
1. At times an ____________(广告) can lead you to buy something that you needn’t..

2. I enjoy _________________ (聊天) with friends on the Internet .

3. Mike                    (记忆) new words more quickly than me.

4.My English teacher is pretty __________(耐心的) with us.

5.So far, we’ve ___________(成功) in saving thousands of people in danger..




1.advertisement; 2. chatting; 3.  memorizes; 4. patient; 5. succeeded;




A Lesson from the Elder

Grandfather was an elder Cherokee Native American who had a wrinkled, nut brown face and kind dark eyes. His grandson often came in the evening to sit on his knee and asked the many questions that children would ask.

One day the grandson came to his grandfather with a look of anger on his face and the following story. “Father and I went to the store today and because I helped him, he bought me a present---a jack-knife. I went outside to wait for father and to admire my new knife in the sunlight. Some town boys came by and saw me. They surrounded me and started saying bad things. They called me dirty and stupid and said that I should not have such a fine knife. The largest of these boys pushed me back and I fell over one of the other boys. I dropped my knife and one of them picked it up and they all ran away laughing. I hate them. I hate them all."

The elder Cherokee, with eyes that had seen too much, lifted his grandson's face so his eyes looked into the boy's face. Grandfather said, "Let me tell you a story. I, too, at times, have felt a great hate for those who have taken so much with no sorrow for what they do. But hate wears you down and does not hurt your enemy. It is like drinking poison and wishing your enemy would die. I have struggled with these feelings many times. It is as if two wolves are inside me.... It is a terrible fight.

One wolf is good and does no harm. He lives in harmony with all around him and does not take offense when no offense was intended. It will only fight when it is right to do so and in the right way. This wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, modesty, kindness, friendship, sympathy, generosity, truth, and faith.

The other wolf is full of anger. The least thing will set off his fiercest temper. He fights everyone, all the time, for no reason. He cannot think because his anger and hate are so much. It is helpless anger, for his anger will change nothing. This wolf represents fear, envy, greed, self-pity, guilt, lies, false pride and superiority.

Sometimes, it is hard to live with these two wolves inside me for both of them try to control my spirit. This same fight is going on inside you and inside every other person too.”

The boy looked into his grandfather's eyes and asked, "Which wolf will win?" The old Cherokee simply replied.... "The one you feed."

1.The boy was angry because __________.

A. he was not satisfied with his present

his back was badly injured in a fight

he had waited for his father for too long

his jack-knife had been taken away by some boys

2.How does the good wolf do things in the story?

A. He never fights against others.

B. He tries to get on well with others.

C. It is hard for him to live with other wolves.

D. Sometimes he had a terrible fight because some one hit him.

3.We can learn from the third paragraph that _________.

A.  “hate” is healthy

B.  “hate” hurts oneself

C.  “hate” is complicated

D.  “hate” harms one’s enemies

4.What did Grandfather mean by saying "The one you feed" in the last paragraph?

A. We should feed the two wolves equally.

B. Living in harmony with others is important.

C. Our feelings should be expressed at the right time.

D. The choices we make determine who we will become.


There was once a man called Mr. Flowers, and flowers were his only joy in life. He spent all his spare time in one of his four glass-houses and grew flowers of every color, with long and difficult names, for competitions, he tried to grow a rose of a new color to win the silver cup(银杯) for the Rose of the Year.

Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses were very close to a middle school. Boys of around thirteen years of age were often tempted to throw a stone(石头) or two at one of Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses. So Mr. Flower did his best to be in or close by his glass-houses at the beginning and end of the school day.

But it was not always possible to be on watch at those times. Mr. Flowers had tried in many ways to protect his glass, but nothing had been useful. He had been to report to the headmaster, but this bad not done any good. He had tried to drive away the boys when they threw stones. He had even picked up all the stones around his garden, so that the boys would have nothing to throw, but they soon found others.

At last Mr. Flowers had a good idea. He put up a large notice. It was made of good, strong wood. It was some meters away from the glass-houses. On it he had written the words: DO NOT THROW STONES AT THIS NOTICE. After that, Mr Flowers had no further trouble: The boys were much more attempted to throw stoned at the notice than at the glass-houses.

1.It was Mr. Flowers’ hope to ____

A.build glass-houses in his spare time

B.grow the rose in a glass-house

C.win a silver cup for growing a rose of a new color

D.grow a rose with the longest name

2.Boys were often tempted to ____

A.throw stones at Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses

B.throw stones at Mr. Flowers from their school

C.be in or close by Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses

D.play with Mr. Flowers near his glass-houses

3.Mr Flowers stayed in or close by his glass-houses ____

A.at times when school-boys were walking near them

B.all the school day when there were no boys around

C.where he could not be seen by the boya passing

D.in his spare time at the beginning and end of the school day

4.Mr. Flowers had tried to ____ to protect his glass.

A.be on watch in his spare time

B.ask the headmaster for help

C.pick up all the stones around his garden

D.do all the above

5.Mr. Flowers’ good idea was to ____

A.write some words on the glass

B.put up a larger notice to cover his glasshouses

C.give the boys something else to throw stones at

D.send for policemen



1.Jenny is a pet lover. She wants to work with pets.

2.David is the boss of a big education company. He wants to know some information about education in China.

3.Wang Lan just came back from England. She is looking for a job. She prefers to work in a big company.

4.Helen is a housewife. She wants to buy vegetables and fruit at low prices.

5.The students in No.2 Middle School plan to have a picnic. Whether they will do it depends on the weather. A.Lots of people miss their pets while they are on holidays. Our hotel can solve (解决) this problem. We lend cats or dogs to you. We are sure that you will be happy to stay with them.

B.Many people like animals and take them as their pets. Now pet hospitals are very busy. Kind people who love animals are needed to work in busy hospitals.

C.Living in another country can help you to learn a language, and about another culture. Many companies today need employees (雇员) who can speak a foreign language, or have the experience of living or working in another country.

D.We sell eggs, apples, tomatoes and pork at very low prices. Our business hours are from 6:00 am to 10:30 pm.

E.Our city will have a cloudy day tomorrow. It will be rainy at times. There will be a strong wind. The day after tomorrow will be sunny. It will be a fine day to go hiking or to have a picnic.

F.We have all kinds of video films, TV plays, and music videos. You can enjoy yourself and take time to watch your favorite videos at our shop. You can also borrow some videos home, each video for a week for 1 dollar.

G.A study of the people in China's largest cities shows that saving money for children's education has become an important reason for saving. It is the second most important purpose of people's saving habit. The result shows that people in China care much about education. The education market is very big in China.



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