In Madhanpur lived a very hardworking farmer named Gopal. He has three sons Ram, Laxman and Hanuman. All three were strong and healthy. But they were all lazy.

Gopal was sad about his sons and the future of his farmland.

One day, Gopal got an idea. He called all his sons and said, "Ram! Laxman! and Hanuman! I hid a treasure in our farmland. You search and share the treasure among you."

The three sons were overjoyed. They went to the fields and started searching. Ram started from one end. Laxman searched from the other end. And Hanuman did so from the centre. They dug (挖) each and every inch of the field. But they could not find anything.

Gopal said to his sons, “Dear boys! Now you have tooled the field, why not sow a crop(农作物)!" The sons went off to sow the crops.

Days passed. Soon, the crops grew green. The sons were very happy. The father said, "Sons, this is the real treasure I wanted you to share."

1.What were Madhanpur’s sons like?

A.weak C.lazy D.hard-working

2.The three sons dug the field because _________.

A.they wanted to plant the crops B.they wanted to find the treasure

C.they had nothing else to do every day D.they wanted to play in the field

3.How did Madhanpur’s sons dug the field?

A.They dug the field alone B.Ram and Laxman worked together

C.Ram and Hanuman worked together D.They worked as a team

4.Gopal thought that the real treasure was the _________.

A.hard work B.healthy body C.happy life crops

5.We can learn from the article that _________.

A.we can get everything from our parents B.we can get what we want without paying

C.we can be happy by sharing D.we can work hard to get what we want

Body language sometimes speaks louder than words. Body language can tell you whether someone is interested or not, and whether someone is happy to see you or not. One of the most important things that body language can tell, however, is whether a person is lying or not. Here’s how you can determine whether someone is telling you the truth or not, based on body language alone.

The eyes are said to be the windows of the soul and one of the things that the little windows will show you is whether someone is honest or not. When you talk to people, you should look at their eyes and judge whether they are turning away from your close watch or not. People are usually subconsciously(潜意识地) uncomfortable when lying to the person that they are talking to. Besides lying, eyes that have a lot of movement usually show that the person is about to lie or that the person has told a lie.

People who lie often touch their noses and other parts of their faces. If you notice that your partner or someone talking to you unconsciously touches his nose, this probably means that he is lying. The reason why people touch their faces when they lie is that lying usually leads to an increase in blood circulation, and then an itch(痒) in the small blood vessels(血管)in the nose or in the cheeks will appear.

Another common body language suggestion that someone is lying is when a person crosses his arms. If the person crosses the arms, it means that the person is both being defensive and shutting himself off. People who are telling the truth will usually make an open gesture(姿态). They put the arms on the side to show that they are not hiding anything. Subconsciously, however, people will cross their arms when they are lying.

If you plan to use body language to determine whether someone is lying or not, make sure that you are focused and that you are looking in the face and the person’s body all at the same time.


How to Read Truth in 1. Language?


You can tell whether what someone says is 2. or not by body language.



●When 4. to people, judge whether they are turning away when you closely watch them.

●The person perhaps tells lies if he looks away from your eyes or his eyes5.a lot.


●If people touch their noses or other parts of the face, they are probably 7..

●This is because lying usually 8. an itch in the blood vessels.

Crossed arms

9. the arms has two meanings that the person is being defensive and shutting himself off.

●People who are telling the truth will usually make an open gesture10. the arms on the side to show that they are not hiding anything

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