According to a survey, many people think genes(基因) and intelligence have something to do with students' success or failure. But there aren't any researches to support this opinion. And in fact, it is not right at all. There is one thing that can finally decide students' success or failure. That is how they learn. A few students are clever and lucky. They find good ways for themselves to study every subject well. But others aren't so lucky like them. They don't find correct ways of their own and fail in the end.

To teachers, what is the best way to teach languages? Dr. Asher found a way called “Total Physical Response”. This was helpful to students. Studies in San Jose State University showed that if students moved their bodies when learning English, they were able to learn a lot more new words and grammar in a very short time. But if they sat still and didn't move, they could learn less. And after a year, the students who moved their bodies when learning remembered 80% or more things they learned. But others forgot more than 80%.

Now you may know how to learn English. Keep moving when you learn. So when you listen to a story or an article, do action as soon as you hear it. And you can imagine you are the person in the story or the article. By doing this, you can learn more English and you can remember it longer. The most useful is that you can use it more easily. Stop your old method. Try this one at once!

1.What is the aim of Dr. Asher's Total Physical Response?

A.For students to remember words. B.For teachers to teach languages.

C.For parents to help their children. D.For schools to develop fast.

2.When you learn new words, ________ can help learn them well.

A.moving your bodies B.listening to stories

C.reading articles D.talking to others

3.The underlined word “intelligence” in the passage means “________” in Chinese.

A.耐力 B.魄力 C.体力 D.智力

4.What can you imagine when you listen to a story or an article?

A.I am the writer of the story or article. B.I am the seller of the story or article.

C.I am a character of the story or article. D.I am the teller of the story or article.

5.What does the writer want to tell us?

A.Ways to succeed in the future. B.Ways to do much more exercise.

C.Ways to make new sentences. D.Ways to help people learn well.

阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。

She was three, just came back from a hospital after brain surgery (脑部手 术) with no hair. I was happy to see her back. My little “Mr. Clean” and I went to the shopping mall.

“Daddy, can I get a gift?” “OK, but just one,” I said. I asked her what she wanted. Without thinking twice, she said “An ice-cream comb(梳子) from the ice-cream store.”

At the end of the road, she found something new-a big fountain(喷泉).“Daddy, can I make a wish?” she jumped with joy. “Sure honey, but that will be your gift you know,” I told her. She agreed.

I put a coin in her hand. She closed her eyes and made her wish. “Can you tell Daddy what you wished for?” She answered, “I wished I could get an ice- cream comb.” Finally, she got her wish, and two gifts.

I knew that my beautiful girl would soon be on a long road of surgeries, special schools, endless treatments and end up paralyzed(麻痹) on her right side.

Today, she is almost seventeen. She can't use her right hand and walks with a limp(跛行). But each year she shows improvement. She is planning a job in early childhood education. With one year before finishing high school, she and I planned all the subjects she would need to take in college. It was her idea. You see that “giving up” was never a choice to her.

1.Why did the writer call her daughter “Mr. Clean”?


2.What was the little girl’s wish?


3.How did the girl feel when she saw the fountain?


4.Is the writer’s daughter as healthy as other common girls now?


5.What spirit do the writer’s daughter and Aron Ralston (the man in Unit 1 who cut off his arm to save himself )have in common?


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