

  What is blood? It is the red liquid which comes out of your finger when you cut it.

  There are about thirteen pints (品脱) of (1) in a man' sbody. He can (2) a pint of blood at a time (3) the blood bank forthe use of (4) who may need it. A healthy body makes up (补充上)the pint of blood (5) .

  What does blood (6) for us? It (7) food to (8) of our bodies and takes waste (9) from them. All parts of our bodies are made up of cells (有细胞组成) . These cells , which are very small , all need food (10) . No one (11) cells before the invention of microscope (显微镜). Before them no one could make pictures of cells (12) no one could see them.

  What makes the blood (13) round the body? The heart send sit round. (14) man's heart is the size of his shut (合上)hand.

  The heart is pump (泵) . It pumps blood and sends it round the body. The heart (15) four rooms with doors between them. It pumps blood in and out (16) these doors by changing the size of the rooms so that the doors (17) and shut. The heart keeps as tream(一般)of blood (18) all round the body and back again to itself. The heart is a very (19) part of one's body. When it stops (20) ,one will die.


[  ]



C.a blood

D.some blood


[  ]






[  ]






[  ]

A.other man

B.the other men

C.other men



[  ]






[  ]






[  ]



C.bring .



[  ]

A.all parts

B.some parts

C.all part

D.some part


[  ]






[  ]

A.all the time


C.a long time

D.at the same time


[  ]


B.had seen

C.didn't see

D.hadn't seen


[  ]






[  ]



C.to move



[  ]






[  ]



C.there is

D.there are


[  ]






[  ]


B.are open

C.are opened



[  ]






[  ]


B.more important

C.the most important

D.the least important


[  ]

A.to beat

B.to be beaten





The Witch(巫婆)

   “We should do something nice for the old people of our town,”the teacher said to her class one day. “What could we do?”

  “Can we give them a picnic?”one of the children asked. “We can send out invitations(邀请)and bring cakes and sausages(香肠)and all kinds of good things to eat.”

  “That's very good idea,”the teacher said. “We'll ask all the old people to a picnic by the river.”

  The children worked hard getting ready for the picnic. Their parents made cakes and pies(馅饼)or gave money, and the children wrote invitation cards to the old people. Then they took the cards to the old people's homes.

  On the morning of the picnic the sky was blue and the sun was shining. The children were all looking forward to giving the old people a happy day.

  Then one of the children said. “Oh! We forgot to invite Mrs. Waller.”

  They did not like Mrs. Waller. She looked like a witch.

   “We must invite her how then,” the teacher said. “She will be hurt and angry if we don't ask her.”

  She looked around the class and then pointed at one of the boys. “Tom, take an invitation card to her house. Apologize(道歉)for being late. Don't tell her we forgot her.”

  Tom did not want to go to Mrs. Waller's house, but he was a brave(勇敢的)boy, and said, “All right, Miss Lee.”

  He went to the old woman's house and knocked on the door. Mrs. Waller opened it. She looked very angry.

   “Well,” she said, “what is it? What do you want?”

  Tom gave her the invitation card and said, “I'm sorry we did not ask you before, but please come to our picnic. It's a beautiful day.”

  Mrs. Waller knew that the children thought she was a witch. She guessed that they had forgotten her.

   “You're too late,” the woman said. “It's a beautiful day now, but I've already arranged for rain this afternoon.”

1.What did the children decide to do?

[  ]

A.They decided to visit the old witch.

B.They decided to help their teacher.

C.They decided to give a picnic for some old people.

D.They decided to cook cakes and sausage themselves.

2.Where did the children have the picnic?

[  ]

A.At their school.

B.At home.

C.In the old people's home.

D.By the river.

3.Why didn't the children invite Mrs. Waller?

[  ]

A.They did not know where she lived.

B.She didn't like picnics.

C.They were frightened(受惊吓)of her.

D.She was cruel(残酷的)to children.

4.Why did the teacher say they must invite Mrs. Waller?

[  ]

A.Because she did not want to hurt Mrs. Waller.

B.Because she was frightened of her.

C.Because she wanted to punish the children.

D.Because she liked her.

5.What did Mrs. Waller say she had done when she realized(意识到)they had forgotten her?

[  ]

A.She had arranged for it to be a rainy day.

B.She had locked Tom in a closet(储藏室)so that he could not got to the picnic.

C.She had changed the date of the picnic.

D.She had said bad things about the teacher.


Dirty Hands

  “Have you washed your hands and face?”Billy's mother asked him.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “Show me.”

  He showed his mother his hands.

  “They are filthy(肮脏的),” she said. “And your face is covered in dirt.”

  She pulled him into the bathroom. “Now wash your face and hands,” she said.

  He did as she told him, but he hated doing it.

  “Are you afraid of soap(肥皂) and water?” his mother asked him.

  “No, I'm not afraid of them,” he said. “I just don't like them. I hate washing.”

  When he left the house he was clean. By the time he got to school he was dirty again.

  “Look at you!” his teacher shouted. “Your face is filthy. If your hands are dirty, too, you'll be in trouble. Hold out your hands.”

  Billy knew his hands were dirty. He quickly spit(吐口水) on one and rubbed(擦) it on his pants(裤子). Then he showed it to the teacher.

  “That is not a clean hand, Billy,”she said. “It's the dirtiest hand in the class. I'm going to punish(惩罚) you.”

  Billy looked around the class. “It's not the dirtiest hand in the class,”he said.

  “All right, Billy,”the teacher said. “If you can show me a dirtier hand, I won't punish you.”

  With a smile, Billy quickly showed her his other hand.

1.How did Billy feel about washing his hands and face?

[  ]

A.He didn't mind.

B.He liked it.

C.He hated it.

D.He was afraid of soap and water.

2.Why was his teacher angry with him?

[  ]

A.He was late for school.

B.He hadn't done his homework.

C.His hands and face were very dirty.

D.He had been fighting in the playground.

3.What did the teacher think about the hand Billy showed her?

[  ]

A.It was clean.

B.It was dirty.

C.It was the cleanest hand in the class.

D.It was the dirtiest hand in the class.

4.How did Billy know his hand was not the dirtiest in the class

[  ]

A.The other children had filthy hands.

B.The teacher had very dirty hands.

C.The dirtiest hand was his other one.

D.He did not know.


  Watson won his most important game and became Southern Chess Master (南部象棋大师) in 1997. He was given the silver(银)cup

  “It isn't rightly mine, ”he said, when he was holding the cup. “It was won two years ago when I was on holiday in…”

  “A family was staying at my hotel(旅馆)at that time. Mrs Prag, the mother, was told that I played chess; and she begged me to give her young son a game. He's only ten, she said. I've been told that he plays quite well. ”

  “Well, as you can guess, I wasn't too happy. A player likes the opponent(对手)to play as well as he does. But it was holiday time and I agreed to play. We placed the board(棋盘)in the garden. The game began. I hoped it would quick—and so it was. ”

  “I soon knew that David Prag was no learner. After ten minutes his sister came outside and began to play tennis against a wall. The boy seemed to lose interest in our game . He moved a piece(棋子)without care. I gave my attention to the board.”

  “Call me when you are ready, Mr. Watson,”he said.

  “When I was ready, I looked up . He had gone off to play with his sister. I studied the board-and found I was driven into a corner. So it went on with David : a quick move , then tennis , back to the board, then back to his sister. My difficult condition became impossible to change. I was beaten. Oh so easily, by a ten-year-old chess player. He was the winner in twenty-eight minutes. ”

  “David Prag : a name to remenber. I had a chance to use his game today, and it won this cup for me . To him , of course , it is only one of a hundred, or perhaps a thousand, winning games. ”

l.When Mr. Watson said, “It isn't rightly mine. I was won…”, he meant________ two years before.

[    ]

A.he had played chess with a little boy for twenty-eight minutes

B.he had had a chance to take part in an important game

C.he had learned how to play chess from a child

D.he had learned a good game from a child

2.Befor the game, Mr. Watson was quite sure that ________.

[    ]

A.the boy played as well as he did

B.he would be Southern Chess Master two years later

C.he could win the game easily

D.the boy would win the game quickly

3.Why did David. play tennis while he was playing chess with watson? Because he ________.

[    ]

A.had no interest in playing chess with adults(成年人)

B.was not good at playing chess

C.liked playing tennis much better than playing chess

D.played chess much better than Watson

4.From the story, we know that ________.

[    ]

A.David Prag was the real winner

B.Mr. Watson was the real winner

C.neither of them was the real winner

D.both of them were the real winners

5.Which of the following(下列)is NOT ture ?

[    ]

A.Sometimes young children can beat adults in playing chess.

B.Watson thought he could win the game quickly, and so he did.

C.Watson learned something from David and won the sliver cup.

D.Watson would never forget the name of the boy.


  April is a day on which , in some countries , people try to play tricks on (开……的玩笑) others. If one succeeds in tricking somebody, one laughs and says, “April Fool”, and then the person who has been tricked usually laughs, too.

  One April 1st, a country bus was going along a winding road when it slowed down and stopped. The driver anxiously(焦急地) turned switches but nothing happened. Then he turned to the passengers with a worried look on his face and said , “This poor bus is getting old. It isn't going as well as it used to. There is only one thing to do if we want to get home today. I shall count three, and on the word ‘three’ I want you all to lean forward (探身过去) suddenly as hard as you can. That should get the bus started again. But if it doesn't, I'm afraid there is nothing else I can do. Now, all of you lean back as far as you can in your seats and get ready.”

  The passengers all obeyed and waited anxiously.

  Then the driver turned to his front and asked, “Are you ready?”

  Then passengers hardly had enough breath(呼吸)to answer, “Yes ”.

   “One! Two! Three! ”counted the driver. The passengers all swung forward (向前晃) suddenly and the bus started up at a great speed.

  The passengers breathed more easily and began to smile with relief (放松) . But their smiles turned to surprise and thendelighted (快乐的)laughter when the driver merrily cried, “AprilFool ! ”

1.On April ________ .

[  ]

A.one who tricks somebody successfully says“April Fool !”.

B.one who has been tricked says“April Fool”!

C.People say, “April Fool!”to each other wherever theymeet.

D.one cannot fool anybody.

2.The driver anxiously turned switches in order to ________ .

[  ]

A.get the bus started again

B.make the passengers believe there was something wrongwith the bus

C.turn on the radio

D.show the bus was not going as well as before

3.He asked every passenger to ________ before he countedthree.

[  ]

A.Lean forward as hard as possible

B.sit still

C.shut their eyes

D.lean backward against their seats

4.The sentence“The passengers hardly had enough breath to answer“means ________

[  ]

A.they were quite out of breath

B.they were a bit nervous (紧张)

C.there was not enough air in the bus

D.they just wouldn't answer“Yes.”

5.The bus started up because ________ .

[  ]

A.the driver had counted“One ! Two ! Three ! ”

B.all the passengers had swung forward suddenly

C.nothing was wrong with it

D.the driver had rid it of (解决)its trouble


The Photographer(摄影师)

  Sam Higgins was a famous photographer. He travelled all over the world, taking photographs for magazines and newspapers. His photographs won many prizes and he earned(挣得) a lot of money.

   “I'll do anything to get a good photograph,”he often said.“I'll go anywhere at any time, even if it is dangerous.”

  And he spoke the truth. He had photographs of earthquakes (地震), forest fires, floods(洪水), even wars. If something interesting happened, Sam went to photograph it.

  He was a married man and his wife often asked him to take her with him, but he always refused.

   “I travel for my work, not for pleasure,”he told her. “You won't enjoy yourself, and I won't have time to look after you. Sometimes there's not even anywhere to stay and I have to sleep outside. I often don't have a good meal or a bath for days. You won't like it.”

  “Sam, I'm not a child, ”his wife argued(争论). “I can look after myself. Please, take me with you next time you go overseas.”

  Sam did not say anything but he thought about it, and when he was asked to go to Africa he said, “You can come to Africa with me if you want to. I've got to take photographs of the wildlife(野生动物) there. It should be interesting and not too uncomfortable. We'll be staying with a ranger(森林或公园管理员). ”

  His wife was very excited, and at first she had a very enjoyable time.

  Then Sam went off to find some lions to photograph. His wife went with him, but before long they became separated(分开). They came to a fork in the path, and she walked down one path while he walked down the other.

  Then Sam heard her screaming(尖叫). He ran back to the fork in the path and saw her running toward him. A huge lion was running after her.

  Quickly Sam took his camera out of its case and pointed it at his wife and the lion.

  Then he shouted, “Slow down, woman. I can't get you both in the picture.”

1.Sam Higgins ________.

[  ]

A.enjoyed travelling

B.was a professional(专业的) photographer

C.appeared(出现) in many magazines

D.took only dangerous photos

2.He always ________.

[  ]

A.took his wife

B.spoke the truth

C.went to safe places

D.travelled alone

3.Where did he often have to sleep?

[  ]

A.In a forest fire.
B.In a hotel.
C.In a bathroom.

4.Mrs. Higgins wanted ________.

[  ]

A.to have her photograph taken
B.to stay with a ranger
C.to go with her husband
D.to have a child

5.What did Mrs. Higgins find?

[  ]

A.A lion.
B.A fork.
C.A camera.
D.A camera case.

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