

注意:1. 语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;3. 80词左右。文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Teachers’ team(师资)

1. experienced teachers

help us make progress

2. friendly headteachers

grow as a person

School facilities(设施)

1. a big library

read books to learn more

2. a play ground

do sports

3. some science labs

find something new

School environment(环境)

1. different kings of trees and flowers

be clean and beautiful

2. safety education classes

protect ourselves

I’m from No. 44 Middle School. My school is making its effort to be a civilized school. Let me introduce it.

There are many experienced teachers in my school. They help us make progress in many ways.


Let’s try our best to make our school more beautiful and make it a civilized school.


We desire to believe that we can get fit without effort. We invent chocolate-chip cookie diets to make us thin while eating fat. We wish to get fit from doing nothing. We wish to lie in bed, think about going to the gym and then, get the body of a Greek god.

A new study from Brian Clark at Ohio University shows that sitting still, while just thinking about exercise, might make us stronger. Clark and his colleagues asked 29 volunteers and wrapped their wrists in surgical casts for a whole month. During this month, half of the volunteers thought about exercising their immobilized (使不动)wrists. For 11 minutes a day, 5 days a week, they sat completely still and focused their entire mental effort on pretending to flex their muscles. When the casts were removed, the volunteers that did mental exercises had wrist muscles that were two times stronger than those who had done nothing at all.

The idea behind the research is not a new concept-just a concept that’s often neglected in the field of neuroscience(神经科学): our bodies and our brains develop together. Even though we treat our mind and bodies as two separate things(brain vs brawn; mind vs matter), they are finally and closely connected.

Indeed, even before Brian Clark published his study, other researchers had explained links between the brain and the muscles. Ten years ago, Guang Yue at the Cleveland Clinic reported that imaginary exercise increases the strength of finger muscles by up to 35%. Just five years ago, Kai Miller at the University of Washington, showed that imaginary exercise activates the same brain areas that are activated during real exercise. Brain Clark's research adds to this body of knowledge and provides believable facts about the role of neuromuscular(神经肌肉的) pathways in strength training.

1.What's the purpose of chocolate-chip cookie diets?

A.To keep strong. B.To grow thinner. C.To keep fat. D.To have muscles

2.The experiment proves that .

A.wrapping their wrists may be quick B.showing their muscles needs efforts

C.sitting still might make us stronger D.thinking about exercise is so useful

3.Which of the following concepts is often neglected according to the passage?

A.Our mind and bodies are two separate things B.Our bodies and brains develop together

C.Our mind has a close relation to bodies D.Our mind has little effect on our brains

4.What's the best title for the passage?

A.How to grow stronger without lifting weights. B.How to carry out a muscle exercise program.

C.How to prevent muscle from growing thinner. D.How to provide pathways in strength training,

Fresh green grass. Hundreds of colorful wild flowers. Water running into little pools. Birds making their homes in boxes. The 9, 500-square-metre Augustenborg Botanical Garden may look just like any other well-organized park but there’s a difference. It lies on the roofs(屋顶) of industrial and office buildings in the city of Malmo in Sweden.

Green roofs are not a new invention. And now they are getting popular again. The common roofs of a modem city have endless black surfaces with no life or water. Perhaps that’s why a garden on a roof becomes such a perfect choice for more and more people.

Green roofs are not just pretty. They also help to moderate the city temperature. The high temperatures on common roofs in the summer can make top floor flats uncomfortably hot. What is more, they play a part in making the cities hotter than the countryside around them, causing the “urban heat-island effect”. On a green roof, however, with its plants and water, temperatures change only a little, as they do in a park. This can greatly cut the costs of heating and cooling in the building below.

Also, a green roof takes in rain water, and protects the city drainage(排水) system. ____ And small animals and birds can make their homes on it. Thanks to this, the city may become part of nature, rather than something completely separate from it.

While the cost of building such a roof can still be higher, it can be cheaper in the long term as a result of energy savings. And wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to walk out into a garden high above the city’s noise and traffic, whether you're at school or in an office or just at home in a ten-floor block.

1.With the example of Augustenborg Botanical Garden, the writer wants to explain ____.

A. how wildlife is protected B. what a green roof is like

C. how to organize a good park D. what to do with a spare roof

2.The underlined word “moderate” in Paragraph 3 is the closest in meaning to “____”.

A. raise B. check C. record D. control

3.Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?

A. A green roof is alive. B. A green roof stops pollution.

C. A common roof is noisy. D. A common roof increases the cost.

4.The purpose of the passage is to ____.

A. discover the problems with green roofs B. introduce the change of green roofs

C. show the amazing beauty of green roofs D. describe the advantages of green roofs

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