“Kids can make a difference,” Craig Kielburger said. When Craig was 12, he started a group that has helped kids all over the world.

How did Craig get started? In the seventh grade he learned something that made him angry. A 6-year-old boy in Pakistan was sent to work in a factory. The boy could not go to school. He could not even play. He had no freedom (自由) at all.

Craig compared that with his own life. Laws in his country said that kids must go to school. Education was free to all kids. But in some countries school was not free. Children from poor families went to work instead of to school.

Craig wanted to help those who didn’t have the same advantages as he and his friends. As a result, Craig and some friends started Free The Children.

Craig and his friends decided that Free The Children should raise money to build schools. Craig hoped that learning would help kids in poverty (贫困) live better.

Today, Craig’s charity has more than one million members in 45 countries. It is still going strong. The money they have raised has done many good things. It has help more than 500 schools around the world. It also pays for health care in poor communities.

Craig has had a lot of success. However, he still remembers his unpleasant start seventh grade.

“We were laughed at by other kids, who said you couldn’t change things,” he says. Still Craig didn’t give up. Now he wants more kids to help. “Go to freethechildren.com. Bring it to your teachers,” he says. “As you gain more confidence, friends will join you. It just gets easier.”

1.How old was Craig when he started a group that has helped kids all over the world?

2.In which country did the writer mention that a six-year-old boy had to work in a factory?

3.What is the name of the group created by Craig and his friends?

4.How many schools has Craig’s charity helped build?

5.Why did other kids laugh at Craig and his friends when they tried to start the group?

When I asked my daughter which item she would keep: the phone, the car, the cooker, the computer, the TV, or her boyfriend, she said “the phone”. Personally, I could do without the phone, which makes me unusual. Anyway, the telephone is changing our lives more than any other piece of technology.

Point 1

The telephone creates the need to communicate, in the same way that more roads create more traffic. My daughter comes home from school at 4:00 pm and then spends an hour on the phone talking to the very people she has been at school with all day. If the phone did not appear, would she have anything to talk about?

Point 2

The mobile phone means that we are never alone. “The mobile saved my life.” says Crystal Johnstone. She had an accident in her Volvo on the A45 between Odey and Skipton. Trapped inside, she managed to make the call that brought the ambulance (救护车) to save her.

Point 3

The mobile removes our secret. It allows marketing amnager of Haha Dcutsch. Card Nicolaisen, to ring his sales staff all round the world at any time of day to ask where they are, where they are going, and how their last meeting went.

Point 4

The telephone separates us. Antonella Bramante in Rome says. “We worked in separate offices but I could see him through the window. It was easy to get his number. We were so near — but we didn’t meet for the first two weeks!”

Point 5

The telephone allows us to reach out beyond our own lives. Today we can talk to several complete strangers at the same time on chat lines (at least my daughter does. I wouldn’t know what to talk about). We can talk across the world. We can even talk to astronauts (if you know any) while they’re space-walking. And, with the phone line connected to the computer, we can access (存取) the Internet, the biggest library on Earth.

1.How do you understand Point 1?

A.People don’t communicate without telephone.

B.People communicate because of the creating of the telephone.

C.People communicate more since telephone has been created.

D.People communicate more because of more traffic.

2.Which of the following best shows people’s opinion towards mobile phones?

A.Mobile phones help people deal with the things that happens suddenly.

B.Mobile phones bring convenience as well little secret to people.

C.Mobile phones are so important and should be encouraged.

D.Mobile phones are part of people’s life.

3.Which points do you think improve people’s life?

a. Point 1. b. Point 2. c. Point 3. d. Point 4. c. Point 5.

A.c, d B.a, e C.a, e D.b, e

4.It is possible to talk to several complete strangers at the same time through ________.

A.the TV screen B.a fax machine

C.the phone line connected to the computer D.a microphone

5.The best title for the passage is ________.

A.Phone Power B.Kinds of Phone

C.How to Use Phones D.Advantage of Phones


Going to a party, having a meal in a restaurant or receiving a birthday gift—as a teenager, you go to different places and meet different people. Everything you do will leave a deep impression (印象)on others. So manners are very important.

Getting to a place late for a date may mean: This isn’t that important to me. Ringing someone up while talking to your friend may mean: The caller is more important than the person standing in front of me. Not showing thanks to a gift giver may mean: “I don't like the gift.”

Is that the message you really want to send? Maybe not. You do not want to be rude, but sometimes what you do makes people think you’re impolite.

How can you change that? First, you should know the proper ways to behave in front of people. We call this manners. Manners are about being honest, respectful (尊重的) and considerate (考虑周到的) .

Good manners show in small things. Start to make your manners better now!

You could start by adding “please” and “thank you” to your vocabulary and avoiding bad language.

You could start by keeping a door open for someone after you to go through. You could start by showing up on time instead of letting others wait for you.

Start now! Start a new life and start to be a teenager with good manners!


The 2. of manners

Wherever you go, you can meet different people.

Others will be impressed 3. by what you do.

4.of bad manners

5. late may mean the date is not important.

Making a call while talking to a friend may mean your friend is 6. important than the caller.

Showing no thanks to a gift-giver may mean you 7. the gift.

8. to change and improve your manners

9. “please” and “thank you”.

Avoid bad language.

Keep the door open for someone after you through first.

Come on time instead of letting others wait for you.


Start a new life with good manners.

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