
小题1:If you want to learn English well, you have to practice speaking English! Read English every day and try to talk with your friends in English.
小题2:If we only recite (背诵) without understanding, we can’t use English well. If we only follow but never think, we can’t learn English well.
小题3:How can laughter help us in our daily life? Do you think humor (幽默) is helpful, if we are really sick? Do you know anyone who laughs all the time? What is that person like? Do you know someone who never laughs? Do you enjoy being around that person?
小题4:Friends are important in our lives. Do you have many friends? What advice would you give a newcomer to your school to help him or her meet new friends? What would you do to help your best friends?
小题5:How should we eat to stay healthy? What do you think is the healthiest food we can eat every day? Do you eat healthy food? Or do you prefer delicious but not so healthy food? What food should we avoid(避免)eating? Besides eating well, what should we do for our health?
A Practice makes perfect.
B Learning without thinking is a dangerous thing.
C An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
D God helps those who help themselves.
E Laughter is the best medicine.
F Two heads are better than one.


试题分析:小题1:文章讲到you have to practice speaking English! Read English every day,所以学习语言要多进行练习,故应该为熟能生巧,故选A
小题2:后文讲到If we only follow but never think, we can’t learn English well. 如果不思考,那么我们不能很好的学习,故选B
小题3:后文讲到How can laughter help us in our daily life? 可知此处应该为笑是最好的良药,故选E
小题4:后文讲到Friends are important in our lives.朋友的重要性,故可知此处应该为人多智广,故选F
小题5:后文讲到How should we eat to stay healthy? 如何来保持健康,可知此处应该为一天一个苹果能够使医生远离,故选C
What are people wearing in the 21 st century? Scientists believe that in the near future, high—tech(高科技)clothing will make our lives more interesting. Take a look here and see some great inventions.
Some say Speedo swimsuits helped world champion Michael Phelps move faster in water  小题1: This gives clothes many new functions(功能).
Now many clothes makers begin to use new fabrics(纺织品)like nanofiber(纳米纤维). The clothes made from these fabrics can keep away stains(污渍)and creases(皱褶) 小题2: 
Clothes makers also use eco—friendly materials in clothing. Most of them come from old clothes. newspapers or even plastic bottles.   小题3:  Many clothes makers like Li-Ning make clothes from this low-carbon material.
As the Internet has become part of our life, everyday objects are becoming part of a network.
Clothing is, too. For example, a US company has developed a pair of pants.  小题4:
Scientists put sensors(传感器)inside the pants and then connect them to a computer. When people put the pants on, the sensors collect information about the body and send it to the computer.  小题5: .
A. People don't have to wash them or iron them frequently.
B. Reusing materials will help us to cut down on carbon emissions(碳排放).
C. High-tech clothing is made from old clothes, newspapers or even plastic bottles.
D. It can see your movement and “let a computer know your every move”.
E. Today there's more and more technology in clothing.
F. Scientists believer this technology will help us learn more about our bodies.
G. Clothes makers can make more and more money in the future.

Have you ever rubbed(擦) your hands together when they get cold? Why do we do that? We do that for friction(摩擦). Friction happens when two things that aren’t very smooth rub together to make heat energy. The faster you rub two things together, the more friction (and heat) you can make. Let’s discover friction!
Soap        Water         Your hands
(1). Make sure your hands are dry.
(2). Rub your hands together until you feel the heat of your hands.
(3). Now, use soap and water to get your hands very slippery(滑的).
(4). Try to make friction happen while your hands are slippery.
(5). Please write down what has happened.
Friction is an energy that happens when two things rub together. When friction happens, it makes heat! When your hands are slippery, they won’t make very much friction and your hands won’t get so hot.
(1). Friction happens when you stop your fast running bike.
(2). Ancient people made fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together. Friction happened though they didn’t know it.
Friction is everywhere. Have you ever noticed situations where friction is happening? If not, ask your parents to take you out in a car. If it is not too hot, touch the tires(轮胎) of the car before and after a short drive to see how much warmer they get from friction.
This is not a diet.It ' s a simple way to lose weight  And you don't even have to give up the food you love or join a gym.It's about balancing calories in tiny ways that add up to big benefits.
You just form some habits that slim people have.Stick with them,and you ' ll become thin.
When your eyes open,sit up slowly ,don’t use your hands.With legs straight out,bend forward until you feel a stretch(舒展)in your back.Hold and then use your abdomens(腹部肌肉)to lower yourself flat.Rest and repeat two more times.It will burn about l0 calories.
2.Start with soup
When you have meat,order a clear soup,and drink it before you have the main food.It can save twice the calories.Besides.you ' 11 feel fuller.so you'll eat less when the main food comes.
3.An apple (or more)a day
Apples are packed with fiber and water,so your stomach will want less.The study shows that people who eat at least three apples a day lose weight.
4.Stand up and walk around
Every time you take the phone,stand up and walk around.Heavy people sit on average two and a half hours more per day than thin people.This trick is very important as standing up and walking around will burn 50 or more calories.
Use these tricks.With these small changes,you will have a big weight loss.
_______小题1:__ to lose weight
From some habits that slim people have and you’ll become thin.
  As soon as you wake up, sit up slowly_____小题2:____ using your hands.
Keep your legs straight out and bend_______小题3:__ until you feel a stretch in your back.
Hold and then use your abdomens to lower yourself flat.
Rest and repeat ___小题4:_______ two times.
It will burn about 10 calories.
Start with soup
 Have a clear soup before____小题5:____ the main food.
Feel ____小题6:______and eat less during the meal.
It can save ___小题7:____ the calories.
An apple (or more) a       day
Your stomach will want less because of the fiber and _小题8:______ in apples.
Eat three or more apples a day and you will have a weight ___小题9:___
Stand up and walk around
 Stand up and walk around as soon as possible.
They will burn at ___小题10:____ 50 calories.

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