
根据中文提示或所给单词,写出正确的单词 (每空1分,共10分)
1. The ____________(交通) light is green. You can cross the street.
2. Many students in our class have poor ___________(视力) and they have to wear glasses.
3. Xu Xiake is ________________(出名的) in China.
4. Do you know the __________(重量) of the elephant?          
5. My uncle doesn’t like ______________( 西方的) food .
6. —Whose watches are these?   —They’re the _________ (swim) .
7. Take good care of _____________(you) when you go on a trip , boys and girls.
8. Yesterday he did his homework ____________(careful) and made many mistakes. His teacher was very unhappy.
9. After taking the medicine, he felt even _______________(bad). So he had to stay in bed .
10. He often tells us funny jokes to make us ________________ (please) .

1. 本题的含义为当交通灯为绿色时,你可以穿过马路,traffic light可以表示交通灯的含义,故本题空格处填traffic。
2.      本题的含义为在我们班级许多学生视力差,poor eyesight表示视力差的含义,故本题空格处填eyesight。
3.      be动词后形容词出名的单词famous。
4.      本题的含义为你知道大象的重量吗,故本题空格处填重量的名词形式weight。
5.      修饰名词food使用形容词西方的单词western。
6.      本题的含义为那些是谁的手表,它们是游泳者的,故本题空格处填游泳者的名词所有格形式swimmers’。
7. 本题的含义为当你们旅行的时候要照顾好你们自己,故本题空格处填你们的反身代词yourselves。
8. 本题的含义为昨天他粗心地做他的家庭作业,犯了许多的错误,修饰动词使用副词粗心的单词carelessly。
9. 本题的含义为,吃了药之后,他感到更糟糕,故本题填差的比较级worse。

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