

A: Excuse me. Robert. May I 1 your ruler, please?

B: Yes, of course. Oh, 2 my ruler? I can't 3 it.

A: Is it in your desk?

B: Let me 4 . No, it isn't.

A: Is it in your schoolbag?

B: No, it's not in the bag. Ah, I see it! It's under the desk 5 the floor! Here you are.

A: Thanks. But this one is 6 . Do you have a long one?

B: Sorry. I only have this one.

A: Well, 7 I get a long one? I need one now.

B: You can buy a long one in the shop.

A: 8 shop?

B: The one near our school.

A: 9 you think it's still open now?

B: What's the time by your watch?

A: It's about five fifty.

B: I think it's still open. It opens at 8:30 a. m. and closes at 6:30 p. m.

A: OK, let's 10 .

(1) A.borrow
(2) A.where
(3) A.look
B.look at
(4) A.look
B.look at
D.have a look
(5) A.in
D.next to
(6) A.too short
B.very big
C.very small
D.too long
(7) A.where
C.where can
D.were does
(8) A.Where
(9) A.Are
(10) A.go and see
B.to go and see
  C.to go and to see
D.go and to see

(1) borrow表示“向某人借东西”。

(2) where'swhere is的缩写。

(3) find表示“发现”“找到”的意思。

(4) have a look表示“看一看”。

(5) on the floor表示“在地面上”。

(6) 由下文a long one可知此处应为too short

(7) 由答语可知是询问地点。

(8) 由答语可知问句问的应是“哪一个”。

(9) think是实义动词,疑问句用助动词do提问。

(10) let's后接动词原形。




When high school started, Sally and I became best friends. We shared many interests and quickly became very close.When high school ended, we both cried because we would enter different   1 in autumn

Our first term of college life was   2 , so we often sent long e-mails and encouraged each other. We missed each other so much! In the second term, I found some new friends and I felt very   3   with them. These were friends with whom I could be myself and pour out my feelings. I was eager to share my new friends with Sally.

When Sally   4  visited me at my school, we were excited. She brought a toy bear to me    5  a present and told me about her college life.   6 , something unexpected happened when I introduced her to my new friends.Her eyes grew dark and I could see the sadness in them.My new friends tried to share their friendship, but Sally seemed unwilling to accept it.I didn't understand   7 the people I loved most

couldn't love each other.

Sally left. I knew she was not happy. I thought long about what had happened. I asked her many questions but she didn’t answer me. I   8  that she was jealous. She saw me with my new friends and was afraid that we no longer shared the same experiences. She saw that I could still enjoy myself    9  her and wished she could be a part of it.

I wrote Sally a letter to   0  she's always my best friend. I told her everyone had friends from home and friends from school, and all the friends were indeed life's greatest   11 .Sally wrote me back soon. She was in agreement and felt sorry about   12  she had done.

I think Sally and I both  13  an important lesson from it. Nothing can influence our   14_  and change the experiences we've shared.We are now walking on two different paths of life. While new friends are special and exciting, old friends are   15  there, waiting to share their heart, no matter how far away they are from each other.

1.                A.camps          B.colleges        C.classes   D.clubs


2.                A.hard           B.peaceful        C.modern  D.normal


3.                A.anxious         B.strange         C.nervous D.comfortable


4.                A.quickly         B.finally          C.luckily    D.easily


5.                A.for            B.like            C.as   D.by


6.                A.Because        B.However        C.Therefore D.Though


7.                A.how           B.whether        C.that D.why


8.                A.hoped         B.wondered       C.understood    D.dreamed


9.                A.without         B.from           C.for D.across


10.               A.suppose        B.explain         C.guess D.predict


11.               A.achievement    B.problem        C.gift   D.sign


12.               A.that           B.what           C.how  D.when


13.               A.lend           B.learn          C.borrow    D.plan


14.               A.looks          B.interests        C.friendship D.hobbies


15.               A.always         B.never          C.sometimes     D.already



     A few days ago, my mom went to visit my grandparents. She wanted to stay there for a few days. It
was the first time that Dad and I    1    at home without Mom.    2    the first day, Dad and I went out for
a dinner. The next morning, we    3    got up late. I went to school without (没有) eating breakfast. I didn't
feel    4    all day long. After school    5    I got home, I looked around. What a mess(杂乱)! I had to clean
the rooms and did the dishes and the laundry. I was    6    after doing all of the housework. That evening I
got a    7    from Mom. She said she would come back the next day. I felt very happy to    8    that.At that
time I realized that Mom did    9   housework everyday. I told my dad that we should   10   to help Mom.
He agreed.
(     )1. A. studied   
(     )2. A. On         
(     )3. A. both      
(     )4. A. hungry     
(     )5. A. before    
(     )6. A. busy           
(     )7. A. call      
(     )8. A. listen    
(     )9. A. a little   
(     )10. A. want       
B. worked    
B. In          
B. all       
B. sorry      
B. when       
B. angry            
B. meal       
B. hear       
B. too many  
B. stop    
C. stayed      
C. At       
C. only        
C. tired     
C. until      
C. happy            
C. book       
C. care        
C. much too   
C. forget  
D. did            
D. Of          
D. either      
D. well           
D. after                    
D. tired         
D. e-mail       
D. say            
D. too much     
D. try       
A: Hello,Helen !
B:   1  , Mike!
A: How   2   you?
B: Fine,   3   . And you?
A: I'm   4   , too.What   5   thisinEnglish? 
B: It's   6    orange.
A:   7   it, please.
B : O-R-A-N-G-E. 
A: What   8    is it?
B: It's    9   . 
A:    10   you very much.
(     )1. A. OK                            
(     )2. A. am      
(     )3. A.Thank                          
(     )4. A. fine                          
(     )5. A. am                            
(     )6. A. the                           
(     )7. A. Spells                                                                    
(     )8. A.red                            
(     )9. A. an orange                                                                 
(     )10. A.Thank   
B. Well                     
B. are        
B. thanks you                
B. good                     
B. is                                                         
B. an                       
B. Can spell                                            
B. green                    
B. orange                                               
B. Thanks                 
C. Hello      
C. is         
C. Thanks   
C. bad        
C. are     
C. a          
C . How spell 
C. color      
C. oranges  
C. Thanking 
D. Good         
D. do          
D. thanks      
D. hello      
D. two         
D. Spell        
D. yellow       
D. a orange   
D. To thank  
A: Which meal do we need most, breakfast, lunch or    l   ?
B: Dinner.
A: Dinner is the big meal of the day. But I don't   2   we need it most.
B: Is lunch the meal we want most?
A: No,   3   is the meal we need most. But why?
C: It is a long time from night to morning. We have no   4  .
A: Right! If we don't have breakfast, we don't feel _ 5  . But what makes a good breakfast?
D: I think we can   6   milk, bread, noodles or porridge.    7   are good for breakfast.
A: That's right. We can eat some vegetables and fruits   8   the morning, too.
E: I   9   Coca-Cola a lot. Can I have that in the morning?
A: You'd better not.  Water is good for you.
F: Mom says we can not eat too much things after   10   .
A: Great! It may make you sick. After sport you need water and a rest first, not lots of  food.
(     )1. A. fruits  
(     )2. A. like    
(     )3. A. breakfast
(     )4. A. fruit    
(     )5. A. good    
(     )6. A. take    
(     )7. A. You      
(     )8. A. for      
(     )9. A. play    
(     )10. A. school  
B. food  
B. need  
B. lunch
B. food  
B. great
B. make  
B. They  
B. in    
B. bring
B. class
C. dinner    
C. think    
C. dinner    
C. vegetables
C. fine      
C. have      
C. We        
C. on        
C. like      
C. sports    
D. vegetables
D. know      
D. branch    
D. water      
D. well      
D. like      
D. He                                      
D. of        
D. eat        
D. lunch      

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