
The sun went down when an old man came to a small mountain village with a heavy bag. He found an inn(小旅馆) and wanted to stay there for the night.
After he had gone to his room, the owner of the inn said to his wife, “Look at his heavy bag, dear! I’m sure there’re a lot of valuable(贵重的) things. I want to steal it when he’s asleep tonight.” “No, no,” said his wife. “He must look for his bag tomorrow morning. Then he’ll take you to the police station.”
They thought hard and at last the woman had an idea. “We have forgetful grass,” said the woman. “Why not put some into his food? If he has the food, he’ll forget to take his bag away tomorrow morning.” “How clever you are!” said the owner, “don’t forget it when you cook supper for him.”
The old man had the food with forgetful grass and went to bed. The next morning, when the owner got up, he found the door was open and the old man had left. He looked for the bag for a long time, but he didn’t find it. He hurried to wake his wife up and said angrily, “What a fool! Your forgetful grass isn’t useful at all!”
“No, no,” said the woman. “I don’t think so. He must forget something.”
“Oh, I’ve remembered!” the owner called out suddenly, “He forgot to pay us the bill!”
1. The old man carried __________ when he got into the inn.
A. a large camera                   B. a heavy bag
C. an umbrella                    D. a heavy basket
2. What did the owner want to do?  _________________
A. He wanted to call the police.        
B. He wanted to kill the old man.
C. He wanted to steal the old man’s bag.
D. He wanted to invite the old man to dinner.
3. The old woman put _____________ into the old man’s food.
A. some sleeping pills           B. some pepper
C. some beef                 D. forgetful grass
4. The next morning the owner found ____________.
A. the old man left his bag in the inn   B. the bag was still there
C. the old man had died         D. the old man had gone with his bag
5. The old man forgot to __________________.
A. pay the owner the bill                B. take his bag
C. look at the time                   D. say goodbye to the owner

2.本文的第五行有一句是 I want to steal it when he’s asleep tonight.意思为当老人今天晚上睡觉的时候,我想偷掉他的包,所以可以判断旅馆的主人想偷老人的包,故本题选C。
3.本文第二段第一,二行有两句是We have forgetful grass,Why not put some into his food? 意思为我们有健忘草,我什么不把它放到事物里让老人吃,所以可知旅馆的那个老妇人把健忘草放到老人的食物里,故本题选D。
5.本文的最后一句是He forgot to pay us the bill!意思为老人忘记付钱了,故本题选A。
I will never forget my first English class. It is very interesting. It’s the first
class in the morning. The teacher goes into the classroom with a smile on his
face. At the beginning, he makes a self-introduction(自我介绍). And he tells us
that his English name is John. Then he asks all of us to think of English names
for ourselves. We are very excited(兴奋的) to find a good name. Then he asks
us to write our names down on a piece of paper. I think about my English
name for a long time. Then I come up with(想出) a beautiful name ---Shirley.
All the students write their names down and give the paper to the teacher. When
the teacher calls “Shirley” to answer his question, three girls stand up at the
same time.
小题1:What do we do in the first English class?
A.Tell the teacher our Chinese names.B.Find English names for ourselves.
C.See an English film.D.Draw pictures.
小题2: What does our teacher do first?
A.He asks every student to make a self-introduction.
B.He introduces(介绍) himself to all of us.
C.He asks us many difficult questionsD.He tells us a story.
小题3:What’s the English name of our English teacher?
小题4: Where do we write down our English names?
A.On the blackboard.B.On the desk.C.On our hands.D.On the paper.
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The teacher gives every student an English name.
B.Our teacher is a young girl.
C.Three girls choose(选择)the name “Shirley”.
D.The teacher calls our Chinese names in class.
A young man was about to finish school. For a long time he had   26  to get a beautiful sports car. He knew his father could well   27  it, so he  told him that a sports car was all he wanted.
Then on the morning of his graduation(毕业),he was called to his father’s room. His father told him how   28  he was to have such a fine son, and told him how   29  he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful gift box.  30 , the young man opened the box and found a lovely Bible(圣经)with his name on it. Angrily, he raised his   31  to his father and said, “With all your money you give me a Bible? ” He then   32  out of the house, leaving the Bible.
Many years passed and the young man was very   33  in business, and had a beautiful home and a wonderful family.  34  that his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him   35  that graduation day. Before he could go, he received a   36  telling him that his father had died. He had to go home immediately and take   37  of the things that his father left him.
When he began to search through his father’s important
papers, he saw the still new Bible,   38     as he had left
it years ago. He opened the Bible and began to      39 
the pages. As he was reading, a car key with a tag(标牌)
dropped from the back of the Bible. On the tag was the 
  40     of his graduation, and the words “PAID IN
FULL”. Sadness and regret(悔恨)filled his heart.
A.excitedB.proudC.angry D.anxious
A.hand B.headC.voiceD.sound
A.carefulB.helpful C.wonderful D.successful
A.on B.sinceC.afterD.from
A.careB.part C.notesD.time
Jack was too heavy and didn’t have a girlfriend. He felt very sad and went to a doctor for help. The doctor told him to eat less and exercise often.
One day, Jack was sitting by the road with his dog. Then a policeman came over. Jack stood up and began to run down the road. The policeman saw that and ran after him at once. After a few minutes the policeman caught Jack.
“Where are you going?” said the policeman. “Why did you begin to run when you saw me?” “Oh, no,” said the young man, “I am just doing exercise . Because I am too heavy, the doctor told me that I must run every day.”
“Oh, I see,” said the policeman. “sorry. You run to help yourself to keep healthy. That’s so good!” Then he ran after Jack to help him.
小题1:Jack wanted to          .
A. be good at running                B. makes friends with the policeman
C. help himself to lose weight(重量)
小题2:At first the policeman found the young man          .
A. was sitting and playing near the river
B. was playing with his dog by the road
C. was sitting by the road with his dog
小题3:Who ran faster?
A. Jack.               B. The policeman.               C. The dog.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A. The policeman thought Jack was a bad man.
B. The doctor told Jack to run after the policeman.
C. The policeman said sorry to Jack.
小题5:At last, the policeman ran after Jack because he          .
A. wanted to help Jack to lose weight            B. wanted to be a good policeman
C. wanted to keep healthy as well

Four-bedroom house for sale
This house is on a quiet street only a few meters from the beach. It has a wonderful view of the sea and would suit a family or an investor(投资者). There are many international cafes and restaurants nearby, and it is only a short walk to the stores. It’s near the bus stops. The house has two floors. On the first floor there is a modern kitchen, a large sitting room, a dining room, and a bathroom. On the second floor you will find four bedrooms. There are also two bathrooms. There is also a swimming pool and a beautiful garden around the house.
Please telephone Jim Watson at 014-735-8383.
One –bedroom apartment(公寓) for sale
This apartment is on the top floor of a six–floor building and has a wonderful view of the city. There is a big park near the building. It is near the centre of the city. It will be a good home for a young couple(夫妻). The apartment is freshly painted. A modern kitchen and a tidy bathroom make it very comfortable. The owners need money, so they are eager to sell it. Call Julie Kelly at 014-735-8484 for more information.
小题1:There are ___________bedrooms on the second floor of the house.
小题2: Which is NOT true about the house?
A.It has a garden around it.B.It is by the beach.
C.It is in a busy street.D.It is large.
小题3:Which is true about the apartment?
A.It is good for a big family.B.It is in a city.
C.It is in an old building.D.It has a beautiful garden.
小题4:. If you want to see the house, how could you see inside of it?
A.Call Jim and he will show you.
B.Ask people living there to show you.
C.Go there. The door is open.
D.You can only see pictures.
小题5: What does the word “eager” mean?

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