

【1】The old man is so old. He can’t walk fast .(改为同义句)

The old man is __________ old to walk fast.

【2】Could you please take care of my lovely cat? (改为同义句)

Could you please __________ after my lovely cat?

【3】He didn’t play tennis any more when he was fifty years old.( 改为同义句)

He stopped _________ tennis when he was fifty years old.

【4】Mr. Li is taller than any other teacher in the school.( 改为同义句)

Mr. Li is the __________ teacher in the school.

【5】Gina planted more than 29 trees on Tree Planting Day. (改为同义句)

Gina planted _________ 29 trees on Tree Planting Day.

【6】Tom went to bed after he finished his homework. (改为同义句)

Tom didn’t go to bed __________ he finished his homework.

【7】We will visit the Tian Jinghu Park. It will not rain tomorrow. (用if合为一句)

If it ___________ rain tomorrow, we will visit the Tian Jinghu Park.

【8】 She did some hard work last week.(改为否定句)

She didn’t _________ any hard work last week.

【9】 She has lunch at school on Friday.(用next day改写句子)

She is _________ to have lunch at school next Friday.

【10】Tina went to the zoo yesterday.(变一般疑问句)

_____________ Tina go to the zoo yesterday?














【1】那个老人如此的老,他走不快。too +形容词+to do sth,太······而不能做某事。他太老而不能走的快。故填too

【2】take care of =look after,照顾,故填look

【3】句意:当他五十岁时他不再打网球。即五十岁时他停止打网球了。stop doing ,停止做某事,故填playing


【5】more than =over ,超过,故填over。

【6】汤姆在完成作业后去睡觉。可以改写为,直到汤姆写成作业才睡觉。not until,直到······才,故填until



【9】根据next day 是将来的时间,所以用将来时态,be going to +动词原形,故填going



【题目】 I was walking down the street the other day when I suddenly saw a small wallet lying on the ground. I picked it up and opened to see if I could find the owner's name. There was nothing inside it except some money and an old photo of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old. The girl looked like the woman's daughter. I put the photo back and took the wallet to the police station. There I gave it to a policeman. Before I left, the policeman took down my name and address so that the owner could write and thank me if they found it.

That evening I went for dinner with my aunt and uncle. They also asked a young woman, so there were four people at table. Her face seemed familiar(熟悉). I was quite sure that we had met before, but I could not remember where I had seen her. During the talking, the young woman said that she had lost her wallet that afternoon. At once I knew where I had seen her. She was just the young girl in the photo though she was now much older. She was very surprised, of course, when I was able to tell her what her wallet was like.

My uncle said that we should go to the police station at once to get the wallet. As that policeman handed it over, he said it was an interesting coincidence(巧合) ----I not only found the wallet, but also made friends with the person who had lost it.

【1】The word "wallet" in the story means ______ in Chinese.

A. 手袋 B. 护照 C. 书包 D. 钱包

【2】The policeman wrote down my name and address because _________.

A. he wanted to write a report to the newspaper.

B. he would let the owner of the wallet know who helped him.

C. he wanted the owner to give me some money for thanks.

D. he did so just that was his job.

【3】The writer was quite sure that he had seen the woman before _______

A. in the photo. B. at his uncle's home

C. at the police station D. in the street

【4】_______ gave the wallet to the young woman at last.

A. The writer B. The policeman

C. His uncle D. Nobody

【5】Which following is NOT true?

A. The policeman took down the writer's name and address.

B. Four people were at table that evening.

C. The writer found the name of the girl on the back of the old photo.

D. The writer found the wallet and its owner on the same day.

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