
If you plan to take your pet on a trip,prepare ahead of time. At least two weeks before you leave,take your pet to a vet. See if he or she is tit for travel and ask if he or she should have any medicine before leaving. The vet may suggest certain pills for sickness or for calming the pet.
Some states or foreign countries have health laws that say animals must have certain injections(注射)before they can be allowed to enter. Your vet may have this information. You can also get help on the United States and Canadian laws from a book published by the Department of Agriculture which some libraries have. For information on foreign countries, check with their consulates (领事馆).You can also ask the airlines on which you are travelling.
Find out if the places where you plan to stay allow pets because many do not.
If you are going by plane or train,ask if pets are allowed. If they are,ask where they will be kept and who will care for them. The big bus lines in this country do not allow pets.
Choose your pet’s box carefully. Plastic boxes are better than cardboard or wooden ones because they can' be chewed(嚼碎).
If going by plane or train during warm weather,try to go in the cooler early morning or evening hours. Also try to avoid (避免)very cold winter weather because pets often suffer from cold. Even in your own car, be careful. Do not leave the animal inside with the windows closed because the car may become too hot or too cold.
【小题1】The main idea of this passage is to_________

A.warn people to leave their pets at home
B.give general information about pet travel
C.tell people how to choose their pet boxes
D.tell people about foreign pet laws
【小题2】When taking a pet on a trip,a pet owner________
A.doesn' need to make any special plans
B.should stay at friends' homes
C.should make plans before leaving home
D.should travel by bus instead of plane
【小题3】From the passage,we can learn that________
A.it costs too much to take pets on trips
B.some pets may not be well enough to travel
C.all train lines treat pets exactly the same
D.pets are welcome everywhere
【小题4】Which person would be the most interested in this passage?
A.A vet. B.A pet owner .
C.A bus driver. D.A pet shop owner.


【小题2】根据“If you plan to take your pet on a trip,prepare ahead of time.”这句可知。


Have you ever beard of Iceland? Iceland is a country, one-tenth of which is covered with ice. However, it is said that Iceland is the land of heat. Smoking volcanoes (火山), white steam (蒸汽) and hot springs are more amazing than the other sights including ice there.
It has taken millions of years for volcanoes and lava flows (熔岩流) to build Iceland. When hiking through one of Iceland’s many ancient lava fields, you may notice something strange. White steam is rising from each vent in front of you. Iceland is covered with vents which steam can pass out of. The steam comes from naturally heated rocks and hot water below the Earth’s surface (表面).
Like steam vents, hot springs can be seen here and there in the ancient lava fields. Blue Lake is the most famous hot spring in Iceland. It isn’t far from the capital city of the country. The water and white earth in it can make your skin as soft as a newborn baby’s skin. Enjoy that water, because it has traveled a long way. It starts nearly two kilometers under Blue Lake. There, water from the ocean continues moving up slowly into the spaces between hot rocks below the surface. And then the water is heated by hot rocks. Powerful machines and long pipes (水管) help bring the heated water to the surface. People in Iceland use natural hot water for hot springs. Besides, they use it to create electricity that can be used to heat homes and even greenhouses.
Iceland is one of the few places on the Earth where active volcanoes lie below ice. Heat from the volcanoes creates a strange and wild beauty. Therefore, some people believe that it’s better to call the country “Heatland” instead of Iceland. If you have a chance to travel there, take it.
【小题1】From the passage,          are the most amazing sights in Iceland.
A. smoking volcanoes and ice
B. smoking volcanoes, white steam and hot springs
C. heated rocks, hot springs and new lava fields
【小题2】The underlined word “vent” in the passage means “      ” in Chinese.
A. 进入口              B. 回流口          C. 排放口
【小题3】Picture         shows how Blue Lake is formed.

【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Iceland was built millions of years ago.
B. People in Iceland use natural hot water for hot springs and creating electricity.
C. Iceland is the only country where active volcanoes lie below ice.
【小题5】The best title for this passage should be       .

Sunshine For All
The Beijing Sunshine Secondary School students are holding a charity show at the school hall of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School, Sunny Street, Sunshine Town.
Date: 29 April
Time: 7:30 p. m.一9:00 p. m.
We hope to raise money to help poor children go to school.
Ticket price:  $20
Donations are welcome.
7:30 p. m. Introduction
7:40 p. m. Songs
8:00 p. m. Break
8:15 p. m. Speech
8:30 p. m. Drama
9:00 p. m. End of the show
Project Hope is an organization that raises money to build schools and buy books for poor students.
We would like to thank the following for their help and support:
The teachers at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School
The Star Shopping Mall for the costumes
Sunshine Advertisement Company for the posters
【小题1】Where will the charity show be held?

A.In the classroom. 
B.In the meeting room. 
C.In the shopping mall. 
D.At the school hall. 
【小题2】When will the charity show be held?
A.7:30 p. m.一9:00 p. m., 29 April. 
B.7:30 a. m.一9: 00 a. m., 29 April. 
C.7:30 a. m.一9: 00 p. m. 29 May. 
D.7:30 p. m.一9: 00 p. m. 29 May. 
【小题3】Why do they want to raise money?
A.To build schools. 
B.To help poor children go to school. 
C.To buy books for poor students. 
D.To hold the charity show 
【小题4】What can you do at 8:00 p. m.?
A.Watch a drama. B.Enjoy songs. 
C.Have a rest. D.Listen to a speech. 
【小题5】Whom do the students want to thank?
A.Sunshine Advertisement Company for the posters. 
B.The Star Shopping Mall for the costumes. 
C.The teacher at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. 
D.All of the above. 

Three boys, Tom, Sam and Jim bought seventeen apples. Tom wanted the half (一半). Sam wanted one-third (三分之一),and Jim wanted one-ninth (九分之一)? But they didn’t know how to do.
Just at that time,a little boy came with an apple in his hand. The boy said to them, “Don’t worry. Let me help you” Then he put his apple into their apples, and made the number of the apples eighteen. Then he gave Tom nine apples, he gave Sam six apples,and he gave Jim two apples. He gave away seventeen apples and took his apple back.
The three boys were very happy. And they said: “How clever the boy is!”
【小题1】There were___apples when the three boys divided(分配)them.

【小题2】What was the three boys' problem?
A.They couldn’t eat the apples.B.They couldn’t go home.
C.They couldn’t divide the apples.D.They wanted to borrow some apples,
【小题3】What did the little boy do to help them?
A. He put his apple into theirs when he divided the apples.
B. He kept an apple to divide the apples.
C. He got one apple from another man.
D. He ate an apple before he divided them.
【小题4】Which one is right?
A. The three boys asked the little boy to divide their apples.
B. The little boy told them how to divide their apples.
C. The little boy wanted to help them.
D. The little boy wanted to take away their apples.
【小题5】The underlined sentence “How clever the boy is!” means   in Chinese.

broadcast1/'br?:dkɑ:st||?br?d?kæst/n[C] a programme on the radio or on television: a radio news broadcast | live broadcast ( =" a" programme that you see or hear at the same time as the events are happening)
broadcast2 v past tense and past participle, broadcast 1 [ I,T] to send out radio or television programmes: The interview was broadcast live across Europe. 2 [T] to tell something to a lot of people: There was no need to broadcast the fact that he lost his job.
broadcaster /?br??dkɑ?st? || ?br??dkæst?r/ n [C]
curious/?kj??ri?s || 'kjur-/ adj 1 wanting to know about something: When I mentioned her name everyone was curious. | [ +about] I’m incurious about this book she's supposed to be writing. |curious to see/hear/know etc: Mandy was curious to hear what Peter had to say himself.—opposite INCURIOUS 2 strange or unusual: a curious noise coming from the cellar | curious that It's very curious that she left without saying goodbye.
curl1 /k?:l|| k?rl/ n 1[C] a small mass of hair
flask / flɑ:sk || flæsk/n [C] I BrE a special type of bottle that you use to keep liquids either hot or cold, for example when travelling 2 a flat bottle usually used to carry alcohol 3 a glass bottle with a narrow top, used in a LABORATORY
flat1/ flæt / adj flatter, flattest
1? SURFACE? smooth and level, without raised or hollow areas, and not sloping or curving: a flat-bottomed boat |a perfectly flat sandy beach | flat as a
pollute / p?'lu:t/ v [T] 1 to make air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use: beaches polluted by raw sewage | industrial emissions that pollute the air 2 pollute sb’s mind to give someone immoral thoughts and spoil their character: fears that Lawrence's novels would pollute young minds--polluted adj: polluted rivers--polluter n [C]
pollution / p??lu:?n /n [U] 1 the process of making
【小题1】The pronunciation of the word "broadcast" is ____ or/?br?d?kæst /.
【小题2】The word"____ "can be used as an adjective (形容词).
【小题3】Which of the following is a flask?
【小题4】 The word "pollute" means "______".
A.to tell something to a lot of peopleB.wanting to know about something
C.a programme on the radio or on TVD.to make air. water, soil, etc dirty
【小题5】These texts are probably from ______.
A.a magazineB.a dictionary
C.a newspaperD.an advertisement

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How to keep pets
A pet can be our best friend. Do you have pets in your house? Are they in good shape? This book not only offers you many colorful pictures of lovely pets, but also provides you with the knowledge about:
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If you finish the 26 simple exercises , you can study easily and fast.
How to keep pets
You should choose the pets you like.
You’d better build houses or nests for them.
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If you 【小题5】________ more information, you can go to our website.

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