
One Sunday afternoon, I went shopping at Wal-Mart . But I never thought I would have a life ­changing experience at WalMart.
Although my thoughts were only on speed, the checkout line I was standing in wasn’t moving as quickly as I wanted, and I looked towards the cashier.
There stood a man in his seventies, wearing glasses and a nice smile. I thought, well, he’s an old guy!
For the next few minutes I watched him. He greeted every customer before scanning the items. Sure, his words were the usual, “How’s it going?” But he did something different—he listened to people carefully and then he would reply to what they had said
I thought it was strange. I has grown used to people asking me how I was doing simply out of conversational habit. I could say, “I just found out I have six months to live,” and someone would reply, “Have a great day!”
But that wasn't the end.
He gave them the change, walked around the counter (柜台), and hugged them with his right hand in an act of friendship. He looked at the customers in the eyes. “I want to thank you for shopping here today,” he told them. “You have a great day. Bye-bye.”
The smiling looks on the faces of the customers were priceless. All had been touched by his simple gesture—and in a place they never expected. They would gather their things and walk out, smiling.
Of course, he did the same to me and I got to know his name—Marty.
Who was that guy? It was as if Sam Walton (沃尔玛的创始人)had come back from the dead and invaded this old guy’s body.
I had never walked away from that shop feeling like that.

【小题1】The underlined word “customer” mean________ in Chinese.

A.营业员 B.顾客 C.经理 D.供货商
【小题2】The checkout line the writer was standing in moved slower than expected because _______.
A.there were some big purchases
B.the writer was not patient enough
C.the cashier couldn't work as fast as others
D.the cashier did more than scanning the items
【小题3】According to the writer, when common people ask you “How’s it going?” ________.
A.they don’t really care what you may answer
B.they are just practicing their conversation ability
C.they are asking for your personal information
D.they don’t expect to hear any answers
【小题4】What do you think of the cashier-Marty?
A.clever and imaginative B.strange andstubborn
C.kind and sincere D.practical and creative
【小题5】What does the writer want to express through the text?
A.Our everyday life is always full of surprises.
B.Most customers enjoy being treated this way.
C.Being different is a good way of doing business
D.A little positive (积极的)action can make a big difference.


【小题1】细节理解题。划线单词“customer” 的意思是顾客。根据He looked at the customers in the eyes. “I want to thank you for shopping here today,”可知答案。故选B。
【小题2】细节理解题。因为收银员做了比扫描物品更多的事情所以作者所呆的付款队伍移动的更慢。据He gave them the change, walked around the counter (柜台), and hugged them with his right hand in an act of friendship. He looked at the customers in the eyes. “I want to thank you for shopping here today,” he told them. “You have a great day. Bye-bye.”可知除了扫描顾客的所购商品外收银员还做了更多的事情可知答案。故选D。
【小题3】细节理解题。按照作者的说法,当一般人问你“还好吗?”他们不真的关心你可能回答的内容。根据I has grown used to people asking me how I was doing simply out of conversational habit. 我已经习惯了人们只是出自谈话习惯问我怎么样可知答案, 故选A。
【小题4】推理判断题。这个题目问的是,你觉得收银员马蒂怎么样? 善良真诚。根据这位收银员做了比收银工作更多的事情(认真听顾客讲话,会拥抱下顾客等)可知答案,应该选C。


Millions of young people are writing blogs. Millions of others are reading them. The word“blog”is a short way of saying Web log.
Many popular Web sites now offer free,easy ways to create personal Web pages and fill them with writings and pictures. Web sites called “ Facebook ” and “MySpace” are some of the most popular blog sites for young people. Many young adults use their blogs to write about daily activities and events in their lives. They also provide a place for people to write their ideas and opinions and how they think of others’ ideas.
Blogs offer young people a place to show their writings and feelings. They can also be helpful to connect young people with others. But blogs can become dangerous when they are read on the Internet by millions of people all over the world.
Recent studies show that young people often provide their names, age and where they live on the Internet. That may not be safe for them. This personal information puts them at risk(风险)of being searched out by dangerous people who want to hurt them. Many students do not know about privacy(隐私)and are surprised to learn that adults can read their personal daily records easily. Students can also get into trouble when they put information about others on their blogs.
As a result, many schools have banned (禁止) the use of blogging Web sites on school computers. Many schools have also begun teaching parents about the Web sites. Parents should know what their children are doing online and should read their blogs to make sure they are not giving out private information. One way to keep away from these problems is to use programs so that blogs can be read by “friends only”. People can read the website only if they know a secret word chosen by the blogger.
【小题1】“Facebook”and“MySpace”are         .

A.school subjects B.computer programmes
C.school online BBS D.blog sites for young people
【小题2】Blogs may be dangerous because         .
A.they get in the way of studies
B.they are not allowed for school students
C.surfing the Internet is bad for eyes
D.personal information can be found in blogs easily
【小题3】This passage is mainly about        .
A.the safety of children’s blogs
B.how to search the Internet
C.students’ behavior at school
D.communicating with parents at home
【小题4】According to the passage,many schools help children avoid(避免) blog problems by doing everything EXCEPT        .
A.teaching parents about the Web sites
B.asking students to use programs to refuse strangers
C.telling school students not to make any net friends
D.stopping students from blogging on school computers
【小题5】You can enjoy your blog safely if        .
A.you write your blog at school
B.use a secret number for friends to enter your blog
C.your parents have little knowledge about websites
D.you show all your writings and feelings in your blog

Dear Addie,
Greetings from New Jersey, how is New Zealand? I’m very excited to have you as my pen pal. I guess it’s my turn to tell you about myself.
First off, I live with my parents, two sisters, and our pet dog Brighty. Our town is called Whippangong. It is only about a half-hour away from New York City. My oldest sister, Ingrid, just turned 17, that means she now has a drive’s license. She drives us to the mall. Do you have a mall near you in Te Awamutu? My other sister is 11 and her name is Lucy. I guess I would say that she is my best friend. We still fight, though. She rides horses and takes lessons every Saturday morning. I have to go with her sometimes, and that is truly the most boring thing in the world. Do you like horses?
I take tap dancing classes. I like to practice in the food store. The sound of my feet stepping on the hard floors echoes(发出回声). I play scores in the fall; I’m on the swim team during the summer. I like swim, but I am really looking forward to diving this year. Next year I will start music lessons in school. I think I am going to play the piano.
Our house has eight rooms and a small backyard where every year we try to grow vegetables. We mostly get zucchini because the rabbits eat everything else. I guess rabbits don’t like zucchini. I have a bike and mum allows me to ride up and down our street, but nowhere else. I hope that I will get to ride it to school someday. Right now I ride the crowed and yucky bus.
Well, that is enough about me for now. I look forward to hearing from you again soon. I hope your surfing lessons went well. And I hope your mum does let you learn to play the drums.
Write soon
【小题1】 In this letter, Jessica doesn’t talk about     .

A.her family numbers B.her spare time
C.her house D.her ambition
【小题2】 what does the underlined word “fall” mean here?         .
A.跌倒 B.降落 C.秋天 D.瀑布
【小题3】JessicA、thinks riding horses is very     .
A. different   B. fool
C.exciting    D.frightening
【小题4】 Zucchini is likely to be a kind of       .
A.animals B.vegetable
C.flower D.fruit
【小题5】 Which of the following is TURE?        .
A. Jessica likes Lucy very much but they don’t always get along.
B. People below 18 can’t get driving licenses in New Jersey
C. Jessica usually goes to school by bike, but sometimes by bus.
D. Ingrid gets to take riding lessons and JessicA、wishes she could, too.
【小题6】 What might be Addie’s problem?
A.She can’t take surfing lessons.
B.She wants to play the drums.
C.There are no malls near her house.
D.She has no family.

Many people say that they are working too many hours. They don’t have enough time to relax or to stay with their family.
Work hours are different from one country to another. In France, people spend about 1,646 hours a year at work. In Japan, however, people work about 2,159 hours a year. That means a Japanese worker works 513 more hours a year that a French worker.
Why do people work so many hours? Some people work extra hours because they want to make more money. However, many companies don’t pay overtimes. Their workers don’t get more money for more work. Some people think it’s their duty to work more hours. Some are afraid of losing their jobs if they don’t work more hours.
Many people say that their vacations are too short. In France, people get five weeks of paid vacation a year. In Germany, they get four to six weeks, and in the United States, two weeks. One study shows fewer than half of workers used all their vacation days. In Great Britain, there is a saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull (迟钝的) boy.” If that is true, there must be a lot of dull people in the world.
【小题1】A Japanese worker works ________ more hours a year than a French one.

A.513 B.1,646
C.2,519 D.3,805
【小题2】The underlined word “extra” in Paragraph 3 means “___________”.
A.正常的 B.额外的
C.有用的 D.少量的
【小题3】People on _________ get only two weeks of paid vacation a year.
A.France B.Germany
C.The United States D.Great Britain
【小题4】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.No companies offer vacation to their workers.
B.Many people say they have enough time to relax.
C.Not all companies pay their workers for more work.
D.More than half of workers use all their vacation days.

In America, street dancing is a great outdoor sport for young people to do with a group of friends. Many people bring their radios out onto the streets, and then wait for others to join in.
Step 1: Wear comfortable clothes. Also wear comfortable running shoes that allow (允许) you to jump easily. Dancing needs a lot of movements, so it is smart to take care of your feet.
Step 2: Get some music that you can dance to and bring a radio or a CD player.
Step 3: Invite some friends to street dance. Put some music on and start dancing to it. Use your feet as much as possible and make quick movements.
Step4: Put your arms up to the right, and then move them quickly to the left while turning your body. This will make others start street dancing.
Step5: Try different movements if possible. Street dancing is all about free-style dancing. You can enjoy yourself while getting exercise by street dancing.
【小题1】Street dancing is a kind of      sport for young people.

【小题2】If you want to street dance, you don’t need to       .
A.wear comfortable clothesB.have a radio or a CD player
C.invite some friendsD.ask your parents to dance with
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT right?
A.Young people like to street dance.
B.When you street dance, you need music.
C.You must be careful with your arms while moving.
D.Move your arms quickly while turning your body.
【小题4】The main idea for the passage may be       .
A.how to street danceB.young people and street dancing
C.the steps for street dancingD.street dancing in America

You may know the English letters A, B and C. But do you know there are people called ABC? You may like eating bananas. But did you know there is such a thing as a “banana person”? How strange! Are these people from “another earth” ? No. They are just Chinese people like you and me.
ABC means American-born-Chinese. An ABC is a Chinese, but was born in the United States. Sometimes, people call an ABC a “banana person”. A banana is yellow outside and white inside. So, when a person is a banana, he or she is white inside---hinting like a Westerner(西方人) and yellow outside --- looking like a Chinese.
Do you know why? Usually, ABCs know little about China or the Chinese language. Some of them don’t speak Chinese. Also, they are not interested in Chinese politics(政治), But if ABCs can’t speak Chinese, can we still call them Chinese people? Yes, of course. They are Chinese. They are oversea Chinese. These people may be citizens(公民) of another country like the US, Canada or Singapore. But they have Chinese blood. Their parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents were from China. They all have black eyes and black hair. But they are not Chinese citizens. They are not people of the People’s Republic of China. For example, we all know the famous scientist C.N. Yang(杨振宁). He got the Nobel Prize Physics in 1957. Chinese people love him. But he is an American citizen.
【小题1】“ABC” in this passage stands for “_______”.
A. a kind of banana           
B. three English letters   
C. American-born-Chinese
D Chinese-born-American
【小题2】Chinese in Westerner countries are called “banana persons” because _________

A.their bodies are white inside but yellow outside.
B.they think like Westerners but look like Chinese
C.they were born in China but go to study in America
D.they were born in China but work in America
【小题3】The underlined word “blood” may probably mean _________
【小题4】C. N. Yang is mentioned here to show that _________
A. American Chinese are great.
B. Chinese people can win Nobel Prize.
C. American Chinese are not Chinese citizen. 
D. We don’t like him.
【小题5】This passage mainly talks about________
A. Chinese                   B. the Nobel Prize   
C. the life story of C.N. Yang    D. What the ABC stands for.

It can be hard to meet people from another culture. From the beginning, people may send the wrong signal (信号). Or they may pay no attention to signals from another person who is trying to develop a relationship.
Different cultures emphasize(强调)the importance of relationship building to a greater or lesser degree. For example, business in some countries is not possible until there is a relationship of trust. Even with people at work, it is necessary to spend a lot of time in “small talk”, usually over a glass of tea, before they do any job. In many European countries—like the UK or France—people find it easier to build up a lasting working relationship at restaurants rather than at the office.
Talk and silence may also be different in some cultures. I once made a speech in Thailand. I had expected my speech to be a success and start a lively discussion; instead there was an uncomfortable silence. The people just looked at me all the time and smiled. After getting to know their ways better, I realized that they thought I was talking too much. In my own culture, we express meaning mainly through words, but people there sometimes feel too many words are not needed.

Even within Northern Europe, cultural differences can cause serious problems. Certainly, English and German cultures share almost the same values; however, Germans prefer to get down to business more quickly. We think that they are rude. In fact, this is just because one culture starts discussions and makes decisions more quickly.
People from different parts of the world have different values, and sometimes these values are quite against each other. However, if we can understand them better, a multicultural (多元文化) environment will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other.
【小题1】 In some countries, eating together at restaurants may make it easier for people to     .

A.develop closer relationship B.share the same culture
C.get to know each other D.make a successful speech
【小题2】The writer mentions his journey in Thailand to show that     .
A.too many words are of no use
B.the English prefer to make long speeches
C.even talk and silence can be culturally different
D.people from Thailand are quiet and shy
【小题3】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Multicultural Environment B.Cross-Cultural Differences
C.How to Understand Each Other D.How to Build Up a Relationship

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