Roy is a middle-aged man who lives happily with his family in a big house. He is a successful craftsman now. But his life is not a1. so great. He had a learning disability from an early age. He went to a school for children like him and he got plenty of extra help in this school. He still suffered(受苦) the rest of his school days in public schools.

His life improved so much when he discovered art. The art world gave him a chance to express himself w2. words. He went to a workshop and gradually got good at making things with clay. Then he learned an important lesson: Though he was disabled in language, he could still be s3. and successfully express himself with clay.

He got his n4. lesson from rock climbing. It was a fun thing but he was scared from the start. He soon found it wasn’t a talent thing; it was just p5.. So he did it more. After about five years of climbing, he found himself in Yosemite Valley on a big wall. He learned that if a person fell in love with something and did it all the time, he would get better at it. And his confidence came along with it.

Later he found his e6. really helpful when learning how to read and write. Every day he spent many hours reading and writing, which he used to a7. as much as possible. After two hard years, he could read and write as well as others.

He has gone through the long process with art, rock climbing, reading and writing. Now he has got to a point in his life where he knows he is also able to dive into an area that is totally hard, unknown, but interesting.

Who was the most talented person that ever lived? It might be Leonardo da Vinci. The Italian was a painter, sculptor (雕塑家) and inventor. This year, we celebrated his 566th birthday on April 15th.

Da Vinci is still widely considered as one of the greatest painters. His most famous painting, the Mona Lisa which still sits in the Louvre Museum (卢浮宫), is one of the greatest art works of the world.

The Mona Lisa is famous for the mysterious(神秘的) smile. What is the reason for the woman’s smile? This is a question always asked, but it remains unanswered to this day.

Some believe that the Mona Lisa is actually a portrait (肖像) of Da Vinci himself! This is because some of her expressions on the face are similar to those in one of Da Vinci’s self-portraits. Others might suggest she smiles because she has lost her teeth! We will never know for sure… It is just fun to guess!

But the new research from scientists showed that some people even think she isn’t smiling but looks unhappy. The scientists also said that if Mona Lisa doesn’t look happy to you, it might be because of your own feelings.

The researchers showed 43 people two groups of pictures. Group One all had neutral(中性的) faces. Group Two had happy and angry faces. Each time, people saw two pictures, one from Group One, the other from Group Two. Later, they described what the neutral faces were like. When people saw a neutral face after a happy face, most of them thought it was smiling. When they saw a neutral face after a sad face, most of them thought it had a sad expression. Scientists believe our brain has predictive (预测性的) power. People use their past experiences to predict what they are going to experience next.

“________” said Erika Siegel, one of the researchers. “However, if you see the Mona Lisa after you have great fun, you can see her beautiful smile.”

1.According to the passage, Leonardo da Vinci ________.

A.was also a writer when he was alive still known as a great painter

C.was born on April 15th, 1462 D.studied in Italy but worked in Paris

2.Some people think Mona Lisa is a portrait of Da Vinci himself because ________.

A.Mona Lisa is actually a man but not a woman

B.most of Da Vinci’s paintings were about himself

C.some expressions were in the way he once painted himself

D.Mona Lisa lost her teeth and so did Da Vinci

3.Which might be the missing sentence in the last paragraph?

A.Different people get different feelings while seeing the Mona Lisa.

B.If you see the Mona Lisa after you fail your exam, you may think she is sad.

C.The expression of the Mona Lisa is always changing.

D.People always like the Mona Lisa’s smile.

4.From the passage, we can infer that ________.

A.Mona Lisa is the only painting of Da Vinci in Louvre museum

B.we can have the same opinion on the Mona Lisa’s smile no matter how we feel that day

C.people are just guessing but still don’t know the exact reason for the Mona Lisa’s smile

D.if you see the Mona Lisa after having a pleasant talk with friends, you may see the smile

5.If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best?

(①= Para. 1 ②=Para. 2 ③=Para. 3 ④=Para. 4 ⑤=Para. 5 ⑥=Para. 6 ⑦=Para.7 )

A.①②;③④;⑤⑥⑦ B.①;②③④⑤⑥;⑦ C.①②③④;⑤⑥;⑦ D.①②;③④⑤;⑥⑦

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