
My summer hols wr CWOT. B4, we usd 2 go 2 NY 2C my bro, his CF & thr 3:-@ kids FTF ILNY, its gr8.
  Can you understand this sentence? If you can't, don't feel too bad: neither could the middle school teacher in England who received this as homework. This is Netspeak: the language of computerized communication found on Internet or cellphones. To newcomers, it can look like a completely foreign language. So, what is the "translation" of the sentence above? My summer holidays were a complete waste of time. Before, we used to go to New York to see my brother, his girlfriend, and their three screaming kids face to face. I love New York; it's great.
  Schoolteachers and parents say this new form of writing is harming(破坏)the English language. Increasing spelling and grammatical mistakes cxan be seen in students' writing. They fear the language could become corrupted(面目全非的).
  Everyone should just relax, say linguists(语言学家). They believe Netspeak is in fact more of a good thing. David Crystal, from the University of Wales, argues that Netspeak and Internet create a new language use and the almost lost art of diary writing has been picked up again. Geoffrey Nunberg, from Stanford University, agrees. "People get better at writing by writing," he says, "Kids who are now doing text messaging, e-mail, and instant messages will write at least as well as, and possibly better than, their parents."
  Linguist James Millroy says, for centuries, it is believed without exception that young people are harming the language. And you can bet your bottom dollar that when today's teenagers become tomorrow's parents, they too will think this way. Milroy argues that languages do not and cannot become "corrupted"; they simply change to meet the new needs.
  However, Netspeakers do agree that it is important to teach young people how to speak and write Standard English. Cynthia McVey says, "I can understand Netspeak worries teachers and it's important that they get across to their pupils that text messaging is for fun, but that learning to write proper English is a must for their future."
  Perhaps we should give teenagers a little more trust anyway. Erin, age 12, says, "I wouldn't use text language in my homework. Texting is just for fun"
 小题1:What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To give an example of a foreign language.
B.To show an example of creative methods.
C.To express worries about using Netspeak.
D.To lead in the topic of Netspeak.
 小题2:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Cynthia McVey points out teenagers can deal with Netspeak properly.
B.Geoffrey Nunberg believes Netspeakers can write Standard English.
C.David Crystal thinks Netspeak helps develop the habit of writing.
D.James Milroy says that language is changing and improving.
  小题3:The expression "bet your bottom dollar" in Paragraph 5 means ______.
A.be fairly sure B.be greatly surprised
C.think it a pity D.find it interesting
  小题4: What can be the best title for the passage?
A.Netspeak: A Widely-Used Language on Internet
B.Is Netspeak Harming the English Language?
C.Is Netspeak Helpful in Language Learning?
D.Netspeak: Advantages and Disadvantages

小题1: D         

小题1:在审题过程中请大家主语是main purpose而不是 main idea ,第一段就一句话,而且是让人咋看起开一头雾水的句子,这样的句子用在开头,很明显是为了引出下文。或者大家可以运用排除法 文章主要对象是netspeak ,而A,B两项没有提到 netspeak 故排除,又因为C选项在感情色彩上是负面,与原文感情色彩相违背,故答案选择D。
小题1:本题为判断正误题,也叫做细节推断题,解题方法依据选项中的人物专有名词来定位找要点,A定位词为CM在原文倒数第二个自然段出现,其中引号的句子中用了worries与答案中的properly相反,所以排除;B定位词为GN和Standard English.文中出现Standard English.是在倒数第二个自然段与CM相关的信息,所以此选项为典型的张冠李戴;D选项为片面的夸大其辞,文章层面只能看到language is changing,而没有任何细节提到improving,所以根据文章第四自然段可以推断出C为正确选项。
小题1:本题为短语推断题,解题方法 结合上下文逻辑关系,上文提到年轻人会harming 语言,下文接着说当他们成为父母后,they too will think this way .他们也会这么想,那么中间空出一定是强调,并凸显出下文,那么最满足条件的解释是A选项。
小题1:本题为主旨大意题,结合专家的观点,既引号中的句子我们可以断定,全文的中心思想是为了凸显出netspeak的好,A 选项文章没有凸显出widely -used C 选项没有重点提及到language learning D文章观点很鲜明,并不是正反观点的论证,故答案选择B。
Robots have come a long way since 15th century. We’ve got robots to build cars, carry heavy things, work in dangerous places and explore planets. But things haven’t stopped there.
In 1986, Honda made a robot called ASIMO. And now, it has been developed greatly. Standing at 130cm and weighing 54kg. ASIMO is very much like a small astronaut wearing a bag on the back. And he can walk, flight, climb and run fast. Isn’t it wonderful?
The world’s first robot teacher is Saya. With her human-like face, she can show expressions like happiness, surprise, sadness, dislike, fear and she can even smile or show anger at students, which look much like a real teacher’s. To do this, her rubber skin is pulled from the back with motors inside. And her eyes and mouth have wires(电线) too. She can also say some simple words like “hello” or “thank you”.
In the UK, the development of robots is exciting. The mini-robots will send food, clean floors, collect and throw away waste. These robots can open doors by themselves and stop if anything or anyone is in the way.
These mini-robots are very useful for controlling infection(传染). Usually clean and dirty work is done by the same person, but here, you’ll have robots that do”dirty work”, like collecting dirty sheets, or taking away hospital waste; and you’ll have robots that do”clean work”, like bringing meals or clean sheets to patients. The robots have separate work so there’s no way for infection, which is great. But of course, robots would not take the piece of humans, but would free up more time for nurses to be with patients.
But if this is what it’s like in 2011, what’s it going to be like to 2021?
小题1:In the following, which is ASIMO’s behavior?
A.Smiling at people, saying “hello”.
B.Sending food or opening doors by himself
C.Fighting, climbing or running fast
D.Collecting waste for patients
小题2:What makes Saya look real?
A.Her face and rich expressionsB.Her clothes and shoes
C.Her walking and running speedD.Her rich knowledge
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Robots have come a long way since 1986.
B.The first robot teacher was made by Honda.
C.Saya looks like a small astronaut.
D.If anyone or anything is in the way, mini-robots will stop.
小题4:The main idea of Paragraph 5 is that _______.
A.nurses would have more free time with patients
B.robots would not take the place of humans
C.dirty and clean work is always done by the same person
D.mini-robots are useful for controlling infection
"Where is the university(大学)?"This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge(剑桥)ask. But no one can give them a  36  answer, for there is no wall to be found 37  the university. The  university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, 38 , museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and  39 of the thirty-one colleges (学院). .
Cambridge was already a   40 town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once  41 the Cam. A  42  was built over the river as early as 875. So the town got its name "Cambridge".
In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much 43 in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a  44  in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100, 000. Many young students in other countries   45  to study at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world.
A.interesting B.usualC.developing D.common
Earthquakes are hard to predict. but do you know what to do before, during and after an earthquake? Here’s some advice:
Before an earthquake It’s necessary to prepare yourself and your family. All family members should know how to turn off gas, water and electricity and know useful telephone numbers(doctor, hospital, police, 119, etc.). Never put heavy things over beds.
During an earthquake It’s important for each of you to stay calm. If you are indoors, quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a strong table. The purpose is to protect yourself from objects, stay away from windows, large mirrors, heavy furniture and so on. If you’re cooking, turn off the gas. If you’re outdoors, move to an open area like a playground. Move away from buildings, bridge and trees. If you are driving, stop the car as soon as possible, staying away from bridges and tall building. Stay in your car.
After an earthquake Once the shaking has stopped, DO NOT run out of the building at once. It’s better to wait and leave when it’s safe. Check around you and help the people who are in trouble. If your building is badly broken, leave it. If you smell of hear a gas, get everyone outside and open windows and doors. If you can do it safely, turn off the gas. Report it to the gas company.
小题1:Which of the following is mentioned in the second paragraph?
A.People should know how to turn on gas.
B.People should now how to save water.
C.People shouldn’t put heavy boxes over beds.
D.People shouldn’t forget the phone numbers of others.
小题2:When an earthquake happens, __________can help you deal with it.
A.standing stillB.staying calmC.looking outsideD.moving indoors
小题3: During an earthquake, if you are driving in an open area, you should ________.
A.speed up your carB.stop your car and stay in
C.slow down your carD.stop your car and run out
小题4: When the earth stops shaking , you should_________.
A.check around you firstB.run out of the building at once
C.break the windowns and doors.D.write a report to your company
小题5:You can learn _______after reading the passage.
A.what an earthquake is likeB.what to do to avoid an earthquake
C.how an earthquake happensD.how to protect yourself in an earthquake
Every time you turn on the television or take a ride in a car ,you could be adding to a problem called acid rain(酸雨). In this article, you’ll learn how acid is created, and how it affects us, and more importantly, what we all can do to prevent it.
How is acid rain created?
When people use fuels(燃料), such as coal and gasoline, poisonous gases are give off. When these gases mix with rain, acid rain forms. Many power stations burn fuels in order to creat the electricity(电) that we use in our homes and offices every day. Cars and trucks also send these gases into the air when they burn gasoline .When rain mixes with these gases, harmful things called acids form. This is acid rain.
How does acid rain affect us?
Acid rain damages(毁坏)everything that it touches. It poisons our rivers, ponds, lakes, and oceans along with all the life in them. It pollutes our soil and crops, harms trees, and can even kill fish and plants. Acid rain also eats away at buildings.
How can we prevent acid rain?
We need to cut down on the pollution that gets into our air. Turn off lights, television, and other electrical appliances if you are not using them, Walk or take a bike whenever possible. If you are travelling a long distance, take a bus or train to save fuel.
As research shows, acid rain harms our environment. But people everywhere can take small steps now to help protect our environment for future generations.
小题1:When power stations burn fuel,_______.
A.acid rain formB.air pollution is caused
C.noise pollution is causedD.acid rain gets heavier
小题2: According to the article, acid rain affects us _______.
小题3: What advice does the article give us?
A.Go to school on foot or by bike if we can.
B.Go to bed earlier in order to use less electricity.
C.Travel by bus to prevent acid rain.
D.Turn off the television on rainy days.
小题4: What is the best title of the article?
A.Preventing Acid RainB.Forming of Acid Rain
C.Acid rain, Heavy RainD.Acid Rain, Killer Rain
What are you going to do if you are in a burning house? How will you escape? Do you know how to save yourself? Please read the following passage.
Escaping a fire is a serious matter.Knowing what to do during a fire can save your life.It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family,such as stairways and fire escapes,but not lifts.
From the lower floors of the buildings,escaping through windows is possible,learn the best way of leaving by windows with the least chance of serious injury.
The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground.An average(平均高度的)person,hanging by the finger-tips will have a drop of about six feet to the ground.It is about the height of an average man.Of course,it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.
Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help.Be sure to keep the door closed.Or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room.Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may leaked(渗)into the room.
On a second or third floor,the best windows for escaping are those that open onto a roof.From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely.Dropping onto cement(水泥)might end in injury.Bushes(灌木丛)and grass can help to break a fall.
小题1:It is important to _______.
A.put out the fire in the burning houseB.know the ways to escape the fire
C.jump off a burning house D.keep the door closed
小题2:It is possible to escape through the windows _______.
A.if there are some bushes on the groundB.if you are strong enough
C.if you live on a lower floorD.If you have a long rope
小题3:Which of the following escaping way is NOT right? _______.
A.You can escape through stairways.
B.You can choose fire escapes.
C.Escape from the windows that open onto a roof.
D.Use a lift to come down at once.
小题4:Open the window so that _______ if the building is on fire.
A.you can get fresh air B.you can call for help
C.you can easily jump off D.you can be seen first
小题5:The best title of the passage is _______.
A.Escaping from the WindowsB.Save Yourself in the Burning House
C.Knowledge on FireD.Waiting for Help
German scientists say that eating a little chocolate every day may keep you away from cardiovascular(心血管的) disease. The scientists have found that chocolate, especially dark chocolate , can help you cut down 39 percent of heart disease, including taking a very small amount . However, the study advises people not to eat too much chocolate, because too much chocolate is bad for our bodies. So the scientists advise people to eat small amount of chocolate instead of sugar or high-fat snacks.
Scientists said, “Dark chocolate shows the greatest effects, milk chocolate fewer , and white chocolate no effects.” The results showed chocolate may cut down blood pressure, but they also say that further study is needed.
In the eight-year study, people’s daily diet, exercise habits, and blood pressure were studied in 19,357 persons aged 35 to 65. They found that people who are an average of 7.5 grams of chocolate a day had a very lower chance of heart disease than those who ate much less chocolate , and average of 1.7 grams a day.
小题1:It took the scientists __________ years to prove that small amount of chocolate is good for people.
小题2:In the study, scientists studied _______________.
A.where chocolate came from
B.how chocolate was made
C.people’s daily diet, exercise habit and blood pressure
D.why people liked chocolate so much
小题3:From the passage, we know that _________________.
A.chocolate was popular in Germany before
B.chocolate is good for us, but we should not eat too much
C.eating 1.7 grams of chocolate each time is the best
D.people aged 35 had better not eat chocolate

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