
---It's said all the hotels are filled with tourists.

---Don't worry!I ______ a room in Pengfei Hotel.

  1. A.
    have booked
  2. B.
    will book
  3. C.
  4. D.
    am asking
意思是“据说饭店里住满了游客”,答话者安慰“不用着急,已经在饭店预定房间了”;book(预定房间、机票等服务)的动作在过去已经发生但对现在有影响,不着急、有房间,所以应该用现在完成时态have booked; bought表示“买过了”,will book表示“将要预定”,am asking表示“计划、打算、正要询问”.

Why are you always tired, do you know?

    First, if(如果) we can’t   31   well, we will(将) be tired. But we are often too   32   . We can’t finish our work in the day   33   we have to do it at night. We go to bed    34   and we get up early in the morning for school or work. Most people need at least(至少) eight   35   or some more. If we sleep for only five or six hours a night, we will be tired.

    Second, when we are ill, we will be tired. But we don’t know we are ill. So if you are always tired, maybe you are not so    36   . You’d better go to see a    37   .

    Third, maybe you eat    38    food, like hamburgers, meat, chocolate or coffee. If you are ill and tired after eating some food, please don’t eat it    39    to see if you are well. 

    At last, if the air around you isn’t nice and clean, you will feel tired. So please open your windows often or go out for a walk and you will feel    40    .

1.A. sleep        B. study         C. drink           D. eat 

2.A. busy         B. free          C. lazy(懒惰的)    D. angry 

3.A. because      B. if             C. so            D. although 

4.A. early         B. late           C. quick         D. quiet  

5.A. days         B. months        C. hours         D. minutes 

6.A. ill           B. nice           C. good         D. healthy 

7. A. movie        B. friend         C. teacher        D. doctor 

8.A. too much     B. too many       C. much too      D. many too

9.A. too          B. again          C. also           D. once 

10.A. better        B. best           C. good          D. well


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