A man came home from work late, tired, to find his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door.
“Daddy,how much money do you make an hour?”
“If you must know, I make $20 an hour.”
“Oh,”the little boy replied,with his head down. He thought for a moment, looked up and said,“Daddy,could you lend me $10?”
The father was furious,“If you asked for the money to buy a toy or some other rubbish,then go straight to your room and think about why you are being so selfish(自私的)!”
The little boy quietly went to his roomand shut the door. After about an hour, the father calmed down, and started to think,“Maybe he really needs to buy something and he didn’t really ask for money very often.”So he went to the little boy’s room.
“Sorry! Maybe I was too hard on you just now.” said the man,“Here’s $10.”
“Oh, thank you, Daddy!”he said happily. Then,the boy took out some coins. When the father found that the boy alread had money,he got angry again.
“Why do you want more money since you already have some?”the father shouted angrily.
“Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do.”The little boy replied,“Daddy,I have $20 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.”
【小题1】How much does the boy’s father make an hour?  ______
A.$10             B.$20              C.$30
【小题2】In this passage,the underlined word “furious”means_____
A.very angry          B.quite happy          C.too excited
【小题3】At firs,the father refused to lend the boy any money because____.
A.he thought the boy wanted to keep the money for himself
B.he thought the boy would buy somethingof no use
C.the boy always borrowed money from him
【小题4】The boy wanted to buy______with twenty dollars.
A.a new book for himself        B.a nice present for his father
C.an hour of his father’s time
【小题5】From the passage, we can infer(推断)that the boy’s father____.
A.often played with his son     B.spent little time with his son
C.often came back home early

As young students ,you have many dreams. These dreams can be very big ,such as winning the Nobel Prize;they can also be small, such as becoming one of the best students in your class.
Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream real?
Andrew Matews, an Australian writer ,tells us that making your dreams real is life’s biggest challenge. You may think you’re not very good at some school subjects, or that it’s impossible for you to become a writer. Those kinds of ideas stop you from realizing your dream.
In fact, everyone can realize his dream. The first thing you must do is to remember what your dream is. Don’t let it leave your heart. Keep telling yourself what you want  every day and then your dream will come true faster. You should know that a big dream is, in fact, made up of many small dreams.
You must also never give up your dream. There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams.But the biggest difficulty comes from you. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of watching TV will help you to get better exam results, while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book.
As you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. This is good as you have the chance to learn something more useful and find new hobbies.
【小题1】The biggest difficulty on the road to your dreams comes from_____________.

A.yourselfB.your friendsC.your schoolD.your parents
【小题2】Which of the following isn't mentioned in this passage?
A.You may think you’re not good at some school subjects.
B.Making your dreams real is life’s biggest challenge.
C.You must never give up your dream.
D.Listening to English more can help you realize your dream.
【小题3】If we have dreams in our hearts and work hard, our dreams____________.
A.can’t be realizedB.can be very smallC.will come trueD.can be very big
【小题4】How do you make your dream come true faster?
A.Remember what your dream isB.Dont’ let your dream leave your heart.
C.Keep telling yourself what you want every dayD.A B,and C
【小题5】The best title of this passage is ___________________.
A.How to become a writerB.How to make your dream real
C.A big dream is made up of small dreamsD.Everyone can realize his dream.

USBoy, 9, Plans to Take Balloon Flight Alone
ALBUQERQUE. New Mexico — Bobby Bradley is ready. He has been training for about five years and learned from some of the
most experienced and decorated pilots in the sport of ballooning.
BENGHAZI, Libya — Muammar Gadhafi accepted an African Union(AU) plan to end the Libyan civil war but the opposite said on Monday there could be no deal unless he leaves office.
NEW YORK — A new book written by Amy Chua on her super-. strict parenting—Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother has raised media (媒体) storm and strong arguments in the US.
Amy Chua is the mother of two teenage girls. In the book she
describes her efforts to give her children what she describes as a
traditional, strict "Chinese" way of bringing up children.
TOKYO — The operator of Japan’s quake-hit nuclear plant( 受地震袭击的核电站) said on Sunday it aims to reduce radiation leaks(辐射泄漏) in three months and achieve a "cold shutdown" in six to nine months.
LOS ANGELES — Sunday night, the 83 annual (每年一度的) Academy Awards took place in Los Angeles. Colin Firth won the Best Actor for his role in "The King’s Speech”, and Natalie Port man won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in " Black Swan".
Judge the following sentences True (T) or False (F).
【小题1】A 9-year-old American boy is ready to take a balloon flight on his own after training for about five years.
【小题2】Gadhafi agreed to end the Libyan civil war but the opposite wouldn’t accept it if he leaves office.
【小题3】"Tiger Mother" parenting raises media storm in the US, but all people agree other traditional, strict "Chinese" way of bringing up children.
【小题4】Japan tries to fix radiation leaks in 9 months.
【小题5】 Natalie won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in "The King’s Speech" while Co­lin won the Best Actor for his role in "Black Swan. "

British English and American English
A student is studying British English. He wonders: Can I have a talk with Americans? Can they catch me? Learners of English often ask--what are the differences between British English and American English? How important are these differences?
Certainly, there are some differences between British English and American English. There are a few differences in grammar(语法). For example, speakers of British English say “in hospital” and “Have you a pen?” Americans “in the hospital” and “Do you have a pen?” Pronunciation (发音) is sometimes different. Americans usually sound the “r” in words like “car”and “farm”. Some speakers of British English do not sound the “r” in these words. There are differences between British English and American English in spelling and vocabulary. For example, “colour”and “honour” are British English spellings. “Color” and “honor” are American English spellings.
These differences are in grammar, pronunciation, spelling and vocabulary. However, they are not important. For the most part, British English and American English are the same language.
【小题1】In American English, we can say, “      ? ”

A.Have you a new book
B.Do you have a new book
C.Are you have a new book
D.Can you to have a new book
【小题2】Between British English and American English, sometimes pronunciation is        .
【小题3】In American English, the word “favourite”can be spelt      .
A.favoruite B.favuriteC.favoriteD.favrite
【小题4】Englishmen say “in hospital”, while Americans say        .
A.at the hospitalB.in the hospital
C.by hospitalD.to hospital
【小题5】The main idea of the passage is that                  .
A.there are no differences between British English and American English
B.British English and American English are two different languages
C.speakers of British English and American English speak the same language
D.we shouldn't speak English

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