
We are looking forward to      you soon.

A、seeing                   B、see                  C、seen





试题分析:look forward to doing sth 期望做某事;to 为介词后面接动名词。故选A.

考点:look forward to doing sth句型

点评:英语中to为介词后接动名词的现象很多,中学阶段需要注意的还有pay attention to 注意;lead to导致;be used to doing sth习惯于做某事;stick to 坚持等,这些词之后都要用动名词形式,平时学习时要善于积累。



WC, toilet, lavatory, bathroom, restroom, john --- English has many ___31___ for the little room we all have to go to every day. Here are some of the words that ___32___ and explanations of their meanings.

Different countries use different words. In the US, in ___33___ home, you will get ___34___ you need to go if you ask where the “bathroom” is. If you are in a shopping mall, you ___35___ ask directions to the “restroom”. US people also use the word “john”, which is named ___36___ the 19th century British inventor of the flush toilet (although he seems to have been called Thomas.).

In Britain the most commonly used words are “toilet” and “bathroom”. But “WC”, which ___37___ for “water closet”, and “lavatory” are also used. A public toilet is a “public convenience”. People ___38___ speak of the “ladies” and “Gents” (you see the words “Ladies” and “Gentlemen” above the ___39___ to public toilets). An older, now rarely used word in Britain is “privy” which is short for “ ___40___ ”.

Australians say “loo” , which is quite popular in the UK ___41___. Canadians use the word “can ”, New Zealanders “bog”, ___42___ South Africans “want to go to the bathroom”.

Where does the word toilet itself ___43___ from? Well, it’s from the French “toilette” ---- to wash ___44___.

People from ___45___ countries also use some humorous words. For example, “ throne” to describe the toilet and “throne room” foe the bathroom.

31. A. words           B. names            C. places            D. titles

32. A. uses            B. use               C. is used            D. are used

33. A. some           B. anyone            C. someone’s         D. somebody

34. A. how            B. what              C. where            D. when

35. A. would           B. must             C. should            D. can

36. A. in              B. for               C. after              D. at

37. A. stands           B. writes            C. says              D. asks

38. A. sometime        B. never             C. sometimes        D. some times

39. A. entries          B. exits              C. roofs             D. walls

40. A. pretty           B. private            C. plenty           D. practice

41. A. what            B. which            C. who              D. whose

42. A. as well          B. also              C. too               D. either

43. A. is              B. comes             C. come            D. change

44. A. me             B. yourself           C. us               D. you

45. A. developing       B. developed         C. poor              D. English-speaking

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