
—Who did English homework better, Leo or Nick?
—Leo is more careful. I think Leo did _____ Nick.

  1. A.
    as good as
  2. B.
    as well as
  3. C.
    better than
  4. D.
    worse than
试题分析:as good as和……几乎一样;as well as也,和……一样;better than超过,多于,比……好;worse than比……坏。句意:谁的英语作业做得好,里奥还是尼克?——里奥更细心。我认为里奥比尼克做得好。结合语境可知选C。



As you know , Mark Twain was a f ___1.____ writer . He was born in a poor family . It was difficult for him to get some money when he was young . One day , he was invited to give a talk and after that he was asked if he could r____2._____ the first money he ever earned (挣). He had thought a long time before he answered and then said , “Yes , it was at school . I can remember e____3._____ about it . Pupils in those days didn’t respect (尊敬) their teachers and didn’t take c­­___4.____ of school property (财产). Some of them often broke the windows and doors , the others cut something on the desks . S____5.____ a rule (规定)was made in our school that any boy who did that would be beaten (被打) in front of the whole school , or would have to p____6._____ five dollars .”

“ One day I cut a mouse on the desk with a knife . I had to give five dollars to the school or be beaten before the w____7.____ school . So I had to tell my father about it . My father said it would be very bad to have our family disgraced(羞辱) in front of the whole school . He agreed to give me five dollars to hand over to the headmaster(校长).But before g____8.____ me the money , he took me upstairs(楼上) and gave me a beating . But as I had one beating and got used to(习惯) it , I d_____9.____ I would take another beating at school and leave the five dollars to m_____10.______ . So that’s what I did . That was the first money I ever earned .”


Roy wanted to join a sports club. He filled out this application (申请) form. Now please read this form carefully and then answer the questions.

Last name:Williams            First name:Roy

Address:140 Jefferson Drive, Richmond, the USA

Post code:40768


Home phone:983 0284

Sex (性别):Male

Date of birth:11 / 30 / 1997

Marital status:single

Do well in:Football, Swimming, Tennis

Prizes (with dates):

Richmond Wildcat’s Top Football

Player for 2009

Family doctor:Dr, Jeff Smith

Date of last medical examination:12 / 30 / 2010

Signature:Roy Williams

Date:3 / 15 / 2010

Mar. 15, 2010

Mr Woods

Newtown Sports Club

Center Street


Dear Mr. Woods,

I hope to become a member of your club.

I’ll be happy if I am accepted by your club.

Sincerely yours,

Roy Williams

1.Which sports club did Roy want to join?

A. Newtown Sports Club.             B. Jefferson Drive Sport Club.

C. Center Street Sports Club.       D. Newton Club.

2.Roy was _________ years old when he had his last medical examination.

A. twelve         B. thirteen       C. fourteen        D. fifteen

3.Roy became the top football player _________.

A. in 2009        B. in 1997        C. in 2010         D. both in 2009 and 2010

4.Who did Roy write his letter to?

A. His parents.   B. Dr Jeff Smith. C. Mr. Woods.      D. His brothers.

5.He hoped that the club could _________.

A. know what prize he had ever won

B. accept him as a new member

C. know he was a sports lover

D. help him become a top football player again



Roy wanted to join a sports club. He filled out this application (申请) form. Now please read this form carefully and then answer the questions.

Last name:Williams            First name:Roy

Address:140 Jefferson Drive, Richmond, the USA

Post code:40768


Home phone:983 0284

Sex (性别):Male

Date of birth:11 / 30 / 1997

Marital status:single

Do well in:Football, Swimming, Tennis

Prizes (with dates):

Richmond Wildcat’s Top Football

Player for 2009

Family doctor:Dr, Jeff Smith

Date of last medical examination:12 / 30 / 2010

Signature:Roy Williams

Date:3 / 15 / 2010

Mar. 15, 2010

Mr Woods

Newtown Sports Club

Center Street


Dear Mr. Woods,

I hope to become a member of your club.

I’ll be happy if I am accepted by your club.

Sincerely yours,

Roy Williams

1.Which sports club did Roy want to join?

A. Newtown Sports Club.             B. Jefferson Drive Sport Club.

C. Center Street Sports Club.       D. Newton Club.

2.Roy was _________ years old when he had his last medical examination.

A. twelve         B. thirteen       C. fourteen        D. fifteen

3.Roy became the top football player _________.

A. in 2009        B. in 1997        C. in 2010         D. both in 2009 and 2010

4.Who did Roy write his letter to?

A. His parents.   B. Dr Jeff Smith. C. Mr. Woods.      D. His brothers.

5.He hoped that the club could _________.

A. know what prize he had ever won

B. accept him as a new member

C. know he was a sports lover

D. help him become a top football player again



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