
Do you remember your home phone number of family birthdays?
     The researchers (调查者) spent two weeks polling (调查) 4,000 people for
the magazine named Puzzler Brain Trainer. Here are the results of the survey.
70% Rely on (信赖) their phones to remember important dates
10% Can't remember their home phone numbers
Old people Can remember more than three birthdays
Young people   Can't remember three birthdays
     The survey took about half a 1______. From the survey we know four 2______
people can't remember their home phone numbers. Young people can remember 3______
birthdays than old people because they always use their 4______ to remember them. Most
people rely on electronic tools 5______ of remembering important dates themselves. Without
electronic tools,, can you imagine what your life will be like?
1. month  2. hundred  3. fewer  4. phones/ telephones/mobiles  5. instead

Do you have a QQ number? Many people like to chat online using QQ. QQ has become the most popular way of communication(交流).It even changes the way people communicate with each other. Do you know who invented QQ? Let me tell you. QQ was invented by Ma Huateng.
Ma Huateng was born in 1971.(71) When he was very young, he showed a great interest in astronomy.(天文学) However, he chose to learn computer when he entered Shenzhen University in 1989. (72)In his eyes, computer science was closer to everyday life compared to (与…相比) astronomy. He worked hard and became the best student in his class. He was popular among students and teachers at school.
(73)He worked as a computer programmer in a company in Shenzhen for five years . Then he started his own company in 1988. It was difficult at the beginning and he had to work hard every day.(74)After he invented QQ,  his business got better and better. It is said that now there are at least three hundred million people using QQ. To be honest, the number of QQ users is getting larger and larger. (75) It is a wonder, isn’t it?
When he was a _________ _________, he was very _________ _________ astronomy .
He_________ that computer science was closer to everyday life _________astronomy.
_________  _________ _________ he _________ as a computer programmer in a company in Shenzhen?
【小题4】把此句翻译成中文 。
_________ _________ _________ it _________!


Do you have a QQ number? Many people like to chat online using QQ. QQ has become the most popular way of communication(交流).It even changes the way people communicate with each other. Do you know who invented QQ? Let me tell you. QQ was invented by Ma Huateng.
Ma Huateng was born in 1971.(71) When he was very young, he showed a great interest in astronomy.(天文学) However, he chose to learn computer when he entered Shenzhen University in 1989. (72)In his eyes, computer science was closer to everyday life compared to (与…相比) astronomy. He worked hard and became the best student in his class. He was popular among students and teachers at school.
(73)He worked as a computer programmer in a company in Shenzhen for five years . Then he started his own company in 1988. It was difficult at the beginning and he had to work hard every day.(74)After he invented QQ,  his business got better and better. It is said that now there are at least three hundred million people using QQ. To be honest, the number of QQ users is getting larger and larger. (75) It is a wonder, isn’t it?
When he was a _________ _________, he was very _________ _________ astronomy .
He_________ that computer science was closer to everyday life _________astronomy.
_________  _________ _________ he _________ as a computer programmer in a company in Shenzhen?
【小题4】把此句翻译成中文 。
_________ _________ _________ it _________!

     Do you like chocolate? Maybe most people do. A box of  it can be a great gift. Buy one for a friend
and give it as a surprise. See how happy that person gets.
     Say you just got a box of   chocolate.   Which piece do you pick first ?   A man has studied people's
choices. He says they tell something about the person. Did you choose a round piece? You are a person
who likes to the party. Did  you choose an oval (椭圆形的) shape?   (1)You are a person who likes to
make things
. Picking a square shape  shows something else.  The person is honest and truthful. You can
depend on (依靠) him or her.
     (2)What kind of ________ do you ________?   Maybe you like milk  chocolate.  This  shows  you
have warm feelings about the past. Dark chocolate means something else.   A  person  who chooses   it
looks toward the future. What about white chocolate?  Would you choose it? If so, you may find it hard
to make up your mind. Some people like chocolate with nuts (果仁). These are people who like to help
     Different choices may show different characters(性格).Do you believe these ideas?
     Can candy tell all these things? It doesn't   really  matter. There   is   one   sure thing about eaters of
chocolate. They eat it because they like it.
What kind of chocolate may a helpful man choose according to this passage?(不超过5个单词)  
4.找出文中与下列句子意思相近的句子:You enjoy singing, dancing and drinking.
5. 找出文中最能表达该短文主题的句子:

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