

1. Kate’s new house is on the ________________________(十二)floor.

2. The little boy likes to _____________________( 分享) his apples with the little girl.

3. ________________________( 英雄) appeared one after another after the big earthquake..

4. How many ___________________________(月) are there in a year ?

5 Listen, how__________________________(美妙) the music is !

6. Meg’s bike was  _______________________________(偷) last night.

7. Children should learn to  _______________________________(尊重) each other.

8. There is a  _______________________(职业) player on their team.

9. We spend the night by the lake. It was very _______________________(平静) .

10. People are much________________________(富有) than ten years ago.

1. twelfth    2. share    3. Heroes        4. months              5. beautiful/ wonderful

6. stolen     7. respect  8. professional    9. peaceful/ quiet/ tranquil  10.richer


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