like to join us for a swim Lucy?

B£ºWhat a nice way to spend on a hot day?

Question£ºWhat does Lucy mean? (A)

10£®A£ºDon't you think his radio is too noisy?

B£ºYes£¬I do£®Ask him to turn it down£¬please?

Question£ºWhat do they think about the radio? (C)


¡¡¡¡Modern life is impossible (²»¿ÉÄܵÄ)without travelling£®The fastest way of travelling is by plane£®With a modern airline you can travel in one day to places which it took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago£®

¡¡¡¡Travelling by train is slower than by plane£¬but it has its advantages(±ãÀû)£®You can see the country you are travelling through£®Modern trains have comfortable(ÊæÊʵÄ)seats and dining-cars£®They make even the longest journey enjoyable(Óä¿ìµÄ)£®

¡¡¡¡Some people like to travel by sea when possible£®There are large liners(´ó¿ÍÂÖ)and river boats£®You can visit many other countries and different parts of your country on them£®Ships are not so fast as trains or planes£¬but travelling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday£®

¡¡¡¡Many people like to travel by car£®You can make your own timetable£®You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day£¬just as you like£®You can stop wherever you wish where there is something interesting to see£¬at a good restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal£¬or at a hotel to spend the night£®That is why travelling by car is popular£¬while(È»¶ø)people usually take a train or plane when they are travelling on business£®






6£®Which one is the boy¡¯s dad?

A£®The tall man£®

B£®The man near the car£®

C£®The man in a white T-shirt£®

7£®How many lessons do the two speakers have today?




8£®When does the lesson start on Monday?

A£®At 8¡Ã00£®

B£®At 8¡Ã30£®

C£®At 9¡Ã00£®

9£®Where is the woman from?




10£®When does the man drink milk?

A£®At supper£®

B£®At lunch£®

C£®At breakfast£®


Conversation 1

11£®Where does the conversation probably take place?

A£®On the phone£®

B£®At a bus station£®

C£®At a cinema£®

12£®What does the man want to do?

A£®Invite the woman to see a movie£®

B£®Ask the woman for tickets£®

C£®Have lunch with the woman£®

13£®When will the two speakers meet?

A£®At 6¡Ã30 pm£®

B£®At 5¡Ã30 pm£®

C£®At 8¡Ã00 pm£®

14£®How will the two speakers get to the cinema?

A£®By car£®

B£®By bus£®

C£®On foot£®

15£®What will the man do before he leaves home?

A£®Have supper£®

B£®Call the woman£®

C£®Send the woman a message£®

Conversation 2

16£®Who is the man?

A£®The girl¡¯s father£®

B£®The shop assistant£®

C£®The girl¡¯s teacher£®

17£®What does the girl think of the brown belt?




18£®How did the girl get the money for the present?

A£®By sending newspapers£®

B£®By sending milk£®

C£®By selling flowers£®

19£®What¡¯s the price difference(²î¼Û)between the belt and the wallet?

A£®35 dollars£®

B£®20 dollars£®

C£®17 dollars£®

20£®What does the girl buy at last?

A£®The belt£®

B£®The wallet£®

C£®The bag£®




1£®A£®Certainly£¬I'm coming now£®

B£®Yes£¬do please£®

C£®I really can't agree with you£®

2£®A£®Go along this street and turn left£®

B£®Take some water and medicine£®

C£®I'm going to see a doctor£®

3£®A£®No£¬I'm afraid not£®

B£®Yes please£®

C£®A glass of milk£¬please£®

4£®A£®This way£¬please£®

B£®You are very kind£®

C£®Please wait your turn£®

5£®A£®It's a fine day£®

B£®It's July 8th£®

C£®It's Wednesday£®


6£®Mr£®Cooper was the headmaster of a school for boys between the age of thirteen and eighteen£®

7£®None of the boys were afraid of Mr£®Cooper£®

8£®The classroom was full of noise when Mr£®Cooper was in the classroom£®

9£®Mr£®Cooper threw the work out of the window if a boy handed in poor work£®

10£®Mr£®Cooper was kind but he was strict with the boys£®


11£®A£®Because he wanted to talk with others£®

B£®Because he wanted to drink something£®

C£®Because he wanted to see the owner play with the dog£®

12£®A£®Because the bar was opened later£®

B£®Because nobody liked Jim there£®

C£®Because it was too early£®

13£®A£®He was playing with a young man£®

B£®He was playing with an old man£®

C£®He was playing with a dog£®

14£®A£®Because it could play chess£®

B£®Because it was playing with the man£®

C£®Because it could stand on its back legs£®


B£®The owner

C£®The dog



1£®When is Bob's birthday£¿

A£®January 14£®

B£®January 5£®

C£®January 23£®

2£®Why doesn't the man eat this cake£®

A£®He wants to save it£®

B£®He has a toothache£®

C£®He has trouble opening his mouth£®

3£®Who did the man get a present for£¿



C£®The woman

4£®What do we learn from the conversation£¿

A£®They are talking about nice children£®

B£®The man has a house for sale£®

C£®The man has a three-bedroom house for the children£®

5£®Who spoke to Helen£¿

A£®Her teacher

B£®Her husband

C£®Her boss






B£®Watching TV

C£®Mending the car

8£®A£®Wei Fang and her brother£®

B£®Wei Fang£¬her brother and sister£®

C£®Wei Fang and her sister£®

9£®A£®Half past eight

B£®Nine o'clock

C£®Half past seven

10£®A£®The yellow one

B£®The red one

C£®The blue one


11£®Mrs Brown was woken up at two o'clock in the morning£®

12£®The cat was making noise in the garden£®

13£®Mrs Brown was afraid the cat would wake up her husband£®

14£®Mrs Brown threw one of her shoes at the cat and she stopped the cat£®

15£®The cat was sitting on her house£®


16£®Peter is a ________£®




17£®Peter was ________ in his class£®

A£®the best

B£®the worst


18£®There were ________ students at first in Peter's class£®




19£®What was Peter's place in the class after some weeks passed£¿________£®

A£®The last one

B£®One place ahead

C£®The first one

20£®Some weeks passed ________ left the class£®


B£®Peter's father

C£®one of the students

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
