
Before books came into being, people learned stories by heart and taught new ones to each other. A1. it was hard to remember them all. Things grew a little e2.when writing was invented. The first writers made marks by pressing sticks into slabs(厚板) of soft clay. At first, the new marks were j3. used to make lists. But soon people wrote down laws, and then stories.

In ancient China, people there first carved words into bone or tortoiseshell. Later they used ink to write on strips of bamboo or silk. Then the Chinese invented paper. Paper-making didn’t come into the West u4. A. D.700. At last, it spread to Europe. H5., all these early books still had one big problem. If there were pictures, each page had to be painted by hand, one at a time. This made books rare and expensive—though also very beautiful.

To solve the problem, the Chinese carved a page of words and pictures into a block of wood or stone, Then they printed the entire page at once by spreading ink on the block and pressing it a6. the paper. This let them make many c7. of a book much more quickly.

Then a German invented movable, metal letters, so books became fast and easy to make. As there are more books. more people learn to read.

Once, books were so expensive that only the rich could buy. But with the improvement of people’s living c8. books have become a treasure everyone could enjoy. Today, computers let us read books anytime, anywhere while it seemed i9. in the past. You can even read a book on your phone. It is really a good way to r10..

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