
on  so  fast  offer  what
An ant, a spider, and a centipede (蜈蚣) were having a party. The ant found that there was no juice. He    【小题1】  to go out to buy some more. The centipede said: “No, let me do it. You’d take too long. I have a lot more legs than you. I can do it   【小题2】  !” Ten minutes passed, 20 minutes, then 30. “What’s taking him so long?” the spider asked. The ant decided to find out    【小题3】   was happening. He opened the front door and saw the centipede outside. The ant asked: “Hey man, what’s taking you    【小题4】  long?” The centipede answered: “I’m still putting    【小题5】   my shoes.”


【小题1】He    【小题1】   to go out to buy some more.他自愿出去多买一些。offer提供,提议,动词,因为是叙述过去的事情,所以要用过去式,故填offered.
【小题2】I can do it    【小题2】  !我能做得更快!结合上文,蜈蚣说他的腿多,他能跑得快,故填faster.
【小题3】The ant decided to find out    【小题3】  was happening.蚂蚁决定去看看发生什么事了。what 引导宾语从句,结合句意,故填what.
【小题4】what’s taking you   【小题4】   long?什么花了你这么长时间?so 如此,这么,副词,修饰形容词long ,故填so.
【小题5】I’m still putting    【小题5】  my shoes.我还在穿鞋呢。put on穿上,动词短语,故填on.


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