On 24 July,1971,17-year-old Juliane got on a plane with her mother in Lima, Peni, to fly to another city to meet her father.

Over the forest, it rained hard and there was a _____wind . And then lighting(闪电) hit the ______at 3,000 meters, and it broke into pieces. Juliane fell _______ through the air in her seat and hit the trees hard. For three hours, she was unconscious(无意识的). When she ______, she couldn’t see anyone else but she was alive. Her right _______ was cut and she couldn’t _______in one eye.

Juliane’s father was a scientist and when she was small, he taught her _______ to keep alive in the forest. She found a small ________ and walked slowly along it. “If I follow the river,” she thought, “I’ll find ________.” The river also gave her clean water to _______. It was really hot, but the river water kept her ________. Sometimes she had to swim in the river _______ it was too deep to walk in. There was fruit on some trees but she didn’t ear it- she knew it was too dangerous. Juliane _________for ten days. At night she stopped to sleep because it was too ________ to walk.

Ten days later, she found a small house by the river. There were some people in the house. They cleaned her cut ______ on the arm and the next day, they carried her down the river, and a plane took her safely to the city of Pucallp.

1.A.light B.strong C.warm D.dry

2.A.plane B.tree C.house D.mountain

3.A.beautifully B.quietly C.slowly D.quickly

4.A.stayed up B.dressed up C.woke up D.grew up

5.A.leg B.arm C.ear D.foot

6.A.hear B.see C.smell D.taste

7.A.why B.where C.how D.when

8.A.river B.road C.street D.beach

9.A.plants B.meat C.cars D.people

10.A.pour B.pollute C.drink D.carry

11.A.uncomfortable B.tired C.hungry D.cool

12.A.because B.so C.though D.or

13.A.swam B.walked C.drove D.flew

14.A.simple B.crowded C.early D.dark

15.A.terribly B.differently C.carefully D.angrily

What is the hottest topic at your school? In Hangzhou Yongjin Middle School, it’s money.

The school had an activity called “making a living” recently. About 800 Junior 1 and Junior 2 students were divided into 112 teams. They went out to make money by selling things.

What did they choose to sell? Some sold newspapers; some chose bottled water; some sold environmentally friendly shopping bags and bamboo baskets.

Huqi’s team decided to sell educational books in front of the Children Activity Centre. They thought parents would like to buy books for their children. But unfortunately(不幸地), they came across urban management officers(城管). The officers asked them to leave. “We played hide-and-seek with the officers for the whole morning,” said Hu. “Finally we gave up and moved to other place.

Wang Yongyi and her team sold ice cream in a square. They didn’t meet any officers. But few people were interested in what they were selling. The team then put up a board saying the money was to help the “Project Hope” for country kids. It worked. More people came to their stall. A foreigner even gave them 100 yuan.

Meng Zhaoxiang and his team were luckier. They sold all their cakes in four hours, spending 39.5 yuan and getting back 80 yuan. “It was not easy to make the money,” said Meng. “Some people just looked. Others just tasted but didn’t buy. Now I know how hard it is for our parents to earn the money we need to lead happy lives.”

1.The students in Hangzhou Yongjin Middle School had an activity about .

A.earning money B.passing exams

C.helping Project Hope D.selling books

2.Who took part in the activity?

A.All the students.

B.About 800 students of the three grades

C.Some teachers.

D.Part of Junior 1 and Junior 2 students.

3.How did the students get money according to the article?

A.By selling bags, baskets and books.

B.By putting up a board in a square.

C.By asking people to donate money.

D.By playing hide-and-seek with urban management officers.

4.We can infer(推断) from the story that .

A.a foreigner even gave them 80 yuan

B.Huqi’s team got little money the whole morning

C.Wang Yongyi and her team sold newspapers in a square

D.the urban management officers wanted to help them with Project Hope

5.According to the passage, the students learn ___________.

A.it’s impossible for them to make money

B.it’s necessary for school to hold more activities

C.it’s very important for them to make a living

D.it’s not easy for their parents to make money

Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)

Robert Fredy was general manager of a large hotel in Ashbury Park, New Jersey. One cold day two years ago when he stopped his car at a traffic light, Stephen Pearman, an out-of-work taxi and truck driver, walked up to Fredy’s car hoping to earn some change by washing his windshield(挡风玻璃). Like many motorists who try to keep the beggars off, Fredy turned on the wipers to show he wasn’t interested. Pearman put his head close to the window. “Come on, mister. Give me chance. I need job”, he said. Something in Stephen Pearman’s voice moved Robert Fredy. In the seconds before traffic started moving again, Fredy handed Pearman a business card and told him to call if he was serious.

“My friends told me he was just pulling my leg,” said Pearman. “But I said, ‘No, he’s a businessman. I need to give it shot. ’”

Two days later, 29-year-old Pearman appeared in the manager’s office of the big hotel. Fredy gave him a job and lent him pocket money while training him.

Today, Pearman works full- time setting up the hotel’s dining halls for business meetings. In the past two years, he has found a flat, married and repaid Fredy’s loans(贷款)

“Mr Fredy gave me a second chance,” says Pearman. “And I took advantage of it. I could have just come here a while and left. But there is no future washing wind- shields. ”

Fredy always keeps away from the street people. “But. Pearman seemed so honest and open, asking for a chance rather than just money, Fredy says. “I don’t hand my business card to just anybody. But I’m glad I did in this case. ”

1.When the manger of large hotel stopped his car at traffic light __________.

A.taxi driver washed his windshield B.a truck driver earned some change

C.Stephen Pearman walked up to his car D.Stephen Pearman cleaned his dirty car

2.When Pearman offered to wash the windshield for Fredy, __________.

A.Fredy took him as a beggar B.Fredy gladly agreed to let him do it

C.Pearman was told to do it later D.Pearman knew Fredy was a kind man

3.When Fredy told Pearman to call if he was serious, he meant if __________.

A.Pearman liked his job very much. B.Pearman looked for another good job.

C.Pearman was really looking for a job D.Pearman was really interested in washing windshields

4.Fredy gave 29-year-old Pearman a job and __________.

A.lent him some pocket money when he was trained

B.let him work in the manager’s office of the big hotel

C.set up the hotel’s dinning halls for business meetings

D.found a flat, married and repaid his loans

5.Now Pearman __________.

A.is in charge of Fredy’s loans B.is still washing car windshields

C.is a full-time employee at the hotel D.organizes dinner parties for the hotel

6.From the passage we know that __________.

A.Fredy is easily moved by poor people B.Fredy always gives help to rich persons

C.Fredy likes to give his help to anyone in need D.Fredy helps those who will work hard themselves

March 29 is Earth Day. Everyone on earth should care about and protect the earth!

The earth has warmed by about 1(华氏度) over the past 100 years, but why and how? Well, scientists are not quite sure. Maybe the earth gets warmer and warmer on its own. But many scientists say that people are doing many things which make the earth warmer.

First, greenhouse effect (温室效应) is a very important reason for the change of the earth. People give out too much energy into the air every year. It makes the earth warmer. Climate (气候) change is another important reason. Sometimes it becomes too hot and sometimes too cold. Sometimes there is too much rain and sometimes too little. The change of the climate makes the earth warmer. In turn, the warmth of the earth changes the climate, too.

When the earth becomes warmer, there may be more rain and a rise in sea level. It will affect the growth of plants, animals and people. On a Pacific island,100 people have to move to higher ground because the sea is rising. These people can no longer live on the coast. Before that, two islands without people went underwater in 1999.Scientists say that the seas can rise by nearly one metre by 2100.

People can affect the earth’s air, land and water. As for us, we can do many things to protect the earth. For example, we can use fridges less. We can tell more people about protecting the earth.

1.Earth Day is probably set for people to .

A.learn more about the earth B.make full use of the earth

C.take better care of the earth D.study the warmth of the earth

2.We can infer(推断) from the passage that the reasons for the warmer earth are now.

A.not very clear B.completely secret

C.well known D.not given yet

3.Greenhouse effect comes from .

A.sea rising B.climate change

C.nature’s unbalance D.people’s activity

4.According to the passage, may affect each other.

A.animals and islands

B.climate and the warmth of the earth

C.fridges and animals

D.sea level and the growth of plants

5.The passage mainly tells us that .

A.there is more rain now B.we should protect the earth

C.we must stop pollution D.sea level is getting higher

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