The other day my daughter finally had a day off work. We decided to go out in the    16  for the time, together! It was an enjoyable experience. Then a surprising thing happened. She turned and asked, “Hey, Dad, can I    17  the boat?” I had a look of fear in my eyes    18  the boat can be driven at a very high speed and can be turned over very quickly. However, I gave the driving seat to her and began    19  her how to properly control the boat. I told her to remain calm as I had completely believed in her.
It can be both frightening and exciting when your child tries doing something, even if it’s a small thing, you still feel like they are growing up too fast and it’s out of your    20  . Time goes by so quickly, so it’s    21  to spend time with your kids, with your family. It is an amazing feeling to experience as their confidence grows.
In every situation if you relax, take your time, and show confidence, you will have a great      22  . We not only had a    23  morning on the boat, but also invited our little neighbour who is 8 years old and put him in the    24  right between us. As I drove at top speed, making sudden turns and jumping over the waves, all I could hear was my neighbour      25  and screaming at the top of his voice because he was having such a great time.


A rich man was ill in hospital, and the doctor feared that his life was ending soon. He called together his three sons and gave them the challenge, ‘One of you will get all my money. To decide which of you can get the money, I am going to give each of you a dollar. Go today and buy something that can fill this room.”

     In the evening, they all came back. Child number one went to his friend’s farm and bought two bales of hay (两捆干草) with the dollar. He brought the hay and threw it up into the air. But it couldn’t fill the room.

Child number two went to a shop and bought two pillows made with feathers(羽毛). He then opened them and threw the feathers all over the room. All the feathers settled down on the floor and the room was still not filled.

The third son took out a candle and said, “I bought a box of matches and a candle then I gave the rest to a charity.” He lit the candle and turned off the lights, and the room was filled.

“ Well done, my son. You will get all my money because you understand a very important lesson about life. You understand how to let your light shine. That is good.” said the father.

1.The rich man wanted to give all his money to one of his sons because _______.

A. he was dying

B. he was too old to work

C. he wanted to know which son was the cleverest

D. he want something special

2.Child number two ________.

A. asked his father for help        B. bought nothing

C. gave the money to charity       D. got feathers in a shop

3.From the passage we can know _______.

A. the third son is honest and friendly  

B. the father is satisfied with the third son

C. child number one is the cleverest     

D. candle is a good gift for family

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Let Your Light Shine      B. A Rich Man and His Three Sons

C. How to Get Money        D. The Cleverest Son


I was so excited after I had found the holiday in the guidebook. It said, “Enjoy a week of sightseeing in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities     staying at one of its best hotels. ” Now I wasn’t so sure. I had waited fifteen minutes at reception  (前台) when I     and now the shower in my room wasn’t working. I       hotel reception.

    “Hello. This is Room 308. There isn’t any     in my bathroom. ”

    “Are you sure?”

    “Of course I’m sure!”

    “I’ll    our hotel engineer at once. ”

    An hour later, the engineer came to look at the     . He hit the pipes (水管) a few times and looked     . “Sorry, but I cannot fix it today. Maybe, tomorrow.” Then he      his hand. I couldn’t believe it! He wanted a tip (小费) for doing     ! I was very angry. But suddenly, I had a better idea.    , I gave the engineer a few coins. He hadn’t fixed my shower but he had taught me something      staying in his country. Two minutes later I was at the reception desk. I explained the       to the receptionist (接待员) and he replied, “Sorry. This is a     situation, but what can we do?” I knew exactly      to do. I gave the hotel manager a very large tip. Fifteen minutes later I    into Room 405. It was twice the size of Room 308, it had a wonderful view (景色) of the city, a comfortable bed and, most importantly, there was water in the bathroom.

1.A. since                      B. while                   C. after               D. before

2.A. arrived                   B. passed                 C. left                  D. stopped

3.A. asked          B. ordered       C. called       D. told

4.A. toothpaste    B. water                   C. shampoo        D. soap

5.A. send                  B. catch                     C. trouble                D. watch

6.A. door           B. TV          C. shower       D. fridge

7.A. proud                     B. worried         C. angry           D. excited

8.A. put up                     B. cleaned up         C. looked after       D. held out

9.A. nothing                   B. anything    C. something D. everything

10.A. Seriously    B. Especially            C. Quickly           D. Luckily

11.A. at             B. with         C. of           D. about

12.A. problem        B. idea         C. way         D. mistake

13.A. helpful                 B. perfect                C. terrible           D. busy

14.A. how           B. what         C. why         D. where

15.A. broke                   B. looked                 C. rushed                D. moved



The other day my daughter finally had a day off work. We decided to go out in the    16   for the time, together! It was an enjoyable experience. Then a surprising thing happened. She turned and asked, “Hey, Dad, can I    17   the boat?” I had a look of fear in my eyes    18   the boat can be driven at a very high speed and can be turned over very quickly. However, I gave the driving seat to her and began    19   her how to properly control the boat. I told her to remain calm as I had completely believed in her.

It can be both frightening and exciting when your child tries doing something, even if it’s a small thing, you still feel like they are growing up too fast and it’s out of your    20   . Time goes by so quickly, so it’s    21   to spend time with your kids, with your family. It is an amazing feeling to experience as their confidence grows.

In every situation if you relax, take your time, and show confidence, you will have a great      22   . We not only had a    23   morning on the boat, but also invited our little neighbour who is 8 years old and put him in the    24   right between us. As I drove at top speed, making sudden turns and jumping over the waves, all I could hear was my neighbour      25   and screaming at the top of his voice because he was having such a great time.

1.A. plane         B. train            C. car              D. boat

2.A. drive           B. touch          C. carry            D. buy

3.A. if              B. but            C. since            D. until

4.A. teaching        B. reminding      C. warning          D. asking

5.A. sense           B. control             C. state           D. sight

6.A. early              B. important       C. quick            D. easy

7.A. thought         B. friend              C. time             D. chance

8.A. safe            B. fun            C. free             D. cold

9.A. queue              B. bed            C. floor              D. seat

10.A. laughing       B. speaking      C. dancing            D. Singing


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