
【题目】Ann is a middle school student. She has a sister ______ a brother. They are Helen and Paul. Ann and Helen can ______ . Ann can sing and play ______ well but Helen ____ . Helen doesn’t like playing the instruments (乐器). She ______ chess but she doesn’t play chess ______ Ann. Ann can’t play chess. Helen often plays with Paul because Paul plays _____ very well. Paul can play basketball well ______. And he is ______ the school basketball club. He often _____ other students with basketball.

【1】A. or B. but C. with D. and

【2】A. play piano B. show C. dance D. speak

【3】A. the guitar B. guitars C. guitar D. a guitar

【4】A. can B. can’t C. don’t D. doesn’t

【5】A. has B. does C. is like D. likes

【6】A. with B. for C. on D. and

【7】A. basketball B. chess C. games D. drums

【8】A. also B. too C. only D. either

【9】A. of B. to C. in D. with

【10】A. plays B. joins C. needs D. helps















【2】C词义辨析。A.说,演讲;B. 演出,说明;C.跳舞;D. 下棋。联系下文描述,可知此处指的是娱乐方面的事情,故选C。

【3】A 考查名词play后面在接乐器类名词时,要加定冠词,用单数,故选A。


【5】D 考查动词。.联系上下文,可知此处指的是他喜欢象棋。故选D,喜欢。


【7】B .考查名词。联系前文描述,可在此处指的是保罗棋下得很好。故选B,象棋。

【8】B副词辨析。also, too,用于肯定句,also常用于be动词,情态动词,助动词之后,行为动词之前; too用于句末;either用于否定句中,置于句末。Only仅仅,只。联系前文,可知此处指的是保罗篮球也打得很好。故选B。

【9】C介词辨析。A. 属于,关于;B. 到,向;C. 在……里面;D. 在上面。结合语境可知此处指的是他在一个篮球俱乐部里面。故选C。



【题目】 students bring mobile phones to school? Earlier this month some experts in Beijing had a discussion about this question. There is on it.

One side suggested that schools mobile phones completely. Mobile phones have distracted (分心) students with games and hurt students with bad messages they said.

side argued that we should not refuse to eat for fear of choking(因噎废食). We should stop the act of sending bad messages stopping the use of mobile phones. What’s more cell phones are when students need to call their parents especially in time of danger.

Teens asked several students about what’s going on with mobile phones in their schools. In fact most schools allow cell phones at school but tell students they must until the end of the school day.

Most students think it’s a good idea to have a mobile phone it’s turned off. Li Zefeng 13 of Beijing said “Sometimes when I have to take extra classes I need to tell my parents to pick me up later. I call them with my cell phone.”

However some still secretly use their cell phones . Xu Nanqing 14 of Shanghai said once a student was trying to take a call on a mobile phone during an exam. The teacher was angry that he scolded(责备)the student in front of the whole class Xu said.

【1】A. Should B. Must C. Will D. Do

【2】A. agreement B. disagreement C. differences D. difficulties

【3】A. allow B.refuse C. let D. accept

【4】A. The others B. The other C. Some other D. Others

【5】A. instead of B. and C. but D. instead

【6】A. impossible B. useful C. special D. no need

【7】A. keep them off B. turn them on C. use them D. make calls

【8】A. so B. unless C. even if D. because

【9】A. at home B. at work C. on the bus D. at school

【10】A. very B. quite C. really D. so

【题目】 China's Olympic 110m hurdles(110米跨栏)gold medalist and former world record holder Liu Xiang announced(宣布)his retirement(退役)on Tuesday, April 7.Liu Xiang started his way of a hurdle player at the age of 13.And 19 years later he has to retire because of his__ foot injury.

As one of the best athletes(运动员) in China, Liu Xiang won the gold medal in the 110m hurdles at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, becoming the first man Olympic champion in athletics in China. Later in 2006, Liu Xiang set the new world 110m hurdles record of 12.88 seconds in Lausanne, Switzerland. at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Liu Xiang gave up the race of 110m hurdles because his feet hurt badly before the race. In 2012, Liu Xiang the competition again for the same reason at London Olympics. Although Liu Xiang tried to overcome his injury and come back to competition, he did not succeed in making it and finally to end his sports career(事业) officially at the age of 32.

In the announcement of his retirement, Liu Xiang showed his thanks his family, coaches and friends. He said he thanked all the support he had when he won or lost given by them, and the support has always encouraged him to carry on, big the challenge is.

Looking back at Liu Xiang's sports career, he has made great achievements in the event of 110m hurdles. He is a World Record Holder, World Champion and Olympic Champion. He is truly the pride of Chinese. As for the future, Liu Xiang plans to make his contribution to the youth sports development and more activities that allow him to connect more with children in mountain areas. As said by himself, "Everyone has something that he wants to do. I have made a clear_ for the coming years. I believe I want to do is something that is simple. Even if it's not big, I am sure that it can make a real difference."

【1】A.getting B. becoming C. going D. making

2A.harmful B. ill C. serious D. badly

3A.But B. Although C. Instead D. While

4A.took B. had C. missed D. won

5A.liked B. kept C. decided D. began

6A.with B. to C. on D. around

7A. wherever B. whenever C. whatever D. however

8A.enter B. take part C. join D. join in

9A.mistake B. mind C. plan D. living

10A.what B. how C. anything D. nothing

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