
Part-time waiter

Busy café needs honest and reliable waiter for weekends. Must enjoy working with a team and dealing with customers. Call Serge at 95562476 after 6 pm.


Young, fit person required to deliver heavy boxes of books. Must have a driver’s license and be able to carry heavy boxes. We are looking for a trust worthy person for this position. Call Gary at 0556-805987 any time.

Nanny wanted

Kind, hard-working nanny wanted to look after three friendly children. Must be experienced and have childcare qualifications(资格). Please call Tess at 98674451 between 10 am and 3 pm.

Alice, Sonia and Bobby are looking at the employment section in their local newspaper. They are looking at advertisements for different types of jobs.

“Why don’t you apply(申请)for the job as a waiter, Bobby?” said Alice.

“Do you think I will have a chance?” Bobby replied.

“Of course you will,” said Alice. “You’re certainly honest and reliable(可靠的). Everyone trusts you, and you’re never late.”

“I think Sonia should apply for the job as a nanny,” Bobby said.

“Yes, Sonia,” Alice said. “You always work so hard and you love children. You would be perfect!”

“I’d love to do it,” Sonia said, “but the advertisement says they want someone who is experienced. I don’t have any experience or qualifications. But what about you, Alice?

“Yes, Alice,” Bobby said. “Which job would you like”?

“I think I should become a career advisor!” said Alice.


56.What does the underlined word “nanny” mean?

   A. 女工            B. 阿姨           C. 佣人          D. 保姆

57.The friends are looking at the employment section in the newspaper for _______.

A. money           B. advertisements    C. jobs          D. chances

58.Who is supposed to be a good waiter?

A. Alice            B. Sonia            C. Bobby        D. Serge.

59. If Bobby wanted the jobs at the café he could call Serge __________.

A. anytime          B. after 6 pm        C. before 10 am    D. after 3 pm

60. Alice was the most active of the three in ________.

A. giving suggestions       B. applying for jobs 

C. making experiences        D. looking at the employment advertisements


  这是一篇说明文,文中详细描述了Alice, Sonia 和Bobby通过查看报纸的招聘启事找工作的片段。


56. D推理判断题。根据最后一则招聘广告,“Kind, hard-working nanny wanted to look after three friendly children.”可以推断,这是一个要寻找保姆照看孩子的广告。


58.C推理判断题。根据原文 “You’re certainly honest and reliable(可靠的). Everyone trusts you, and you’re never late.”可知,Bobby诚实可靠并值得信赖,很适合这份工作。

59.B 细节理解题。根据第一则广告“Call Serge at 95562476 after 6 pm.”的描述,他只能在六点之后打电话。


完形填空。(每小题 2分,共 20分)
根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案 标号涂黑。
Do you often communicate with your parents? Some parents are always comparing their 41 with themselves when they were young or with other people when they were children.
"When I was your age," a father said to his sixteen-year-old son one day, "I was at the top of my class every year. And I 42  what I wanted to do when I left school. I had goals (目标). You are always at the bottom (最后) of your class  43 you have no goals."
The man's son said nothing. He had already heard this from his father many times. "And when your mother was your age, " the young man's father 44  , " she had a good job and she 45  lots of money. You don't even have a part-time job .You earn nothing. " The man's son still said nothing. He had heard this before, too. "
And when your 46  brother was your age, "the young man's father said, "he studied hard. But you just waste your time."
And the man's son still said nothing.
Finally, the young man's father said, "And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, he worked all day and studied at night."
This time the son  47  stay silent. "
And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, father," he said, "He was the President of 48  United States. 49  are you?"
His father had no answer 50  this.
Are your parents always comparing you with others? And what's your reply? Do you have a better way to communicate with each other?
A.know B.knew C.will know D.have known
A.although B.or C.and D.but
A.went away B.went over C.went up D.went on
A.won B.made C.received D.gave
A.old B.young C.older D.elder
A.can B.can't C.could D.couldn't
A.a B.an C.the D./
A.What B.How C.Where D.Who
A.to B.with C.of D.on



  I had my first job at the age of thirteen, when a friend of my mother’s who owned a book shop hired(雇佣) me for six hours a week to help her in the shop. I was very  1   to earn my own pocket money and my parents  2   interfered(干涉)with how I spent it, even when I was spending it foolishly. They believed that by earning money, spending it, and learning from the  3  , I would become more mature(成熟的) and responsible about how to handle work, relationships with others, and money.

  Like many American parents, my parents also let me and my brothers do things over which they  4   a great deal. When I was sixteen, for example, after I finished high school and before I entered university, I wanted to spend the summer months traveling around Europe. My mother was against the idea of my traveling alone at such a young age, but my father felt that it would be a great  5   for me. In the end, my father won the argument(争论) on the  6   that I limited(限定)my traveling to France, my mother’s home, where I had many uncles, aunts and cousins spread out through the country who could  7   shelter(住处)and help if I needed them.

  Three years later, my younger brother decided to  8   a year off after his first year in university and travel through the United States and the Caribbean. Again my mother was very worried and not eager to see my brother leave school, but my father encouraged him and my brother had a(n)  9   year working his way on trains and ships to  10   passage to different ports and cities, and discovering many fascinating places and people.

  These kinds of experiences are probably rare(稀少的)for children in many countries but in the US they are fairly common. Most parents start  11   their children at a young age to do small things by themselves. By the time they have finished high school, many American kids have already had part-time jobs, traveled around the US or other countries on their own, have selected the university they plan to attend and maybe even  12   on their future career, and so on.

1.                A.anxious       B.content      C.proud    D.hopeful


2.                A.never          B.ever        C.always    D.even


3.                A.problems       B.mistakes        C.disappointment D.failure


4.                A.helped         B.supported       C.shared   D.worried


5.                                  A.journey   B.experience

C.decision                      D.possibility


6.                A.situation       B.agreement      C.gesture   D.condition


7.                A.promise      B.afford          C.provide   D.serve


8.                A.set            B.put            C.take D.keep


9.                A.unusual        B.hard           C.strange   D.busy


10.               A.accept       B.earn           C.find  D.search


11.               A.bringing      B.forcing

                C.pushing                      D.protecting


12.               A.worked       B.decided        C.carried    D.tried



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