

Burns from fire or other sources of heat are different from mild(轻微的)to life threatening. Some burns can be treated at home. While others need emergency(紧急的)medical care.

What to do if you get burned

·First, check and decide if you can take care of the burn yourself. Go to the hospital immediately if the burn is serious.

·If you can’t get to a hospital right away or must wait for an ambulance, follow these steps;

Remove clothing from the burned area. Do not remove clothing that is stuck to the skin and don’t break any blisters(水泡).

Run cool (not cold)water over the burn until the pain becomes lighter. Do not put butter,Oil, or ice on burns.

Lightly apply a bandage(绷带)over the burn.

Remove jewelry that’s close to the burn.

Seek emergency medical care if:

The burn is serious.

The burned area is large (cover the area with a clean, soft cloth or towel).

The burn comes from a fire, electrical wire or chemicals.

The burn looks infected(被感染的).

Think prevention!

Be careful when using candles, heaters, and curling irons. Do not allow children to play in the kitchen while someone is cooking. Children can easily get burned in kitchens.


1.What should you do first if you get burned.

A.Call the police. B.Check the burn.

C.Go to the hospital. D.Clean the burned area.

2.What’s the correct order of the tips to take care of the burn yourself?

a. Bandage the burn. b. Remove jewelry from the burn.

c. Put the burn under the cool running water. d. Tear clothing away from the burn if possible.

A.c - b - a - d B.a - b - d - c C.d - c - a - b D.d - b - c - a

3.What would you do to deal with the large burned area?

A.Ask the doctor for help. B.Cover the burn with a dirty cloth.

C.Put some butter on the burn. D.Treat the burn without medical care.

4.What is suggested in the text?

A.You are supposed to break the blisters. B.Some mild burns can’t be treated at home.

C.Children can’t play with fire in the kitchen. D.You should be careful only when using candles.

5.Where is the text probably from?

A.A medical ad. B.A fashion magazine.

C.A local guidebook. D.A first- ad handbook.


How do you feel when you teacher asks you to work on a group project with other student? Do you like to work together with others or work alone?

The Programme for International Student Assessment, or PISA, carried out a survey of student's ability to work together in groups. They found that students who do well on tests by themselves are also likely to be better at working with other people. This finding was true for many countries. Students in Japan, South Korea, Finland and Canada, where test scores are high, also did well in working together to solve problems.

But this was not the case for every country. Chinese students, who have high scores as well, displayed just average collaborative (合作的)skills. "One reason might be that Chinese parents and teachers focus too much on grades," said Zhao Zhongxin, former vice president of the Chinese Family Education Association. "Students have a lot of exam pressure and they see schools as places for competition." "However, collaborative skills are very important for preparing students for today's society." he added. "Luckily, more Chinese parents and teachers are realizing the importance of this and are thinking of ways to help students improve this skill."

Another interesting finding from the PISA survey was that girls can be better than boys at working together. They said girls show more positive attitudes (态度)to wards relationships, which means they are more willing to listen to other' opinions.

PISA also found that the classroom environment can influence how well students collaborate. In classes where there are a lot of activities that require communication such as class debates, students might have better attitudes towards collaborating.

1.The PISA did the survey to find out the students' ability to____________.

A.work with other people B.get high scores on tests

C.solve difficult problems D.make plans for projects

2.What can we know from the findings of the survey?

A.Boys are better at working with others than girls.

B.Students who do well on tests are worse at working with others.

C.Collaborative skills are less important than scores for students' futures.

D.The classroom environment can influence students' ability to work together.

3.What do Chinese teachers and parents think of working together now?

A.They like it a lot.

B.They can't stand it.

C.They think it's important.

D.They think it's unnecessary

4.What can be done to improve students' ability to work together according to the passage?

A.Giving students high scores on every test.

B.Helping students to get used to exam pressure.

C.Making girls work with girls rather than boys.

D.Arranging more communicative activities in class.

5.What's the passage mainly about?

A.The popularity of PISA across the world.

B.Chinese students' ability to work with others.

C.The findings of a survey about working together.

D.The difference between boys and girls in working together.

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