How does a police department build a small army of detective dogs as smart as Sherlock Holmes?It’s easy, just___________________clone the best dog of these dogs. Scientists in China are already on the ___________________.__________________ the report, genetic researchers in Beijing have successfully used the DNA from a“Sherlock Holmes of police dogs”—HuaHuangma to create a clone puppy.The idea is that by __________________ the babies have the same strong genes as the mother,these pups(小狗) will also be top performers. It is _________________ that, HuaHuangma is a very good girl.

The 7-year-old Kunming wolf dog has helped __________________ many murder cases for the Yunnan Province police.Her contributions to___________________ to the peace have made her “first-class dog”.HuaHuangma’s minime—Kunxun was born in a lab in December, following _________________done by researchers from a university. Tests show that Kunxun and HuaHuangm are a“99.9 percent”DNA match, and the clone-pup has already_________________other wolf dogs on several tests.Kunxun will now begin training in drug detection,and is ______________ to be a grown—up police dog at 10months.

If Kunxun has as bright of a future as hoped,it’ll ___________________ a huge police-dog training time,which usually takes about 5 years.The final goal,is to mass—produce high—performing police dogs that can be__________________ in a couple of months instead of years._________________ the plan proves possible or not in the long term,Kunxun is not the first clone police dog.In South Korea, six _________________ police dogs began patrolling(巡逻) the streets in 2008.In 2009,the same company produced five clone puppies from a police dog.The police dog discovered the last__________________ of the Sept.11 attacks in New York.The pups were reportedly trained as search-and-rescue dogs themselves.

1.A.easily B.simply C.suddenly D.usually B.problem C.way

3.A.Because of B.As a result C.Thanks to D.According to

4.A.improving C.ensuring D.inventing

5.A.reported B.told C.written D.known in on with out

7.A.breaking B.achieving C.keeping D.making

8.A.experiments B.experiences C.stresses D.classes

9.A.won B.passed C.followed D.beaten

10.A.considered B.failed C.expected D.reported

11.A.increase B.reduce C.waste D.require

12.A.grown B.shown C.trained D.missed

13.A.When B.That C.If D.Whether

14.A.produced B.cloned C.same D.trained

15.A.person B.suspect C.event D.survivor

Once there was a piano player in a bar (酒吧). People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song.

“I don’t sing,” said the man.

But the lady told the waiter, “I'm tired of listening to the piano. I want the player to sing!”

The waiter shouted across the room, “Hey, friend! If you want to get your money, sing a song!”

So he did. He had never sung in public before. Now he was singing for the very first time! Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so beautifully!

He had talent (天赋) he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But once he found, by accident, that he could sing well, he went on working hard and became one of the best-known singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole.

You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel that your talent is great, but it may be better than you think. With hard work, most skills can be improved. Besides, you may have no success at all if you just sit on your talent.

1.The lady asked the player to sing a song because ________.

A.she had paid him for this B.she knew him very well

C.she wanted to have a change D.she enjoyed his singing

2.Nat King Cole succeeded because ________.

A.the lady helped him a lot B.he caught the chance

C.he continued to play in the bar D.he stopped playing the piano

3.The words “sit on” in the passage probably mean________. to realize (实现) B.forget to use

C.try to develop D.manage to show

4.From the story we know if you have some talent, you should ________.

A.hide it and wait B.ask others for help no attention to it hard to improve yourself

5.Which could be the best title for the passage?

A.Sing in the Bar B.A Successful Piano Player

C.Never Lose Heart D.Find Your Hidden Talent

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